Here is the star and crescent. My camera didn't do this any justice but it's the best I've got. Everyone was talking about it today.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Happy Post Father's Day
I know my previous entry was indeed on the wack side, but my emotions
were in a better place than my Mother's Day post. I don't know what
it is about my Dad, but it really is comforting and easy to talk to
He and I chatted for over an hour about his ranch and about being in
Afghanistan. (He's retired Air Force and did a 4-month tour to
Afghanistan before retiring.) He has twelve goats but no chickens.
His girlfriend doesn't like chickens. When he was in Afghanistan, he
lived on an American base and he spoke of the good food he ate daily.
I'm on an coalition base where we are served European food everyday.
There's a reason why Europeans aren't fat-their food isn't as good.
I've actually lost weight!
I know this is going to seem really random, but I saw the most amazing
crescent tonight. And there was a star with it!! It was so Islam. A
star and crescent. I took a picture but my camera won't do the sight
justice. It got me thinking about how the environment can influence
the beliefs of people. I'm not saying I want to convert to Islam but
I can say I got it. I can see why Muslims use the star and crescent as
symbols of Islam. It was a sight I've never seen before and I LOVE
staring at the moon. I wonder if that star and crescent is something
you can only see when in this part of the world because I've never
seen it in America. I don't have the time now but I will post that
picture of the moon so you can sort of see what I am talking about.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:30 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day! Just wanted to say that. Got to tallk to my dad now.
Posted by Shavonne at 3:58 PM