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- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Monday, November 12, 2007
American Flags at Veteran’s Memorial Waterfront Park
Happy Veteran’s Day!
Posted by Shavonne at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Relax Time
I've just finished my paper and now it's time for me to relax. I don't have much time to blog. I doubt I'll be doing much blogging in the next year.
I noticed a lot of bloggers are making their blogs private. Why?! I suppose it won't be that bad since I don't have much time to surf the net leisurely.
I get a two-week break during my studies next month and I can't wait. I have a lot of things I need to do. I plan to write an essay about motherhood from a single and child-less-by-choice perspective. I've got an end of year video project I plan to produce commemorating 2007.
Work. I've settled into my civilian job. It feels like I never left. I can barely remember Afghanistan. If it weren't for the few pictures I took, I would totally forget the experience.
To date, I have yet to purchase music from iTunes though I frequent the store to listen to the song samples. I definitely plan to get Timbaland's new CD. I love the song 'Apologize.' Believe it or not there are Hip/Hop songs I would like to get. Fabolous has a song I like as well as Akon (Mama Africa) and Kanye West (Stronger). I've had my eye on Jon B's most recent album and India Arie is on my list as well. I think these will be my Christmas/Birthday presents for this year.
I almost bought a condo. Almost-as in once I saw how much the monthly payment would be I chickened out. LOL. The only good thing I got out of the experience is I know what my Fica score is. I'm very pleased. :grin:
I haven't seen any new movies lately. I wanted to see the new Denzel Washington movie but I don't care for the smell of popcorn and my attention span has gotten shorter for some reason so I doubt I'd watch the whole movie anyway. Besides, I haven't been to the movies in over a year. My last movie going experience was terrible. Don't want to go into details but to make a long story short, people need to teach their children manners.
I emailed my dad and asked him what he though of Dread locks? It wasn't a good response. He basically said they look nasty and unkept. He also commented that employers wouldn't hire someone with locks because the hairstyle is associated with potheads. (Don't employers require drug tests nowadays?) What's wrong with black people? Why is there such hostility to our natural hair texture?
Posted by Shavonne at 9:54 AM
Labels: Sisterlocks, Stream of Conscience
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Episode 4 - The Farm
I like goats. Their poop isn't mushy and it doesn't stink. Plus, they eat grass so they're natural lawn mowers.
Posted by Shavonne at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 03, 2007
A most horrible reaction
I left my Sisterlocks Lifestyle Journal (Summer '07) on my mom's bed just to see if she'd look through it.
Her reaction wasn't a good one and it pretty much summed up her attitude towards the natural, unaltered hair of black people - she finds it disgusting.
"Why would you want to ruin your beautiful hair? The only way to undo this is to cut it all off. I can see if you had hair like mine but you have long hair. You're not a loc/Rastafarian person anyway."
Wow. I can't tell you how depressed this made me feel. I could tell she didn't even bothered to look through the magazine or she would have seen the different ways in which one can wear their hair. I'm not much of a enjoy-having-my-scalp-burned kind of person either but she doesn't see anything wrong with me getting my hair straightened.
I been reading the blogs of women who've had their hair Sisterlocked. I really enjoy reading them too. I only wished they updated their blogs more regularly-but hey, they've got lives to live too.
Check out these blogs by Sisterlocked women. Don't they look lovely and so not Rastafarian!
Leighann's Sisterlocks Coils & Curls
It's Real!
Posted by Shavonne at 9:01 PM
Labels: Sisterlocks