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Friday, June 21, 2013


I feel like I've been traveling on this road and I don't know where I'm going, I don't know why I'm on it, and I feel like I've been on it FOREVER with no turn offs or end in sight.

My life. This past few years I've been to weddings, I've seen babies born, marriages fall apart and my life has stayed exactly the same.

No love. No new job. No nothing. Just me living in what feels like the middle of nowhere with nothing to show for it.

This picture is a perfect representation of me. Of my life this far.

I've prayed and had others pray for me. I've questioned whether there is a god. Does he hear my prayers? Is his answer to everything I pray for 'No'?

Doors are supposed to be opened but it feels like they are being shut in my face. Urgh! That's not supposed to be. I'm not supposed to feel this way.

Maybe I need a vacation or something.