I went out last night with a friend. It was her birthday. I don't think she was happy. In fact I know she wasn't happy. What can I do?
My friend should be walking on cloud nine. She's found a man to spend the rest of her life with and they plan to marry in July. Unfortunately, her parents don't like the guy. They don't like the fact that he's Mexican.
They've never met him, I don't think, but yet they don't like him. My friend's fiance is barely Mexican. And I mean literally. His mother is Caucasian and has red hair! Red hair! When you look at the guy, there's nothing Mexican about him. NOTHING.
With all of this going on, I'm still bored. I think I need to go out and meet some people without baggage like babies and boyfriends. Babies and boyfriends are just plain boring.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Boredom + Drama = MORE Boredom
Posted by Shavonne at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
I read a blog about how someone didn't say anything about how a cashier unhygenically handled some bread because as a person of color, they didn't want to come off as rude.
Now, I've experienced similar situations and I don't see anything wrong with speaking up. I had a meal served to me with hair in it. I didn't get upset and start yelling and screaming about it. I simply showed the waiter the hair. He took my food, apologized and asked if there was something he could give me to make up for the hair in my food. I told him no and asked for a refund. My two male friends thought I was bitchy and said I should have just removed the hair myself and enjoyed my meal. But I wasn't feeling well and I was grossed out by the hair. I definitely wasn't going to eat food that had somebody's hair in it and I wasn't going to pay for a meal I wasn't going to eat.
Was that bitchy?
Heck no! It's food for goodness sake. If the workers don't handle the food properly, it could make you sick.
Posted by Shavonne at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Mother's Day Weekend
I had a good weekend. I took my mom shopping and out to dinner on Saturday. And Sunday, I went to church with her and then to brunch at Crazy Otto's.
My mom was really happy about me going to church with her. It really made her day. The whole church thing felt weird. There was a whole lot of yelling and praising of the Lord. I thought it was rather scary. I got the impression from the congregation that their God was a vengeful God. I think it was the many statements with "You better ......or God will ___ you." It didn't appeal to me at all. I just hope my mom doesn't expect me to attend church on a regular basis.
I logged onto Army Knowledge Online to look up some people I knew when I was in the Army. It seems they've either gone civilian or they got married because they're nowhere in the database.
I received Mas OS X "Tiger" in the mail last week. I have yet to install it on my Powerbook. I've been waiting for my mom to find the firewire cable to her iPod so I can get my music off of it. I knew she would lose some part of the iPod. I just hope she doesn't lose the iPod because it has my entire music collection on it. URRRGGHH! Those dang thieves!
Posted by Shavonne at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 09, 2005
20% Republican, 80% Democrat
20% Republican. | "You're probably one of those people who still thinks that getting a blowjob is not an impeachable offense." |
Posted by Shavonne at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Singledom, Exams, and a Better Thirty-Something
I've been single for almost two weeks. I thought my ex and I could be friends, but he doesn't seem to want that. I guess if he's too busy to call his girlfriend, he definitely doesn't have the time to call a friend. His loss. I've got more important things to do like find a new job and getting a higher education.
I just found out today that I failed my real estate exam by five questions (I needed a 70% to pass)! I knew I wasn't going to pass it. I never pass multiple choice exams. I've scheduled a retake for May 21st. That'll give me another two weeks to study and pass it. I will pass it this time for sure now that I know what to study for. The good news is, I know a lot about valuation and market analysis. I aced that section. I pretty much only passed the sections I did a cram session on the night before the exam. I've never been a good studier. That's why I'd take writing intensive courses in college. I'd rather write a paper than study for an exam.
I've also decided it's time to go back to school to get my master's. I've put this off for too long. My cousin Victoria said to me,
Amen to that. I would like to own my own home or at least a townhouse or condo. Marriage doesn't seem likely. I think it's because I'm not needy. All of the unavailable guys I know have "needy" girlfriends. Or they're gay. I had to add that fact."Get your education out of the way by the time you're 30. You will like your thirties better than your twenties. You'll be more sure about yourself and more established."
Posted by Shavonne at 12:04 PM 0 comments