When I keep hearing people say they don't like large churches, I'm left speechless.
Here's my thoughts on this. I attend a large church and I have to admit, the size did intrigue me. If you understand the basics of Christianity, you'll understand why I'm puzzled that some people prefer small churches. Jesus tells eleven disciples in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations...Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you...".
When Christians share the gospel, the church has no choice but to grow. Small churches stay small because the congregation does not share the gospel.
If Jesus says we are to share the gospel, then a church in any community won't stay small.
Back to why the church I attend intrigues me. I've seen some great examples of networking since I've been attending church. It's been a great lesson on how to multiply an organization and how to leverage the talents of each member.
So size does matter, at least to me. A Bible believing, Bible preaching, and Bible teaching church is a church that is contantly
growing. Now if only I can learn to use what I've learned for soul winning and business building.