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About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Coursera: the Science of Gastronomy
Posted by Shavonne at 4:22 PM
Labels: obama years
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
My Blogit Days
Posted by Shavonne at 6:41 PM
Labels: obama years
Monday, July 08, 2013
I Didn't Know What I Wanted
I stumbled across a blog at blogit.com written by a black woman. (Blogit is a website where you can get paid to blog.) She was a married, Christian black woman who homeschooled her children. Not only that, but her husband (a small business owner) could provide for their family without her having to work.
I've personally never a black woman who lived like that. Growing up, I was surrounded by single moms (mostly never married). The women who were married worked and they weren't married to business owners.
Some years later I was introduced to a couple who lived a similar lifestyle to that blogger I stumbled across years ago. What I loved most about the couple is, the wife adored her husband. I could tell by the way she looked at him. She had respect for him. That's something I don't see much from married women.
I never wanted to get married or have children because the examples of marriage and motherhood were what I considered to be nightmares. But, I got glimpses of what I now what because there were people who showed me what I could have. Now, I just need to find a husband.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:56 PM
Labels: obama years
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Shavonne (the blogs)
Wordpress does have a free app, but I was only able to get that to work once. When it did work, it was great. And easy. And fun. And then it stopped working. And mobile blogging to my Wordpress blog from my phone is a nightmare.
I have two options, I can find other platform to blog from (I think I'm limited because my web hosting only supports Wordpress or Blogger). But I love my blog template. I paid for it!! Graph Paper Press designs beautiful blog templates that compliment photograpy and display well on mobile devices, specifically Apple mobile devices. (Sorry Android and Windows fans, I don't use them, don't have an interest in how they work or how my blogs display on their screens). Anyone have some advice on how to solve my dilemma? Or how to get the Wordpress app to work? The Wordpress forums are useless.
It would also helped if I narrowed my focus of my blog. Then I realize, the blog is called Shavonne for a reason. It's about me. And I'm interested in everything, so I should blog about the things that interest me. Politics, food, religion, men, dating, being single, those are the things I like talking about. Lately, my obsession has been food.
I don't like dating, so I won't be blogging much about that. I blogging about dating mostly because I don't date.
I hate cheaters! Sorry, I'm watching Army wives and the Sherwoods are cheating on each other. Army Wives is my guilty pleasure. I served in the Army, but I was never an Army wife, so I'm seeing it from a very different perspective. I couldn't marry a soldier. I witnessed too much cheating and I'm a clingy woman. I wouldn't want my man away from me for too long. My heart doesn't grow fonder with distance and time.
Must get cook my cilantro lime cauliflower then get some shut eye. Happy Independance Day.
Posted by Shavonne at 2:35 AM
Labels: obama years
Sunday, June 30, 2013
The weekend
Speaking of getting out of my line of work, it's one reason I haven't been blogging much in the last year. I'm really passionate about politics. I've wanted to blog about some pretty important issues but because of many of the government scandals, I'm glad I've kept silent. But I can't keep silent too much longer. It just doesn't feel right. So look for more posts about politics.
As far as my reading goes, I've been reading mostly Paleo cookbooks. I will be sharing the names of these cookbooks at a later date. I've cooked at least one recipe out of each cookbook and they turned out wonderful.
I need to get working on my resume and continue my job search. If I plan to move to the Los Angeles area before the end of this year, I'll need to find a job ASAP.
Good night.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:56 PM
Labels: obama years
Friday, June 21, 2013
I feel like I've been traveling on this road and I don't know where I'm going, I don't know why I'm on it, and I feel like I've been on it FOREVER with no turn offs or end in sight.
My life. This past few years I've been to weddings, I've seen babies born, marriages fall apart and my life has stayed exactly the same.
No love. No new job. No nothing. Just me living in what feels like the middle of nowhere with nothing to show for it.
This picture is a perfect representation of me. Of my life this far.
I've prayed and had others pray for me. I've questioned whether there is a god. Does he hear my prayers? Is his answer to everything I pray for 'No'?
Doors are supposed to be opened but it feels like they are being shut in my face. Urgh! That's not supposed to be. I'm not supposed to feel this way.
Maybe I need a vacation or something.
Posted by Shavonne at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Strawberries are in season and I'm loving it! I bought some at the farmer's market this past Saturday but they weren't sweet. The ones o bought today are much sweeter. Yum.
I'm watching The Amazing Spider-Man. I thought Peter's love interest was a redhead?
Posted by Shavonne at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: diet, obama years, primal