There is nothing more annoying than people who can't read. I'm not saying they aren't capable of word recognition, I'm taking about their ability to comprehend what they read.
Someone read my Phone Calls from the Edge post and construed that I'm anti-family. Where did I say that?
That post was about the crap I have to listen to because women are choosing to have children out of wedlock!!!!
Let me put things in a plain-speaking, clear and understanding way-
I'm a sick of hearing about how hard it is being an single unwedded mother!!!!! Go get some birth control pills while they're still legal. And, I will not have children until I am married.
Do you understand that?
P.S. I find the idea of a woman as my partner absurd, too. But I'm a woman.
Welcome. Enjoy.
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- Shavonne
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006
People Who Can't Read
Posted by Shavonne at 7:29 PM
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Shavonne I am so confused about the world right now. How come everything that isn't right seems to be the norm? It IS wrong to have children out of wedlock though some folks think it's okay because tons of people do it. The child is still a bastard. The child isn't given a possible chance. What gets me is that most of the people who are having babies out of wedlock claim to be avid Christians. More and more it seems like people are changing the ways of the Christian faith to satisfy their needs. It is wrong to do so many other things but people are doing it and trying to force it as the " new thing in society ". Well we can all afford birth control pills and condoms I believe (especially when they hand them out to the poor in free clinics.). It's really getting out of hand. When you have three babies out of wedlock something is wrong with YOU. Also, what's this baby daddy and baby momma stuff? I mean I don't understand how having ten kids with ten different women/men is something to praise. And I'll be damned before I accept it as the norm. It is not the norm. It is just lazy folks who don't care to do any better. People need to focus mainly on education when they have the chance then we wouldn't have all these social and economic problems. I had to speak on this myself. I am with you, girl!
LOL...we women can be some hard ones to deal with.
I agree so many women are doing it and doing it well....why complain when you know that you can either complain or get over it...I say get over it!
a bastard is someone that is born to unmarried parents. It's is an ugly term but that's the definition.
Darn skippy. they need to get over and do what they have to do.
True, I misunderstood what you said, but this was duly in part to my comma period recognition problem, lol. It put it into a different context than a period does. So I apologize for a temporarily distorted perception of Shavonne’s World, but how fortuitous was I to receive a blog from Shavonne. Kisses.
Yeah that's the reality. We as black women are more likely go get hit by a bus than we are of getting married. It sucks but I refuse to bring a child into this world the way my mom brought me into this world. I'll just be an old lady with two dogs living in a shoe.
I don't think that is so, are good black men that hard to find? I am very hesitant in believing that is so. If Cynthia says that there are more black men in college than in jail, I find it hard to believe that you won’t-and I say you as idiosyncratic as I possibly can-will have a hard time finding a good man. Or maybe all the good men are apart of my generation, possibilities are endless.
03 09 06+
Shavonne: I feel you. It is damaging to society and to the children to be screwing around and get pregnant illigitimately. I also found this on Google. See below for the fact that BASTARD IS in the BIBLE. Don't you know that In Deutoronomy BASTARDS weren't even allowed to worship with non BASTARDS? Hey some of my ancestors were BASTARDS but that is the appropriate term to use in its truest sense. They have a harder way to go in life as well and I think it is seriously irresponsible to EVER do that crap and then complain? IT is just a symptom of the fact that no one accepts responsibility for their actions anymore. Sorry for ranting.
In the Old Testament the rendering of the Hebrew word mamzer’, which means “polluted.” In Deut. 23:2, it occurs in the ordinary sense of illegitimate offspring. In Zech. 9:6, the word is used in the sense of foreigner. From the history of Jephthah we learn that there were bastard offspring among the Jews (Judg. 11:1-7). In Heb. 12:8, the word (Gr. nothoi) is used in its ordinary sense, and denotes those who do not share the privileges of God’s children.
A child born out of wedlock, or to a couple who were not married in a way recognized by the civil authorities. Under common law, if the parents later married one another, the child was legitimatized. At the request of the mother or the authorities, an identified father could be compelled to provide for the child’s support. A bastard child, even if acknowledged, could not inherit from the father.
Good black men aren't hard to find, however in California, black men seem to prefer non-black women. That's a whole other issue for another day.
I haven't dated a black man in two years because I interracially date. That's a whole other issue for another day.
There's no need to apologize. You always have something constructive to say.
03 10 06
" Nique-
Good black men aren't hard to find, however in California, black men seem to prefer non-black women. That's a whole other issue for another day.
I haven't dated a black man in two years because I interracially date. That's a whole other issue for another day"
Now Shavonne: You have a very interesting outlook and when you have a chance, I too look forward to hearing about this. I have lived in CA all my life basically except from mid94-late95 when I stayed in Atlanta. Going to Atlanta redeemed my faith in Black American men. Living in Modesto can screw up a person, because the town was so small that either someone was a relative OR they were NOT dating a Black gal for sure! A lot of that has changed now, and more of us date interracially. Hardly any Black guys asked me out in high school and I had the same amount of Black boyfriends (2) as I had White boyfriends! Black men who are available and reasonable and educated and don't think they are God's gift to the world are hard to come by. Because if they meet the first two criterion, naturally they KNOW they are a hot commodity. So without going on too much, I look forward to what you say on this:) And thanks for allowing my ramblings. Sometimes I don't realize how much I have typed!
03 10 06
Ooops, and in the end, I ended up lucking out in a physics class where I met my husband. We have been buddies for ten years now and I can honestly tell you that he was a gift from God!
@ Shavonne
@ Mahndisa
-Living in Modesto can screw up a person, because the town was so small that either someone was a relative OR they were NOT dating a Black gal for sure!
Well I think that’s truly sad. If that’s what my fellow kind is doing, I hang my head in shame. On biracial dating, I don't care much about it. This is due to the perception that you are going to love who you love, if that person is of another race or ethnicity than so be it. However, if people are dating because they don't believe in the virtues of women of their own race, than that doesn’t sit to comfortably with me. I guess it’s up to all you wonderful women and my brothers since they are not on their shit, to instill these values in your kids.
Gave you a shout out at my blog. Check it out.
Oh, I like Shavonnes world. Makes sense up in here.
The Bibles makes no mention of a ceremony to declare a man and woman married? Sex is the only requirement?
That doesn't make sense because prostitutes are mentioned on a couple of stories in the Bible. Why lable these women as prostitutes instead of wives if sex is the only requirement for marriage to take place?
See this is why I completely reject the Bible. Too many dang contradictions.
If all they had to do is have sex, then there is no such thing as a bastard.
If women stop having children with dead beats, there wouldn't be a problem. Like you said, stop complaining and deal with it...
Man! If I hadn't been attracted to the number of comments, I would have missed out on a great discussion.
@ the Cali Peeps - I completely understand what you guys mean about CA. I moved out here a few years ago, from the DC area, and it was a lot to get used to. The amount of black men I dated became the minority for a few reasons I won't go into. At one point I hadn't dated a black man for over 3 years.
@Mahndisa - I also feel like I got lucky by a chance encounter, practically right before I gave up on black men entirely.
@Shavonne - I hear ya, NO KIDS OUT OF WEDLOCK!!! Thanks for stopping by, BTW.
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