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Saturday, May 20, 2006

So many things to do, so little time

I have so much to blog about and little motivation to actually do it. I'm still waiting to hear if I will have to go back into the Army.  I don't want to but I know it's inevitable.  I called Human Resources Command to see if a decision had been made on my recall but the person I talked to said they were still processing my paperwork and the next board won't meet until June/Julyish. Is that wonderful?  I just love the waiting and stress.

I was going to write about Mother's Day weekend but since it's been a week, I've decided not to.  I didn't do much but spend time with mom and I even went to church on Mother's Day.

I had something interesting to write about but now I can't remember what it was. I'll just have to write about it next time. 
