Here are the answeres to Nikki's 25 questions.
1. are you content with your life?
Yes but there’s always room for improvement.
2. if not, what would make you content?
I would like more time for traveling, no worries about money
3. if so, what makes you content with it?
I’ve got my health, a decent job, friends and family
4. what do you like most about yourself?
I love everything about me.
5. what do you wish you could change about yourself?
But If I could change something, I’d want a twin sister (or older sister) Two Shavonnes are better than one
6. what irritates you most about other people?
Other people
7. what state do you live in? if not in the u.s., where in the world you at?
8. what do you look for in the mate who would be most compatible for you? (you'll notice i didn't say perfect mate, cuz there is no such thing as perfection, only perfection in imperfections).
I’m still hoping God will send another Jesus.
9. do you enjoy giving oral sex?
Sure but my gag reflex turns into the bite reflex when something warm and salty enters my mouth
10. if so, why?
There’s something about a pretty dick
11. if not, why?
There's people out there that don’t like giving oral sex!!??
12. how old were you when you lost your virginity?
Do you want to know about the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th time?
13. was it a good experience for you?
Sure. I liked it so much I had to do it three more times
14. what motivates you to wake up each morning?
Money and knowing there’s a ton of it out there and I can make me some of it.
15. what do you see yourself doing in five years?
Publishing a book, a couple of stories, walking the Great Wall of China
16. what is your 'big plan' for 2006?
Operation Dream-Boat Body. I need to lose three inches on my waist before my trip to Italy.
17. what do you love most about being single/involved/married?
What I love most about being single is that I’m not bitching about being married.
18. how often do you have sex in a week?
-10,000. (It’s been a long time.)
19. do you masturbate?
It’s been a year but when I did, damn it was good!!! The best orgasm I ever had.
20. what are your favorite television shows?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I can’t help it. There's something about shoving wood into the hearts of soulless men.
21. who are your favorite actors/actresses?
Don’t have any famous ones but I have to say my mom.
22. what are you listening to on your ipod/cd player right now?
Classical and Jazz (Coltrane) and the Stylistics. Who doesn’t have an iPod?
23. give me three adjectives that best describe you.
I’m a stubborn extroverted introvert
24. what is your zodiac sign?
25. what do you love most about blogging?
I like to watch people. Blogging is a way for me to see inside their heads. It’s good to know that I’m not the only one with a few loose screws.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Monday, January 23, 2006
25 Questions, 25 Answers
Posted by Shavonne at 10:01 PM 8 comments
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Nonsexual things that turn me on
I went to the Mindkandy website and one of the topics there was "Nonsexual things that turn you on." Well, here's my list:
Business ties
eye glasses
the sound of the ocean
the smell of soap
the sound of someone brushing their teeth
night sky full of stars
a big bright yellow full moon
a clear blue sky
green rolling hills
the sunrise and sunset
the sound of rain thunder and lighting
a black and white movie
a good book
coffee houses
the sound of someone typing on a computer
the sound of the air conditioner/heater
the sound a vcr makes when you stop a tape to rewind it
the blue hue of a room just before the sun rises (this REALLY REALLY makes me horny!!!!!)
As you can see, I'm probably always horny. Unfortunately, when the opportunity presents itself for sex, I'm never in the mood. These are things I do on a daily basis so my needs are being met. Besides, I'm celibate and don't need to think about sex.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:41 PM 5 comments
Brokeback Mountain
I finally saw it. I have to say that my coworker made way to much of a deal out of that so called sex scene. I thought I was going to see to bare naked men going all buck wild in the mountains of Wyoming. It wasn't even like that. The scene was maybe 45 seconds long. They were fully clothed and by the end of it, I wondered if it even happened. Shit, it was hardly the eye traumatizing, nausea-inducing scene my coworker made it out to be. I guess seeing two men swapping spit was too much for her to handle and they hardly even did that. Not as open minded as she claimed.
As far as my Asian friend that asked the mayo question, I never got the nerve to ask him what I wanted to ask him. It wouldn't be appropriate.
There was something else I wanted to write about but I completely forgot what it was.
I just read the short story this movie is based on (it was published in the New Yorker in 1997) and I have to say the director leaves much of the sex part of the relationship up to the imagination of the viewer. They really did go buck wild in the mountains of Wyoming. I also think it's interesting this was written by a woman.
Posted by Shavonne at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Is it true that.....
I haven't had much luck on Plentyoffish. Most of the people on that website are looking for girlfriends or a piece of arse. I have been exchanging emails with this Asian guy the last couple of days.
Yeah, it's no secret. I interracially date. I've dated the whole rainbow. I love and hate indiscriminately.
The down side to interracially dating is most of the guys out there have never dated a black woman. And this is even true for black men, at least in California.
But I'm not talking about black men because there's not much to say, though I'm sure they get asked extremely stupid questions from non-black females like Is it really true that all black men have big dicks? (It isn't true by the way.)
My Asian friend didn't ask me anything like that but he did ask me something really stupid nonetheless.
"Is it true that most black people hate mayonnaise?? Yes Undercova Brotha is one of my all time favorite movies!"It's an innocent question considering who it's coming from. And it really got me thinking about mayonnaise. I mean I don't hate it. In fact when I was an itty bitty I used to eat mayonnaise sandwiches and I loved them. I asked my mom if she knew of any black people that hated mayo and she said, "If you grew up poor you loved mayo. I only know of white folks that don't like it."
I could only think of a few...danggit. I've done it again. I lost my focus and interest in this subject.
Usually when people start off a sentence with "Is it true that.." it's always something stupid. In his, case he not only asked a stupid question but he has bad taste in movies. I haven't responded yet to his email but I wonder how he would feel if I asked him "Is it true that all Asian men have small penises?"
Do you think he'd like that?
Posted by Shavonne at 8:11 PM 8 comments
Sex on the Silver Screen
A coworker went to see Brokeback Mountain this weekend. She said she and her boyfriend walked out of the movie. This had nothing to do with the subject matter of the movie because they were both aware of the subject. It was the gay sex scene that jolted them out of their seats in disgust.
I know the feeling. But for me it wouldn't be the fact that it was a gay sex scene that would prompt me to leave the theatre, it's sex scenes period.
Now, I haven't seen Brokeback Mountain and that's not what this post is about. Well actually this is what this post is about, because this movie, along with every other movie attempts to show LOVE by using the played-out sex scene.
I'm sure Brokeback Mountain is a good movie but I believe the purpose of the movie-to show gay relationships aren't always about sex-was lost in translation because of the sex scene 20 minutes into the film. 20 dang minutes! Couldn't they have put it at the end? Those (with open minds) that had gone to see the movie probably ended up leaving and never seeing the rest of the movie because of the sex.
Sex does not equal love. It never has and it never will, so why can't writers in Hollywood be more creative at showing people IN LOVE.
I still plan on seeing Brokeback Mountain because it got good reviews and thanks to my coworker, I got a heads up on when to take a bathroom break.
Sorry this post is so short. I meant to write more but as usual, I completely lost interest in the subject. That darn A.D.D!
Posted by Shavonne at 11:24 AM 2 comments
Friday, January 13, 2006
I found this in my inbox at
"1st of all,I would like to say hello sexy & n Happy New Year & hope u n ur family had a bless n happy Turkey day & a great & blessful Christmas & i hope u got everythang u wanted 4 this special day & as i was browsing on plentyoffish.Com and came across ur photo & i would love to say u have a very sexy smile & what was on Gods mind that day he made you.he knew what he was getting himself into when he molded you & b4 contructed u 2 come in2 this world.i read ur profile and it caught my eye & All u have to do is just give me a chance to show u that my salsa dancing,great personality,good cooking & laughter will make u wanna be my friend,then go 4 some Ice Cream or video game room,maybe a carmel latte' n a lil coffee shop listening to some good def jam poetry. all u have to do is follow in the mans footsteps from up above,& he'll lead you in the right direction everytime."
I couldn't even bring myself to read it. Why would anyone give him a chance with an email like this? Geez.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:07 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
I just wrote 1,000 words in the last hour! I'm so excited.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:14 PM 2 comments
Useless Made in China Crap
I happen to love my useless made in China crap. I'm really ticked off at Apple for coming out with the MacBook Pro in less than a year after I bought a Powerbook. They could have waited another year. Oh how I want a MacBook! I love a beautiful piece of hardware. But I will remain faithful to my Powerbook for a couple more years before upgrading to a bigger penis, I mean MacBook. I just needed to clear my head so I can write. Have a nice fricken day.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 08, 2006
This Writing Thing
I'm finding it difficult to turn off the editor in me. I constantly feel the need to go over a sentence just to make sure it's grammatically correct. I will spend too much time making sure a sentence sounds right.
I'm going to have to make a some sort of outline after all. And I'm going to have to open a blank document whenever I start to write that way I won't be tempted to go back and edit what I've written. I need to write first then focus on editing in February. I think that will help. Write first, edit later. I will try anything at this point. I'm so far behind on my word count, 2,700 words in one week isn't good. Not when I should have 50,000 by January 31st.
Write first, edit later. Write first, edit later. Write first, edit later. You can do it.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
I Dream of Jake
It's rare that I dream of celebrities but lately I've been dreaming a lot about Jake Gyllenhaal, when I'm not dreaming about Korea. I don't know why. It could have something to do with a picture of him shirtless and wearing a Santa hat. He looked scrumptious.
He doesn't get me all hot and bothered by the way. I just get really hungry. I don't think I've gotten over my men-are-just-pieces-of-meat phase. That's probably why I'm still single.
I was hoping to get a chance to talk to Gropey (Dilbert) today. He hasn't been to work. I will just have to muster up the courage to call him and tell him over the phone I can't see him anymore. I don't want to risk dying from having his tongue lodged in my throat. He'll understand. I hope.
I haven't done much writing for JaNoWriMo. I average about 500 words a day. Of course I only spend an hour a night writing.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:16 PM 6 comments
Monday, January 02, 2006
Rainy days
It's been raining cats and dogs all day. Rain is hardly motivating for writing. All I want to do is sleep.
I know, I should be writing my book and I have. I had to get out of the house because the TV is very distracting. I'm sitting in Panera Bread typing away. When I can't think of anything, I open up a new document and start typing whatever is in my head. Believe it or not, but it really isn't very distracting with all the people and food around me. I just wish there was a hot stud muffin to sit here and motivate me to write. If I don't hit my 2,500 word goal for today (I only wrote 400 words yesterday) I'm going to punish myself by calling one of my friends and listening to them talk about their babies's daddies. That will really motivate me to write.
Check out the word bank for my current word count.
Posted by Shavonne at 1:59 PM 1 comments