I went to the Apple Store in the Glendale Galeria. I love that store. To commemorate the occasion, I took a picture of myself. I'm thinking of getting a new laptop. I need something to celebrate my new business. Plus, I can write it off as a business expense.
UPDATE: This is the worst picture.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Apple Store
Posted by Shavonne at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
My business
Okay, I’m officially ready to write more about the business I just started a few days ago. I’m calling it the name you see to the right (for now).
I still haven’t heard back on that domain name I would like to buy. I guess no answer is a good thing as my offer could have been rejected. I sent an email to the owner and didn’t receive a response. If my bid is too low, you’d think that person would email me to let me know I should go higher.
I so hate shopping for domain names. I think I’m going to let a few domain names go. I have a couple that I don’t need. I just purchased them because I didn’t want anyone else to have them.
I went to a meetup tonight and only two of us showed. The organizer was kind of pissed. I think she’s going to make a stipulation that if anyone RSVP’s yes and don’t show up, they’ll get kicked out. That’s a smart rule because this is the second meetup scheduled and folks didn’t show up.
I have a meetup tomorrow at 9:30 am in Burbank. I wanted to cancel so I could spend the weekend learning about my business but since I RSVP’d I should go.
Posted by Shavonne at 12:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: network marketing, obama years, SE
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My Brunsli hairties
I got my Brunsli hair ties in the mail today. They’re so cute. I’m going to have to take some pictures of them in my hair. Of course, them being made as small as possible, they’re still too big for the the amount of hair I have on my head. My hair is long but very thin.
As for my business, I’m still getting it up and running. I’m hoping to do the official launch sometime this weekend, though I will still have more to do like order business cards. I would like to design my own business cards because I want them to be a work of art.
I also put in a bid for a domain name. I hope I get it, though I don’t think I will. The person who owns it seems to be holding out on a mega offer despite dnscoop.com saying the domain name is worth $0.
The good news is my domain name shavonne.org is worth $201! Ha. I wanted to buy shavonne.net but the company that owned it wanted over $1,000 for it. Dnscoop.com says the domain is worth $115. Trying to rip people off. I’m satisfied with my domain name for my blog and wouldn’t change a thing, now.
But I want a domain name for my business! Here’s to crossing my fingers that he will accept my offer.
On the writing front, I'm a couple of weeks behind. Gosh, I don't know how I will get everything done that I want to this year unless I lose some sleep. I have about five months left before I have to start getting my packet ready for the writing fellowship. I need 40-hour days to get everything done but I'm happy I'm out of school.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years, writing
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My cousins: DeVante and Damarick
I just had to post this news story about my two cousins DeVante and Damarick. I remember when they were little. They were so cute.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Mammies, jezebels, and sapphires
A friend wrote me about my post on Hollywood and black screenwriters, which got me thinking about Hollywood and how I really should have finished that statement I had made in response to reading about how one Hollywood executive didn’t “want to see a movie about a black woman saving a town full of white people.”
Hollywood executives don’t seem to have issues with black women saving white folks as long as the black women are playing mammies. Mammies! “Most portrayals of Mammy depict her as an "obese African American woman, of dark complexion, with extremely large breasts and buttocks . . . .asexual, maternal and deeply religious woman whose main task was caring for the master's children and running his household." - Marilyn Yarbrough with Crystal Bennett, 2000
There I said it. Queen Latifah played a mammy in the Secret Lives of Bees. Though her character lived in her own pink house, before she became she started raising bees for honey, she worked as a nanny. The movie also had a sapphire played by Alicia Keys. The only thing the movie was missing was a jezebel; however, the movie did manage to have not one, but two dimwitted black women. It’s like watching a modern day minstrel show but without white actors in blackface.
Now, from Ken Rance’s description of his screenplay, New in Town, the female character is upwardly mobile (white collar) and just happened to start dating a blue collar worker. Sounds more like a date movie than a movie about a woman trying to save a town. But that’s just me. Perhaps that executive just wanted an excuse to not make the movie with a black female lead.
As for the movie New in Town, I don’t plan on seeing the movie, but I probably wouldn’t have liked it even if it had been black casted. I have issues with movies where white collar black females are paired with blue collar men.
Too bad Ken Rance wasn't a screenwriter for tv. Screenwriters for tv have more influence when it comes to casting.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years, writing
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I already blogged about how I joined meetup.com to link up with people who have similar interests as myself. So far so good.
I’ve been contacted by a producer about screenplays though I don’t have any screenplays to show him, but knowing he’s interested in anything I will write is a start. I just need to write some scripts.
Found some folks to hang with on the weekends. My next two weekends are booked. Yay! It feels good to hang out with adults without a whole lot of responsibilities. It makes me feel younger.
Now, I’m going into my next venture. When I was in school, I did a little research on network marketing. Learned a couple of things, too. For example, Avon, Tupperware, Tastefully Simple and other network marketing companies experienced increased profits during recessions. The downside is most network marketing companies don’t last. As soon as the founders make enough money, the companies are sold off.
I’ve been introduced to a network marketing company with some real potential. The products are things I would use, like water! Who doesn’t need water? Pure water? The water is awesome, too. And there’s an e-commerce to help increase my earnings.
Anyway, I’ll be posting more information about it as I go through the process of learning more and starting my home business. I’ll be signing up on Monday. I feel really good about this.
For other issues, I’m gaining weight again. I’ve eating so much food, like tonight I went to have all-you-can-eat sushi. It was dang good, too. I’m still within my ideal weight range but I want to stop it before it gets out of control. If you could see a lot of the people I work with you’d understand why I’m paranoid about my weight.
Now, more about the sushi I consumed. I tried some things I never had before like Salmon Roe (it smells fishy) and Ono (white tuna-very good), and Eel (very good). I almost didn’t eat the Salmon Roe (eggs) because my mom, the drama queen, acted like Salmon Roe is the most disgusting thing you can put in your mouth. She doesn’t like the texture of the eggs. Well, I wouldn’t go that far with it-try cinnamon spaghetti-but I do have to say the fishy smell and salty taste is something that can keep me away from Salmon eggs. I’ll stick with my smelt eggs.
Well, I should be watching my movies I got through Netflix. I really like Netflix. I’ve gotten seven movies for $16 and I can still order more before the month is over. Talk about saving some money and gas, but I feel like I’m cheating on Movie Gallery. Whoever came up with Netflix is a genius.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: network marketing, obama years, Shavonne TV
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Girls' night out
I went out last night with the AV girls night out meetup group. Only three of us showed. We met at El Toritos. I’m not into Mexican food because of my lactose intolerance but it turned out to be much better than expected. My mom had me thinking the food was gross. I didn’t like the beans that came with my meal-I prefer black beans-but everything else was good.
One of the girls (K) I met actually works where I work (she’s in the military), which is really weird because it’s not like there’s that many young women where I work. The other girl (J) is a first grade teacher.
Anyway, the teacher didn’t feel like seeing the movie. We were supposed to watch Bride Wars but Cinemark 16 didn’t have it, so K and I decided on Confessions of a Shopaholic. The movie turned out to be a good movie. Ha! I enjoyed the implicit meaning especially in light of what’s going on with the economy.
I can’t wait until the next girls' night out.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Locking hair: Sisterlocks vs Nappylocs
In my search for more information about Sisterlocks, I've learned a lot about the process and what to ask when you meet with a consultant.
I think I probably feel like a lot of people when I voice my frustration about the secrecy behind the patterns. Just because I know how to do something doesn't mean I'm willing to do it myself. I know how to change the oil in my truck and custom frame a picture, but that doesn't mean I want to do it. I'm willing to pay someone else to do the things I don't want to spend my time doing but apparently if people know what it is the consultant is doing to their hair, people won't want to pay a consultant. Whatever. It's only bad business if the consultant doesn't know what she's doing and she's screwing somebody's hair up out of ignorance or laziness.
I want to know as much as I can about what's being done to my hair so that if someone tells me 3 inches of the end of my hair will be left out of the pattern, I'll know to tell that person to stop being lazy and lock the whole length.
I purchased the Nappylocs business in a box and started reading the booklet. The Nappylocs booklets describes several different patterns that can be used to lock one's hair: 8, 6, 5, 3, and 2-point patterns. Now the book doesn't say which pattern works best on which hair types but my guess is the looser the curl pattern, the tighter or more turns you want (8 or 6 pt).
Posted by Shavonne at 8:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nappylocs, obama years, Sisterlocks
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I don’t know what to think about Dollhouse. I found it rather confusing. I’m hoping the show will get better. It really isn’t like me to not like a Joss Whedon show. Buffy was great, Angel was great, and Firefly was the shiznitz.
Dollhouse is nothing like My Own Worst Enemy. At this point, I can say I liked My Own Worst Enemy better but hopefully things will change. I really, really want to like Dollhouse.
As for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, I loved Friday’s episode. I’m still furious about Fox moving the show to Fridays (who watches tv on Fridays?) but I will get over it now that I can watch the show over the Internet. What I liked about Friday’s episode is bringing some of the short-lived history between Sarah and Kyle Reese. I love romance of the twisted kind. He’s been dead for years but yet Sarah still carries a torch for a man she only spent a couple of days with. I’ve never experienced that.
I’m still trying to figure out the deal with the Red head. Is she good or is she bad? It seems she’s trying to change the way terminators operate. Does she want to live like humans? Does she want her kind to be more human?
Anyway, apparently men don’t care if a woman’s eggs are fresh or not. They just want to be able to make an omelette. So, there’s no need to be paranoid about the freshness of my eggs. And younger guys like older women.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dollhouse, obama years, Television
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cancerous moles and not so fresh eggs
Great. I'm just loving my age.
For more bad news, my upper permanent retainer is cracked. So, I have to go back to the dentist next Monday to get it fixed. $209 is what the fix is going to cost me. A good smile can cost a pretty penny.
I was watching House Bunny, and Shelley tells the Zeta girls the eyes are the nipples of the face. What is the mouth then? The vagina? Is that why we paint our lips red? Holy smokes!!
That was as stupid movie, BTW.
I'm going to have to make my appointment to the gynecologist for my yearly pap. I'm hoping the doc will refrain from telling me how my eggs aren't fresh. I so don't want to hear that right now.
I've been searching meetup groups and there doesn't seem to be anything local and the most interesting groups are 50 miles away and meet during the week, which isn't convenient for me. To attend one of those groups would turn my 80-mile round trip commute to work into a 130-mile round trip to work, from work, to meetup group, to home. The AV totally sucks. I'd start my own group but I have a feeling most of the single folks venture to LA every weekend.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks
A few days ago I joined Twitter. I don’t get Twitter. It’s like a super dooper watered down version of Facebook (which I also don’t get). I have a blog. I think it’s the issue of having to login to Twitter to update my status. I think if Twitter really wanted to be something of use, then it would automatically update your Web whereabouts in the same way your gravatar follows you when you use your email address. I don’t think I’ll be using Twitter much. I’m not good at remembering passwords.
I came across this blog post about Facebook and how people will add hundreds of friends. I don’t get that either. I don’t add or accept friendships from people I don’t know, which means I have about 13 friends, or seven family members and six friends. I won’t even add an acquaitance. I actually have to know the person. I’m going to remove a couple of people from my friends circle because I find their language offensive and don’t want to associate myself with them. There’s something about having to use your real name on Facebook that makes me want to be very careful of who I associate myself with.
I despise Myspace. I have an account there, too but I think I’m going to let it close when the time comes. I had the opportunity to let it close a year ago but decided to keep it. I prefer the interface of Facebook.
I’m finally taking the time to listen to my John Denver Greatest hits. I totally get it. I totally love it.
I meant to write some movie reviews. I’ve watched seven movies in the last 10 days. I went out with a meetup.com group to eat at Super King Buffet and watch “He’s Just Not that Into You.” I liked the movie a lot. The guy who was with us said the movie was full of stereotypes about dating and marriage. I wouldn’t know anything about that. I haven’t been on a date in 2 years and I’ve never been married.
I liked Eagle Eye, hated The Secret Lives of Bees, and thought The Dark Knight was entirely too long.
Why are religious folks always depicted as loonies in movies? I rented The Mosquito Coast and didn’t know whether to think of the Missionary as the loony or Harrison Ford’s character as the bigger loony. I mean the preacher man didn’t go around burning churches. Both men wanted people to worship something that’s for sure. Harrison Ford’s character really seem to think ICE was the ingredient for civilization and built this giant ice-making machine in the middle of the Amazon rainforest.
I do think cold weather helped to create more advanced civilizations. Think about it, people living in warmer and tropical environments hadn’t changed their lifestyles for hundreds of centuries, while people living in colder climates established permanent communities, learned to grow crops, and domesticated animals.
Well, I’ve got some cleaning to do. Hopefully I’ll be finished by noon.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
Friday, February 13, 2009
Chastity is HOT!
Well, my weekend will hopefully go by very slowly. I rented some movies to tide me over through the crummy weather. I’ve got some cleaning and organizing to do tomorrow. Plus, I have to do some shopping for the ingredients to my oatmeal craisin cookies.
I wish I had more to blog about but I’m at a loss for words. I need to do some creative writing this weekend in addition to job searching and resume writing. I really don’t want to spend another year in the desert.
There was something I wanted to blog a little bit about but I can’t remember. It had something to do with Grey’s Anatomy. I watched it last night but it wasn’t last night’s episode that I have stuck in my head. Ah, now I remember. It was last week’s episode and in particular the relationship brewing between Christina and Owen. Their relationship is the most interesting on tv I’ve seen in a long time. It’s just plain HOT! I don’t mean to mention this, but chastity is something missing in the relationships I’ve seen on tv. Everyone wants to hop in bed and screw their brains out like little bunnies. But Christina and Owen are taking it to a whole new level, one that I find totally respectable and erotic. If you get a chance check out Episode 13 at http://abc.go.com/.
I don’t think most people will get the relationship, but the ones who do will get it. Chastity is hot!
Posted by Shavonne at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Grey's Anatomy, obama years, Television
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I haven’t done as much blogging as I had hoped once I finished with school. Granted, I finished school just this past Monday so it’s not like weeks have gone by and my blog’s gone cold.
I work with some aged folks. Actually, I work with a lot of aged folks and I keep hearing them make comments about the differences between the older generation and the newer one (mine). I personally think it’s really idiotic to stay with one employer for twenty years, especially when downsizing to “save” money is the standard procedure with most companies. Then when you look at the fact that the U.S.A. is a consumer country instead of a producer, then you really start to see how no one’s job is safe from outsourcing. If your job can be sent to India or China, or Africa to pay workers $0.30 an hour compared to $10 an hour in the U.S., then you really get nervous about the security of your job. Of course, I don’t fall into either one of those categories but a lot of Americans do.
Anyway back to the differences between the two generations. I can’t speak about the other people in my generation, but I really value job satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. I get neither with my current employer. Advancement, I think was an option but I don’t think I would have been moved to another location so, that possibility was pretty much out the door. Plus, I hate the commute.
Anyway, I don’t get any pleasure at being at work all the time. And overtime? Who cares about the extra money. I want my time away from the office! I want to get lost. The older generation is the opposite. They want to work overtime and come in on the weekends and stay until 1 a.m. Crazy crackheads! They’ll never get that time back. Carpe diem!!
Speaking of Lost. It seems the Oceanic six have pretty pathetic lives away from the island. i think Sun and Kate are okay but Sun is occupied with avenging the “death” of her husband and Kate is afraid someone will discover the truth about Aaron’s maternity.
I guess I would be Team Locke because I’d have done everything I could to keep them from leaving the island.
They just don’t know how good they’ve got it.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Hollywood and black screenwriters
La Shawn Barber wrote about a black screenwriter and his movie “New in Town.” The movie stars Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick, Jr. What’s interesting about the movie is, the characters were originally written as “African-Americans.”
She asked a question at the end of her post:
“Is changing the race (sex, religion, nationality, etc.) of your main characters a small price to pay?”
I think changing the race of the main characters happens all the time in Hollywood. Renee Zellweger was casted in the role of a former slave girl in Cold Mountain. I suspect the reason is because no black actresses would take the role but I could be wrong.
I don’t recall many movies starring a black female lead in popular movie. I think it’s possible to have a black female lead carry a movie the same way Nicole Kidman.
I was watching a special feature on the Antwon Fisher dvd and Denzel Washington mentioned how roles for black men are more abundant than roles for black women. That’s true. Look at all the movies starring black men compared to black women.
If you read the article about the Ken Rance, the writer of New in Town, he mentioned how one executive didn’t “want to see a movie about a black women saving a town full of white people.”
I finally got to see the Secret Lives of Bees, and the movie made me think about what that executive said to Ken, and I thought “Don’t seem to have issues with black women saving white folks as long--” and I had to stop myself. I guess I just really didn’t like the movie. But the movie was work for four black actresses.
Shonda Rhimes is a screenwriter and creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. Neither one of her shows features a black female lead. Meredith Grey could have easily been a black woman but then the show probably wouldn’t have become popular if she was. Miranda Bailey could have gone off to a private practice in Malibu, but instead, it was Addison Montgomery.
I don’t know, I guess you do have to change aspects of your characters if you want to make some money in Hollywood. Go with what’s generic and appeals to the masses.
Posted by Shavonne at 6:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years, writing
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Cornrows and Sisterlocks
I just wanted to blog about a hair emergency. I just read on Brunsli’s blog about the dangers of cornrolling Sisterlocks and lock loss. You can read about it here.
I’ve always been curious about cornrolling Sisterlocks. I know what the stress of wearing braids can do to one’s hairline, and I automatically assumed doing a whole lot of braiding (especially cornrolling) can’t be good for Sisterlocks.
I don’t think cornrows are good for loose, chemical-free hair with how tightly most folks braid hair. I hate getting my hair braided.
Anyway, I just wanted to blog a little bit about the issue and send you to Brunsli’s blog so you can ask her all kinds of questions.
Enough about hair.
I’ve seeing a lot of women around me struggle with working and motherhood. Why would you attempt to do both if you don’t have to? I guess that’s one reason why I won’t have children. I don’t want to be a working mom. I don’t want to juggle both. I know a lot of women who do who don’t have to and I shake my head. I actually want to smack them but shake my head instead because that’s the more kosher thing to do.
If I were married and my husband said i could stay home with my babies, I’d be so long gone from the job. But I won’t ever marry so i don’t have to worry about that scenario.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years, Sisterlocks
Saturday, February 07, 2009
25 things about me
A cousin tagged me on Facebook so I’m posting 25 things about myself. I’m supposed to post the rules and tag a couple of folks but that’s just not my thing. If you want to try this then go ahead and try it.
- I think I have a great buttom and wish I had eyes in the back of my head so I can get a better look at it in a mirror.
- I’ve been celibate for almost 5 years (6 years if you count that time I wasn’t there mentally).
- I don’t have a favorite color.
- I’m terrified of becoming overweight and weigh myself almost everyday to ensure I stay within my ideal weight.
- I can’t seem to maintain relationships because I value my “me time” too much.
- I’m attracted to younger men. I think the Jonas brothers are hot!!! I would get excited when their Target commercial came on tv. ♫I don’t know why you say good buy. I say hello. Hello! Hello!♫
- I started writing a book during January National Novel Writing Month 2006 about a women who was being stalked by a man who burglarized her home. I stopped because the story shifted from her to him and his character was too scary for me to continue. I got about about 7,000/50,000 words done.
- I considered becoming Mormon or Jewish. I think Mormons are charming and Jews are mysterious.
- I want to join a nudist colony. I hate wearing clothes.
- I feel lonelier when I’m with a group of people than when I’m by myself.
- I want to be a screenwriter.
- I hate it when people imbed music on their blogs. I have my own playlist I like to listen to when I surf the blogosphere. I don’t want to listen to yours!
- I love to read. I especially like to read How-to books.
- I’m seriously considering Sisterlocks for my hair. I feel it’s time to style my hair in a way that’s complimentary to my natural hair texture. I’m tired of fighting what God has given me.
- I find the word ‘nappy’ unbelievably offensive and don’t understand why black folks use the word to describe their hair. Please tell me it’s not the new term of endearment for black hair.
- I recently joined Meetup.com. I’m hoping to meet some single people (without children) to hang out with in the Antelope Valley.
- I have the soul of a 500-pound woman. I love food. I don’t really like cooking but I definitely like eating.
- I was devastated when I found out corned beef and cabbage wasn’t soul food. Who knew it was an Irish dish! Do they eat it with corn bread, too?
- I think sharing 25 things about myself is a little excessive. Why not just 5 or 10? Who ever came up with this social tag must have been really bored.
- I don’t like shaving so I opted to get my underarms and my bush lasered off.
- I had a really big crush on Matthew McConaughey. I think he has the most perfect arms, legs, and chest. Who cares if he has bad body odor! That’s what baths are for, danggit!
- I think I’m the only person in my family who didn’t vote for Barack Obama. Sorry. I’m an independent and think McCain and Obama were two of the worst candidates for POTUS since Bush and Kerry! I don’t consider my vote wasted just because I used it on a third party candidate either. If Americans actually thought about the candidates they vote for we wouldn’t be in this mess to begin with. Damn @ssphants!
- I’ve celebrated my 23rd birthday several times and I plan to keep doing it.
- I’m tired of school and don’t plan to go back ever again.
- I don’t like being tagged.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: obama years, Sisterlocks
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Feeling blue
I should be happy about finishing school in 4 days but I’m really bummed. One of my cousins had a stroke yesterday. She’s still in the hospital in a drug-induced coma. The doctors say if she makes it through the next 48 hours (now 24 hours) she should recover, though not fully. She’s paralyzed on the right side of her body.
My cousin is still really young. She’s only 10 years older than I am but smoking and being overweight and eating unhealthy takes a toll on one’s body. She also has bad kidneys and has been on dialysis for the past two years.
I hope she recovers. I know we don’t live forever, but we all should die of old age in a warm bed after having a good day. You know?
Rainy days make me so sad. I was trying not to spread the gloom but my blog is my one place to let it out. Free therapy, though not free because I paid for the domain name, Web hosting, and blog template.
I just received a phone call from a Spanish-speaking telemarketer. Very interesting. I just want to go to bed sleep off today.
Posted by Shavonne at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: obama years
Sunday, February 01, 2009
My natural hair texture
I’m on a roll today. I got up really early to finish up my part of the team assignment this week. It seems I’m a much better writer when I do it early in the morning. My mind is clearer. I will probably get up at 4 am every morning to get some writing done. I still plan to apply for that writing fellowship despite the reports on the news about layoffs and such. I’ve got to try. I’ll try every year if I have to. I have a bunch of books I need to read and I plan challenge myself with this year’s Script Frenzy in April. If I want to be a writer, I must write!
Speaking of writing, I wrote down the details I had of a dream that would be perfect for a spec script for Pushing Daisies. It would have only explained the beginning of the show (I still have to read a couple of Pushing Daisies scripts to get an idea of the flow) and develop the story better but I think I will try to write a script for that show.
I still haven’t found any scripts for Samantha Who? I think that show would be too easy. However, after reading On Writing by Stephen King, his advice to start with situations rather than plot is sound advice for Samantha Who? Put Sam in a situation and see what happens. Too easy. Maybe I’ll write a couple of scripts after all. The more scripts I have to choose from the better.
I won’t be turning on my tv much for the next few months because 1.) most of my favorite shows I can watch online, and 2.) I need to do more reading and writing. I also have to do more social activities. I’ve neglected my personal relationships the past two years. I feel bad in a way, but sometimes my friends can be depressing and I didn’t need to get depressed any more than I’ve already been since my job change.
I also did some job searching. I checked out the information on the Border Patrol. The commercial caught my attention because I heard it mention working outdoors. I’m not sure I want to work outdoors all the time. I’m not even sure I’d qualify now that I have asthma. I’d have to get back in shape (I plan to do that any) but I’m not thrilled with having to wear a uniform (though I wouldn’t have to worry about what to wear everyday). For every con there’s a pro and for every pro there’s a con. Danggit. I’m going to have to see because the Web site also said that there are more than just jobs outdoors. I would love a combination of the two the change up my days. I’m easily bored.Okay, now an explanation for today’s episode of Shavonne Tv. Well, I shot the video October 20, 2007. I used Curls Curlicious Curls Cleansing Cream, Coconut Sublime Moisturizing Conditioner, Curls Milkshake Leave-in Conditioner, and Quenched Curls Moisturizer. The products did provide moisture and definition to my curls, but while washing this stuff out of my hair, my hair felt really slimy. It could have been the amount of the leave in conditioner I used but (thought I don’t recall using much). I not sure if Curls products are Ph-balanced, which means I won’t be using this on my sensitive scalp. I do recall the products being “organic” though the smell of them say differently. I personally hate the smell of these products - they smell like their names (coconut and milkshake). I prefer my cleansing products to smell like soap. Clean and fresh and not like something I’d eat.
I wouldn’t recommend Curls products unless you have a looser curl pattern and a healthy scalp. I’ve had mine for over a year and only used them once. I plan on giving it all to somebody else. It was a waste of money as I think all four products were $60. Not bad if the products work for you.
Posted by Shavonne at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: hair, obama years, Shavonne TV, writing