I don't have much time before January. I still haven't outlined my novel. I actually haven't thought much about it. 50,000 words. I can do it. I just have to refrain from hopping on the internet and doing things that keep me from actually writing.
Okay, I'm very intimidated about the 50,000 words. I can't find the motivation to write 100 words for a my blog. That's one reason why I don't post everyday. The sad thing is, I actually have stuff to blog about. I'm just to busy reading other blogs that I end up not writing in my own.
Which reminds me of this dream I had where this serial killer was trying to kill me. He was dresssed in black and wore a mask. If I'm not mistaken, it was the same serial killer that was in that show Nip Tuck that went around slicing on women's faces. Now the strange thing is, I somehow turned out to be pursuing the serial killer. I chased him into this neighborhood of cookie cutter houses. The houses were really colorful. The serial killer ran across the lawn of a corner house and dropped his wallet. I pick up the wallet and looked inside. He had three different forms of identification: a driver's license, a student i.d. card, and something else (sorry, I can't remember). He also had two winning lottery tickets. The only thing I can remember about the lottery tickets is that the numbers all had fives in them; 15, 25, 35, 45, 50, 65.....
Now my coworkers thought it was strange that I was not disturbed by the fact that I had a dream about a serial killer trying to kill me and that I was more excited about the lottery numbers. I think it's strange too especially since I've been paranoid of stalkers for the last year.
I've written before that I will probably write a thriller about a burglar that becomes obsessed about a women he stole from. After my home was burglarized back in January, I had an awful dream about someone stalking me. The thieves stole my laptop that had all my pictures, music, blog entries, screenplays, and short stories stored on it. I mean my laptop had everything that was important to and about me on it, including a picture of my ass!!!! (Oh please don't let that picture turn up on the web.)
50,000 words. I can do it.
Welcome. Enjoy.
This is just a test to see if this looks good. My other blog is shavonne.org
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- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
January Novel Writing Month (JaNoWriMo)
Posted by Shavonne at 9:10 PM
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I thought once of writing a novel and got to page 8 and stopped. Maybe before it's all over I'll finish it. I'm a big thriller fan. Thanks for linking me on your blog, I will do the same.
12 12 05
Hey there: Best wishes for the JanoWrimo stuff! The story you just wrote for this post was exciting and if you stay focused, I am sure you can do it. Just watch out for the health of your hands and fingers; typing all of that can affect ya if you don't do the ergonomic stretches!!! Best Wishes and thx for visiting my blog:)
hey all the best for your novel... can i get a preview or something next time?? ;)
just keep plugging away, luv. eventually the words will start flowing for you. i know i'm looking forward to reading what you put down.
I'm a complete slacker, and I managed to get 30,000+ words written in November for NaNoWriMo. Things happened (excuses, excuses) in the last week, so I just gave up. Still, for the first three weeks of the month, I didn't write every day and had no story to begin with, yet I got over halfway through. It sounds like you've got it pretty well planned, so all you have to do now is write (is that the hard or easy part?).
Good luck!
You should finish that novel. I still have short stories and a screenplay I have yet to finish. I managed to save hard copies of the stuff I wrote before my laptop was stolen. So I'm not completely lost. But I wish I had finished something. And you're welcome about the linking.
Thanks for the encouragement. I do most of my typing with the computer in my lap. I bought an iLap to keep the heat of my laptop off my legs. I haven't had any trouble with my wrists but I'm not getting any younger and I know it's bound to happen.
I’ll will post chapters of what I write but only after January. I want to be able to do some editing first.
I’ll make sure you get a change to read it.
You’re not bragging. Bragging is you saying, “I’m in Japan and you’re not!!!!” You have no idea how much I want to go to Japan and live there for a year. Maybe I’ll try for a teaching job sometime in the future.
I will follow your advice. I have a favorite spot I like to go to. The only thing is they have wi-fi. I will have to go to a library and pray they don’t have internet. Though books are equally distracting.
Blog Portland
The first sentence is always the hardest part for me. I’m very picky. I absolutely love the opening to Lolita. I knew from the very first sentence I was going to love the rest of the book. And I did. That’s how I want my opening to be.
I would really like to hear the story as to how a pic of your ass ended up on your computer.
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