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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bible Study

I didn't miss the first teaching of Ecclesiastes after all. I always find studying the books of the Holy Bible in a group setting more engaging than studying on my own.

Now, Ecclesiastes hasn't been a difficult read for me but it hasn't been most interesting read either. My first two reads of the book left me feeling a little down as it had a rather depressing tone. I don't like somber reads as I'm usually feeling a little down, especially after a long day at work.

I don't want to miss the lessons from the study of this book. I'm going to have to ask if I can join my business family on another day. How often do people sit and read Ecclesiastes as a group? And I really enjoy reading whole books of the Holy Bible in a group setting.

I'm going to have to give a more in depth blog on this subject. But for now, I'm going to get some shuteye.

Enjoy the picture. It's the Grand Canyon. I used an app for my phone called ArcFrame to frame it.