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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I'm sitting in Panera Bread starving but I don't want to order any of the food because everything has gluten. Now that I'm back home I want to stick with my diet.

I'm also sitting here listening to twenty-somethings complain about relationships. Awesome. Just had to sit next to me. There's someone who has peaked my interest on Match. He actually wants more than three children. I've got to give him a wink when I get home. I just hope he doesn't expect me to run marathons with him. I'm much more into my Trikke. I'll save the running like a gazelle for when I need flight response away from a serial killer (I do date white guys).

I really should blog about Dream Night but I don't want to get into the topic of one of the guest speakers. Let's just say it was awesome but eye opening.

Now, I need to get to working on my Bible study so I can get home and cook me some dinner.