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This is just a test to see if this looks good. My other blog is shavonne.org

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Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm so bad

Yep, I'm bad. I completely planned on getting my paperwork, receipts, and travel logs together so I can get my taxes done. But instead, I'm watching tv on the Internet.

I actually don't want to watch tv. I sat and listened to someone at work talk about all the tv watching that occurs after returning home from work. I don't want that to be me.

Blogging doesn't help me with that but blogging is a cheaper alternative to a psychologist.

Crazy, Shavonne.

I realized today that I put too much of my personal life on the web. I don't care. I just wish I had something interesting to share.

I absolutely hate Private Practice. Addison Montgomery is a baby killer! She likes snuffing out the life of unborn children and when one is born alive she wants to kill it too.