This is my last post for this year. I was going to do something special but I feel more like crap today than I did last night. I should have rented some movies but I didn’t feel like watching anything mostly because I’m high off of cold medicine.
I don’t know what to blog about. I still haven’t heard anything about that job. I’m guessing I’ll be getting a letter in the mail informing me I did not get the job. I’m sort of relieved because now I can focus on finishing my last course and writing those spec scripts. Or perhaps I got the job and the letter with an offer is in the mail.
I hate waiting. Well, I better get some homework done. I school starts Tuesday and I had plans to finish my discussion questions for the entire course before then. I meant to make some cookies but I don’t want to while I’m sick. I would love some oatmeal craisin cookies right about now.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Day 366
Posted by Shavonne at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Day 365
I have a feeling my weekend is going to be aweful. My throat is on fire!!! I’ve been drinking tea all day long and sucking on Halls but the soreness seems to only be getting worse.
I knew I shouldn’t have washed my hair last night!!! That dang demon, Hairsenon, is totally kicking me arse now! Why couldn’t I have had Buffy powers and slay that beast last night.
I hope this TheraFlu works. I might just double up on it. Have another cup before getting to bed.
I went to Wal-mart today and that place was packed. It’s like everybody ran out of food or something and decided to do their grocery shopping today because everybody in line had groceries.
I met the Arbonne lady to give her back her facial cleaning products. She asked me when I would finish school and I told her and then she started off by saying maybe I could book a party or something or purchase the products for a graduation. I don’t think she got the message last night on the phone when I clearly told her the products were way out of my price range. Like, when someone tells you that, what do you think it means?
Tomorrow will be my last day blogging daily. I feel sort of sad. I picked one heck of a year to do some daily blogging but it’s worth it. I suggest you try it. I don’t know what I’m going to blog about tomorrow.
I’ve been reading about the “Barack the Magic Negro” song that was played on Limbaugh’s radio show. I don’t know what to think of it. It seems it’s poking major fun a Al Sharpton (like that’s hard?). I don’t think it’s particularly funny. How does one become authentically black? I have no idea. I lost my Black Card a long time ago. Anyways, I can think of a million reasons why Barack made it to the White House and Al Sharpton did not.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Day 364
Somebody got a kick out of watching my video. I can’t tell who watched it over and over but my stats says it was quite a few people. It is wonderful without the sound isn’t it? Who needs to hear my food being chewed?
Anyways. I had a rather depressing day. I kept thinking about that job I interviewed for. I’m 70% certain I didn’t get it. I wish I would get the letter in the mail letting me know they decided on another candidate so I can go with my contingency plan, which happened to be the plan before I applied for the job.
Invest in real estate.
Continue to submit my resume.
Work on my spec scripts and apply for the ABC writing fellowship.
Yep. That’s it. This week I will focus on my homework for my next class (just in case I do get that job) so I won’t be stressing over the next couple of weeks about participation.
Anyways, I came across interesting articles on the Internet about how the CIA is using Viagra to entice the Afghani warlords into collaborating and giving information about insurgent activity. One article in particular briefly wrote about what this would do to women in that country. On one hand I can see the logic. I mean, I’ve been Afghanistan, I would hate to have to sleep with an Afghani. Deodorant is scarce in that country. On the other hand, women have needs, too. I would fall into the first group. My needs are food and shelter sex is the last thing on my mind and I seriously doubt I would ever be in the mood without the smell of soap to help get me in the mood.
I got to thinking about how I don’t have an sincere interest in the lives of some of the people around me. For example, I had plenty of opportunities to ask folks at work how their Christmas was, but I didn’t ask because I don’t care. I think the biggest reason is because I don’t want them asking me questions about my Christmas (they usually suck). Plus, I just seem like a freak when I tell people Christmas is my least favorite holiday of the year. Least favorite. I don’t enjoy any holiday that increases stress in my life and Christmas is the most stressful for me.
(Note to self: Plan a real vacation to Thailand or China or Vietnam during Christmas.)
Well, if you are wondering about the above picture, let’s just say it’s time to wash my hair and generally I feel especially mean when I have to deal with it. I hate fighting Hairsenon. The beast can be so difficult. I need to make an appointment with the dermatologist about my scalp. It’s out of control. I think it’s the shampoo. Or maybe the setting lotion I used on my hair. I don’t know. I just need to get it in check.
Posted by Shavonne at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Day 363
Okay, so the video I posted yesterday didn’t have any sound to it. I have no idea why. That troubles me. What if I posted something you’d actually need to have audio for? It will probably take forever to figure out why this is happening. I posted a question to the Wordpress forum about this. Maybe someone else is experiencing this issue.
Anyway. For next week I have to get cracking on my discussion questions for my last class. That’s right. My. Last. Class. I don’t mean to rub that in for all those people out there who still have many years to go. It feels good by the way.
Today will be very busy because I have to do about three loads of laundry and gather all the clothes I don’t plan to keep into a bag to give to Salvation Army. I’ll probably give some shoes, too. Well, let me get to laundering and cleaning. Today and next weekend will be my last days of get anything done that isn’t school related until February 9th.
Come on 2009!
I actually cooked today. I made oyster dressing. I hope it turns out okay. It certainly made a lot. I’m going to have to freeze some of it. I’m exhausted, BTW. I hate cooking.
I think I will try making my cookies next weekend.
Well, I better start getting ready for bed. I have to go to work tomorrow. I really don’t want to go to work but I have work to do at work.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Day 362
I’m going to try something new today. Video! It looks like it’s working! I’m excited. It took me a while to figure out but once I got the hang of it, it was easy.
Cool. I have to remember how to do this. The short video below is 14 MB. I don’t know what I’m going to do when I try to post something around 3 minutes long. I shot this September 2007 when I went to visit my dad after my return from Afghanistan. I’m eating cornbread and lima beans. I don’t know why people don’t like lima beans.
Anyways. I went to Yang Chows last night and had Slippery Shrimp, Slippery Chicken, Sauteed String Beans w/minced chicken, and some fish dish. I didn’t like the fish dish and the slippery chicken was okay. For my to go order, I got Sauteed Spinach, House Special Chicken and Slippery Shrimp. I didn’t take any pictures of any of this but what I ate at the restaurant was good except for the fish dish. I think next time I will order Lemon Chicken.
My mom has been having serious stomach issues the past couple of days. Reminds me of when I was in Afghanistan and I had stomach problems. It seemed like no matter what I ate, I would have bowel troubles. So, I sort of developed a fear of food and I think that’s why I lost weight while I was there. My goats milk and oatmeal were the only things I could stomach without getting heartburn or the runs.
My stomach has been rumbling more than usual the past few days. I think I’m experiencing a mild stomach problem but my stomach problems are constant.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Shavonne TV
Friday, December 26, 2008
Day 361
It seems whenever I make a change to my blog, I always end up screwing something up. You’d think a simple template change wouldn’t cause my blog to completely disappear but it did. Just like it normally does when I try to upgrade Wordpress. Because the the Wordpress software developers always want to upgrade Wordpress every other day well, maybe not every other day but it sure feels like it). The newer version of Wordpress (2.7) will allow me to upgrade Wordpress from my blog’s admin section rather than having to upload all the files one by one through my web hosting provider. Great!
But for some reason, I don’t know what I did but you’d think a simple template upload would be easy.
It all started when I decided to upload to my blog using an FPT client application for easy file transfer from my computer to my ftp server. I started installed Yummy FTP and ClassicFTP and decided I would use ClassicFTP because it’s free. Well, ClassicFTP is a piece of junk. When it uploaded files, it did not upload the files the way the files were in the original folders or it wouldn’t upload the files. For example, if the style.css file was in the main theme folder, Classic FTP would upload it to a sub folder in the main folder. Drat! Then I would have to move things back to the folders they were supposed to be in the first place.
Well, it turns out I should have just used Yummy. It comes with a 30-day free trial (I didn’t realize that). Anyways, if I get an American Express gift card, I’ll spending $25 on an license fee for Yummy FTP. I used it and it works but I don’t know what I did when I uploaded the templates to make it my blog not work.
I miss my blog!!! Hopefully, Dot5Hosting will be able to fix my boo boo. Enough about my stupid blog.
I finally finished watching Don’t Mess with the Zohan. Three times is the charm I guess. It turned out better than I thought. My favorite line:
“Maybe it needs oxygen. It looks like it’s being strangled.”
LOL! Too funny.
I also watched Traitor. I didn’t like the movie. I think what I don’t understand about these two movies is the hate folks in the Middle East have. I just don’t get how they think terrorism will solve anything.
I’m glad I’m American.
What Happens in Vegas. It’s a really good movie. I really liked it. I think I’m going to buy in on DVD.
The Women. I didn’t like the movie at all.
I rented Wall-E but I haven’t watched it yet. I went to Yang Chow’s for some good Chinese food.
Posted by Shavonne at 12:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Day 359
Yes, today is my b-day. And rather than vegging out and going totally brain dead, I went on a job interview. Not exactly a perfect birthday.
Anyway, I don’t think I got the job because I went brain dead during the interview. What a great time to forget all I had learned in the Army. I think it was my nerves and fatigue setting in.
I’m glad it’s over. I think I might be expecting another interview if they decide I’m a good candidate.
When I got home I tried to watch one of the movies I rented (Don’t Mess with the Zohan). It was incredibly stupid or at least I didn’t like the beginning. I ended up falling asleep. I’ll probably try to watch it again this weekend as I have a long weekend (4 days left) to catch up on my movie watching. I also need to do some research for that job.
I’m tired and don’t really feel like blogging.
Posted by Shavonne at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Day 358
I’m going to make this quick as I’ve got to get up early and get ready for my interview. Yes, I got a call for a job interview today while I was at work. I was totally unprepared for it as I wasn’t expecting anyone to call me until after the new year. Wow. I cannot express to you how unprepared I am for this job interview.
Anyway. I need to get some rest so I can get up early to make the drive down to Northridge.
It would be nice if I got this job at the pay grade I’m hoping to get. California is expensive and I don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck to pay the rent.
I got my final grade for the class I completed yesterday. A-. Ha! I was worried. Sure it isn’t an A but I definitely isn’t a B+. An A- I can deal with because it doesn’t hurt my GPA. Five more weeks of school to go.
Good night.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Day 357
I have so much to do between now and when school starts back up again. I have to upgrade my template for my blog ( because a new release of the template I’m using (Modularity) is out and it has some pretty neat new features.
I paid $99 for the All Themes Package at Graph Paper Press because I wanted to give myself some variety when it comes to my template and I wanted to get the updates to my templates. I’m glad I bought the package. If only I could get a template like this for my blogger blog. Dang.
Anyway, I will be attempting to update my blog. Hopefully I won’t lose anything as I would hate to have to input all of these wonderful pictures I’ve been adding to my blog for the last 4 months.
It seems everyone is aware of my pending created day. According to my mother, I was born on December 24th. However, since I don’t remember my birthday, I’m going to say that I don’t think that’s accurate. I don’t think I’m from Earth and I’m certain I was adopted or at least I don’t think my mother is from Earth, which makes me not an Earthling.
I don’t know. But I don’t remember all of this happening so, like that saying goes, if a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one to hear it, did the tree really fall?
How old will I be? That’s a good question. If I told you, I would have to kill you. Actually, upon you hearing me tell you my age, your head would explode because the number is incomprehensible for people like you. Does that make sense? Probably not. But test me. I’m certain I want to see someone’s head explode, I just don’t want to be wearing white when I do it. Brains are hard to get out of clothing.
Well, that’s it for today. I will blog some more tomorrow as usual. Hopefully I will have something more meaning to blog about.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Day 356
Well, it seems I got my assignments done for both classes. Actually I got one done and the other half-way finished. It will only take me about 30 minutes to finish up the second assignment. I’m on my way to being done.
I don’t know what to do with myself. I have so many things I want to do once I’m done with school I don’t know where to start.
Free time.
No more nausea because I have a paper to write but I don’t want to write it.
There was nothing to watch on tv this weekend. I’m definitely not going to pay for cable when I move into my own place. The Internet will have to suffice for watching my favorite shows.
Okay. It seems I need to finish my homework and put a load of laundry in the washer.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Day 355
Another day of procrastination. Procrastination is me. I’m just so tired of school and writing papers I can’t stand it.
I finished my critiques and I’m so glad they didn’t have to be long and in-depth because I just can’t take it anymore. One more class left. I will spend the rest of tonight finishing this paper so I won’t have to do much to it tomorrow except edit and post. I’m just so nervous because this class just might be my first B+ and that will really drop my GPA. If I can pull an A- out of this course I will be so happy.
Well, this post is short as I still have a couple of paragraphs to write and an executive summary, which is like a conclusion, only in the beginning of my stupid paper instead of at the end. Yay. I hate conclusions.
Posted by Shavonne at 6:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Day 354
Another long day. I’m already feeling stressed because there’s so much to do in the next 48 hours and not enough time to do it. I can’t wait for next week. I will get my two-week break from school. I won’t get a break from Thumb Twiddle but I will get a couple of days off.
I got another sob story from one of my classmates. She had children young and with a lousy man. Now, she’s mother and father to her three boys.
Apparently, I’m not supposed to want to find enjoyment in my job because she’s got a low-paying one and children to support. I’m not one who believes in being content just because things could be worse. My job is boring. When I get off work, there's nothing to do so my social life is boring. Most of my friends have children and I just don’t enjoy being around children. I don’t even want to converse about children.
I supposed my attitude would change if I met a good family man, but until then I want to have fun.
The Antelope Valley just doesn’t to it for me.
Anyways. I heard from an old friend through Facebook. I didn’t recognize the name she uses on Facebook at first because she went by a different name in high school, but the last name is what prompted me to login and respond. She asked me if I drove a CRX in high school.
I so fricken did! A little white one. I loved that car. My dad had one and so I had to get one when it was my time to get a car. It looked just like his, too. I loved that car but it was time to get rid of it. It would have made a great commuter car if the battery would stay charged. There was something wrong with the electrical system. Plus, it leaked oil.
I tried Google Maps to look up my current address. I was expecting a view of my street as if I was looking down from an airplane but instead got a view I’m not very comfortable with. The view of my current address is too close for comfort. I can see the dogs in the backyard. I think the picture was taken last spring or fall. I don’t remember but the idea of someone typing in my address and being able to see my house as if they are standing right across the street from me is just too dang creepy. And it makes me want to revisit a book I had started writing for JaNoWriMo 2006.
(No, that is not my house.)
Posted by Shavonne at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Day 353
I goofed around today. I didn’t have to go to work because of the snow storm yesterday. I had the whole day to work on my two assignments and I didn’t. All I worked on was my discussion questions.
Procrastination is my twin.
I just had to finish watching the last four episodes of Buffy season 7. I just love the series finale. It’s the best I’ve ever seen. Brilliant. The best ever!!!!!
I can’t wait to see what Joss has in store for Dollhouse. The show is going to be good. I can feel it.
Anyway. I will have to wait until January before I can see the show. Seven episodes will air and hopefully the show will get picked up permanently. It better get picked up permanently as I’m tired of seeing Fox sh!t on Joss. Firefly was one of the best shows to grace the small screen and Fox canned it. CANNED IT.
I have a grudge against Fox despite my adoration of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Anyways. I’m gearing up for Script Frenzy. I will attempt to write at least two tv scripts in 30 days. Wish me luck. I just have to get done with school so I can start the next phase of my plans to make a life change.
I was surfing the web and came across someone’s blog (I can’t remember) and read something about a web browser designed specifically for “African-Americans.” WTF? Fricken ridiculous, right?
Black folks love to self segregate.
I just don’t get it. Moving backwards.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Day 352
I had to leave work early today but I didn’t leave in time to avoid the snow you see in the picture above. You can even see the snowflakes in this picture.
I hate being out in snow.
I hate driving in snow.
I get to sleep in tomorrow. I’m happy about that as I hate getting up before the sun rises. I would love to stroll into work everyday after the sunrises. I really need to get this writing career going as I really hate having to travel to a job.
Anyway, yesterday I blogged about a couple of shows I watch/used to watch. One of my favorite screenwriters (Joss Whedon) is doing another show (Dollhouse). I can’t wait until it aires because I love his shows. Why can’t this show be an ABC show? Danggit, danggit, danggit.
I completed the homework for one class and I still have two more questions to write about for the other class. I hate homework. I think I will start and finish my homework for my next class tonight so I don’t have to worry about it this weekend.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Day 351
I think I may have mentioned I watched An Inconvenient Truth, that documentary by Al Gore. I thought it was interesting and I’m not sure I believe everything the documentary had to say. For example, I don’t believe man can stop global warming. Also, even if man didn’t invent the technology that’s contributing to the destruction of the Earth, I still think global warming would still occur, if that’s what is indeed what’s happening.
Take for instance the issue of carbon dioxide, which is a gas man and every other air breathing animal on the earth exhales. The simple act of billions of people breathing (and farting) contribute to the high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Granted, driving around cars doesn’t help, but can you imagine if man rode horses and donkeys instead of driving cars. How much air passes through a horse in one day? Imagine millions or billions of horse and the smell of it all. Do you even know what a horse smells like?
Anyway. Enough about global warming. I totally missed Terminator last night. I can’t believe it either as I thought for sure the show would be on break until January or even February. But it was good tonight. I think I’m going to write a spec script for the show. It’s not an ABC show but danggit, it’s a good show and I would love to be a writer on a show I really care about.
Tonight’s episode is good in the sense that we finally get to learn about Riley (John’s girlfriend). I thought for sure I detected jealousy from the fembot (Cameron) but I’m not sure. Fembots are hard to read because they are not motivated by sex and all, just the desire to please their men. Sounds like sex but it isn’t but obviously John was starting to look at Cameron in that way horny teenage boys look at anything with breasts and a vagina. I mean he could sleep with her all the time and never worry about STDs or pregnancy. Cameron would be a nymphomaniac’s dream.
You know, I watched a couple of episodes of the Bionic Woman back when it was still on the air and I think I lost interest. I think the show conflicted with another show I enjoy watching. I don’t remember but I guess the show wasn’t that great if I can’t remember why I stopped watching it or why I completely forgot about it. It did have potential though.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Day 350
I should be hearing something sometime next year on those jobs I applied for. I’m looking forward to the break from school as I find school absolutely draining and the papers just don’t seem to go away.
Anyways, I found some time to surf the web and came across some video footage of President Bush dodging the shoes of some Iraqi journalist. The video is quite funny but I just don’t understand why anyone would want to see the shoe actually hit President of the United States upside the head.
Or in the face.
I can’t stop watching it. It’s more funny than the SNL Sarah Palin skits. I’m glad he was able to dodge those shoes.
Anyway, I wish my web hosting service provider would react to the database error with the same kind of quickness Bush managed do dodge those shoes with. I hate not being able to assess my blog.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Day 349
I always feel better after talking to my dad. I called him today and got some advice on investing and property management.
I also answered my phone. I normally don’t if I don’t recognize the phone number but I’ve been submitting my resume for different jobs and I’m expecting some phone calls. It was this lady who is an independent consultant for Arbonne. I met her at this boutique thingee I went to last weekend. Anyway. I need to stop giving those consultants my phone number.
Arbonne products are way too expensive. The facial cleansing kit this lady is trying to sell is almost $300! I don’t even want to try the sample she gave me because I don’t want to give her the illusion that I will buy her products.
Anyway, I’m going to call her tomorrow and let her know there’s no point in meeting her this Wednesday as I don’t need any information about products I have no desire or pocket book to buy. Plus, black doesn’t crack. I will never need botox.
I need to work on my paper all day today. Saturday was my screw school day and I sat around and surfed the net and downloaded some tv script templates and watched Man vs Wild. I love that show. I noticed Survivorman is in its last season. The series finale airs sometime this year or next year or something. I wasn’t paying attention.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Day 348
I slept over 13 hours. I went to bed around 9 last night and didn’t get out of the bed until around 10 this morning. I just want to get back in my bed. But I have another paper to write. Six more papers to go and I will be able to spend my weekends doing what I want to do.
Speaking of which, I got my mom the wrong Wii game for Christmas. She kept saying something about a mat so I when I found a game that had a mat with it I bought it thinking it’s what she wanted but it turns out it isn’t. I should have just given her an amazon gift card so she could order her own game. I love gift cards.
Which brings me to those people who have to have something to open on Christmas Day. Wrap their gift card in a big box. You can put a bag of rice or beans in the box to give it weight. Probably not the most kosher, but I’m not much of a Christmas person. I prefer any holiday but Christmas.
Let me try to finish my paper. It shouldn’t take me long as it is fairly short. I do have to compile all the papers I’ve written for this class into one document and add a few more sections. I need to get a good grade on all my papers to pull of an A- in this course. I hate school.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Day 347
19 days until this year is over! I’m so excited. I just want to skip the next 3 weeks and get on with 2009. Next year will be an interesting year.
The picture you see is of my inflamed taste bud. It’s actually quite small compared to the inflamed taste bud I had when I was in Afghanistan. That one was 3 times bigger and it was very uncomfortable.
I really need to go to bed. I haven’t been able to sleep for a while. I keep having those bad dreams. I’m almost certain they have more to do with work than anything else as I can feel some major drama brewing. I just hope I’m gone before the crap hits the fan.
I don’t have anything to report about my hair. It’s still wild and in need of a good trimming. I won’t have time to get my hair done until next year.
Sorry I don’t have more to blog about. Well, I’m off to bed.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Day 346
I don’t know why people seem to want to change the definition of bastard. It seems to me that people whose children fall into this definition aren’t comfortable with the word but they are comfortable having children outside of marriage.
I only have 20 days of blogging and 6.5 weeks of school left. I start my last class next Tuesday. My last class. The last class. Last. Class.
I can’t wait. I wish I had more to write about or that I wasn’t so tired all I can bring myself to do is write a short incoherent blog and go to bed.
I’m tired. I meant to get some shopping done but I think I will save it for tomorrow.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Day 345
Well, I got my application packets in the mail today. They will arrive tomorrow morning at 10:30. Hopefully, I will get a call.
I’ve had 1.5 cups of Chamomile tea and I feel really good.
Keiko isn’t feeling so well. She’s going through a false pregnancy and has been moping around the house with giant, swollen nipples. She sleeps a lot and won’t climb the stairs.
I had an interesting early morning. This guy with big round belly who lives across the street from us, came by our house this morning.
When the doorbell rang, I thought it was Dear Carey because it was round the time she usually arrives at my house. But it was the big belly man. And it took him forever to tell me why he was knocking on our door.
Big Belly Man: I was sitting in front of my house and noticed your lights were on. I’m ________ and I live across the street.
He doesn’t have a phone and he wanted to use ours so that he could call his pharmacist and get a prescription of sleeping pills. At 5:45 in the morning. What pharmacist is open that early?
Anyway. He didn’t get his sleeping pills and I was able to get to work.
I can’t believe I’m not in bed yet. Dang, dang, dang,
Posted by Shavonne at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Day 344
I’m so glad I didn’t mail my packets today. I was able to spend a little time at work reading over the 3 questions I have to answer and realized I could beef it up a little more. Anyway, I plan on putting my packets in the mail tomorrow. I’ll have to take them to the UPS store because the post office will be closed by the time I get off work.
I don’t have much to blog about as I still need to finish this stuff so I can get it off in the mail. I plan on having this done before 10 because I don’t want to work it any more. I need to focus on my big paper due in two weeks but I have to have a rough draft done by this weekend so my teammates can read it and give me suggestions.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Day 343
I almost forgot to blog. I’ve been getting my application packets together. For some reason, I’m not satisfied with my answers to the three questions they want me to answer. I hate this as I wanted to FedEx my packets Tuesday afternoon. Something on the news made me think I really need to make my answers good. I think I’m paranoid. I went into super depression mode this weekend and could barely get out of bed. It took forever for my instructor to post the grade on the paper I turned in last week. I thought for sure I had bombed it.
Anyway, I don’t have much else to blog about. I don’t know why I’m having such issues with those three questions. I guess it just feels like I’m repeating everything I’ve already put in my resume, which has paranoid that they want something brilliant. I should just send what I have and not worry about it. I’ll get called for an interview if I get called for an interview.
I hate essays. I’ll finish it up tomorrow at Thumb Twiddle. Maybe I’ll be able to think better once I’ve slept on it. Yes, working on this this weekend was a bust. The depression got the best of me. I need to hurry and finish school.
You know, I’ve watching the news a lot lately. Very depressing. I think that’s one of the reasons why I feel like applying for this job is pointless. There are so many people who are probably applying for the same job that I don’t feel like my resume/application packet stands out.
I need to stop watching the news.
Oh, I just heard a story about how dogs are smarter than we think. Now I feel really guilty because I tell my dog he’s stupid sometimes. But I do it in a loving way. I also call him fat (but he is) at the moment, he looks like a giant hair ball with legs. (He’s gotten his winter coat). He’s so pretty and I let him know that he’s all beauty and no brains.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Day 342
I’m really starting to become bothered by school. You’d think I’d be able to relax a little bit since I’m practically done but I’m starting to become more depressed about having to write papers every weekend. I keep thinking about what I will do once I’m done with school. I don’t want to wait. I want to do those things now.
I still haven’t finished my paper. I’m only half-way done.
It’s good thing I will have a two-week break in two weeks. I can’t wait. Two weeks of not reading for school, or participating in class, two weekends to myself.
I’ve been fighting what I think is a cold. The only thing is, it won’t just hit me full force. It comes and goes. At work, I drink Chamomile and black tea and use an Airborne tablet to keep the sneezing and stuffy nose at bay. I think most of my symptoms at work is because people insist on wearing potent colognes and perfumes.
When I’m finished with school, I’m going to try my hardest to not turn on my computer for at least a week. I might have to check my email but I will definitely put a time limit on computer usage.
Anyways. I rented Hancock and absolutely hated the movie. I was turned off by Hancock calling little old ladies “b!tches” and his unusual destructive way of rescuing people. Then I just didn’t get the whole storyline about matched pairs of superhumans being unable to live in vicinity of each other. I just didn’t like the movie.
Did I mention I went to see Twilight a few weeks ago? I actually liked that movie. I enjoyed the fact that Edward and Bella didn’t go all the way despite Bella being on the bed half naked and with her legs practically gapped open. I wonder what would have happened if Edward had gotten some virginal pootytang. Would it have been another Buffy/Angel type incident? Angel went a little psychopathic after taking Buffy’s virginity.
Well, I better get back to writing my paper. I still have another two pages to write.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Day 341
I went out today to a holiday boutique at a local restaurant. The food was okay. I was a little disappointed in the food at the Greenhouse Cafe. I though for sure I would be able to get a garden burger there but I guess the restaurant really wasn’t one of those natural or organic type of restaurants. I remember going to a Greenhouse Cafe in Goleta, California and I really liked that restaurant. I guess this one isn’t affiliated with the one in Goleta.
Plus I think I was over charged for my order.
I don’t have much to blog about. I got my transcripts in the mail. I wish I had checked the mail yesterday because I wouldn’t have had to spend an extra money FedExing my transcripts.
For the rest of tonight I will do some research and actually type my three questions. I’ll also start printing things out and getting the packets together. Yeah.
I watched the reunion of the Real Housewives of Atlanta. So much drama. I like the Atlanta women more than the New York women. What I don’t about one of the Atlanta women is that Kim just turned 30. Bull fricken sheet! She looks old! I thought she was at least in her early 40s. Dang. Sheree is 38 and looks younger than Kim. If I had to guess, Kim would be the oldest.
Kim would fit in better with the Real Housewives of Orange County. She’s blonde, big boobed, and looks old. Botox is definitely needed.
I have to go and make some dinner. I promised my mom I would make her lasagna soup.
Posted by Shavonne at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Day 340
I’m debating on whether I should go to this thing tomorrow. I know I’ll end up spending money on food as that’s what most of the money I spend goes to.
I think we just had an earthquake. I’m not sure. The house shook a little and the dogs started barking. Can earthquakes cause the Internet to slow down?
I’m 4 weeks into my second to last class. I’m so tired of school. I think I bombed my paper from last week. Either that or all my classmates thinking they did a horrible job on their papers made me think I did bad on mine. It did feel good to know I wasn’t the only person who struggled with it.
Now I have to work on my next paper. It should be easy as it’s fairly short but I’m also a procrastinator. I plan to be finished with it tomorrow night so that I can spend Sunday or Monday relaxing.
I’m worried my transcripts won’t get here in time. I paid for speedy delivery so they should be here by now.
I think I completely screwed up when I ordered my transcripts. I won’t get them until sometime next week. I paid for a rush service on the transcripts to have them printed but I didn’t buy FedEx service. I can totally kick myself right now. There’s a possibility I won’t get my transcripts until Tuesday. Which is fine because I can always FedEx my application packets Tuesday during my lunch break. Gosh, I can’t believe I didn’t get FedEx service. Urgh!!!
If I have to, I will submit one application packet on Monday and then FedEx the other applications on Tuesday or Wednesday. At least I would have applied for one position though applying for all four will increase my chances of actually being called for an interview. Urgh!
I just ordered a Rush print/FedEx just in case my original order doesn’t get here in time. Okay. So now all I have to do is type up the answers to those three questions and then print out my resume and forms.
I’m on a roll. Crossing my fingers.
You know, I’d rather work on a screenplay than write another paper. I really want to know what grade I got on my last paper. I really don’t think I did that well. I admitted to the instructor I wanted to get it over with. I think my next class will be easier.
The Internet is working better now.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Day 339
I have so many things I want to write about it’s not even funny. I read some stories on the internet about folks challenging Obama’s presidency because these people claim he’s not a naturalized citizen. Obama refuses to disclose his birth certificate. Does he have something to hide or does he not care be he knows he’s legitimate? All of these “frivolous” lawsuits would go away if he would just hand over his birth certificate. Or is this some kind of way for him to make Republicans look like sore losers? I mean, I would totally not give over my birth certificate out of spite and then at the very last possible moment, I would hand it over.
Anyway. I don’t think the Democratic party would have risked nominating Obama in the first place if he wasn’t legitimate. I think the FBI probably already knows the answer to this. I’m certain they have all kinds of files on Obama.
On a side note, if you are born on U.S. soil, then that makes you a natural citizen of this country. It doesn't matter if his father was a Kenyan or British citizen. That's one of the issues with illegal immigration and anchor babies. Illegal immigrants will come to the U.S. to have their babies and use the citizenship of the babies to stay in this country. Even if Obama, fell into this category, he would still be a naturalized citizen.
I mean really, if they are going to go into the nitty gritty details, then what makes McCain more of a citizen? McCain was born in Panama.
Just something to think about I guess. I wonder how this will end. That’s all for tonight. I had plans to be in bed by now (it’s after 9 p.m.) but I didn’t finish my homework when I had planned.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Day 338
I’ve got my resume perfected, I just have to have someone look at it for me. I still need to work on those three questions. I have very rough drafts of what I’m going to write. I’m hoping they make sense when I commit them to the computer.
I didn’t work on my homework like I had planned. I will have to do that tomorrow. I’m usually the first person to turn in my questions but I’ve been preoccupied.
I’m tired. I stayed much longer working on my resume and looking for more job announcements. I found plenty of jobs overseas. I just don’t know where I’d like to live.
I don’t really have anything to blog about tonight. The dogs are still alive. They looked somber when I got home from work.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Day 337
Keiko (Japanese Akita) and Nicholas (Chow) got into a really bad fight over doggy bones. I thought for sure that Keiko was the one kicking ass, but this time it was Nicholas. And he got her bad. Blood was everywhere and because both the dogs are practically white, the blood showed on their fur. It lasted a long time, too. I was going to stay in my room but the fighting didn’t stop in 30 seconds like it normally does and my mom was screaming at the dogs and I could tell by her voice it was bad. So, I ran down stairs to help her stops the dogs. When I got there, Nicholas had Keiko on the ground pinned beneath himself and the house. Nicholas was biting viciously at Keiko’s head.
I guess Nicholas got tired of Keiko taking his food and decided to kick her ass. I always thought Nicholas was a pussy because he would let Keiko bully him. I guess he was just being a nice dog all this time but decided this time he had had enough.
You can’t really tell by the pictures, Keiko is a bigger dog than Nicholas. But I think Nicholas has the advantage because he has a lot of fur (he has a summer cut in the picture above) and a much bigger muzzle.
Keiko has to go to vet tomorrow to get her paw checked out. I think the nail on what is the equivalent of the thumb on her left paw has been pulled out or something because there’s blood there and it sticks out a little too far and she doesn’t like standing on her paw.
I don’t think I will ever get any animals. I don’t have the patience and time for dogs or cats. Or seamonkeys.
Well, there you have it. Vicious breeds 3 and 4.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Day 336
Nope. I didn’t participate in Cyber Monday. But today was the day to get really good deals on stuff over the Internet.
Terminator and Heroes were good tonight. Heroes was definitely an improvement. The last couple of episodes I sort of lost interest. I’ve learned one thing about myself, I’m attracted to powerful men or at least men with really special abilities, like thinking and peeing in the toilet and not on the seat or floor.
I took a look at my retirement accounts today. I feel like slitting my wrists. I can only imagine what the retirements of those looking to retire in the next couple of years. I only hope the economy improves by then. I guess the good thing for me is, I’ll be able to recoup what I’ve lost in the last year.
I just realized that in exactly 30 days, I will be done with the 366 2008 project. I will be able to take a break from blogging, though I don’t plan on taking too big of a break because blogging is fun and it helps me get all the junk out of my head. After the new year, I will only have five weeks of school left. Sweet!
I think I may add getting a boyfriend into my plans. I’m not looking forward to the work involved with man hunting, but I should at least practice. Right? I should learn to be a better cook but I think the best course of action is to get the heck up out of the Antelope Valley.
Well, I better get some sleep. I have some homework due tomorrow and I have to work on my essays for this job I’m applying for. I would like to get everything finished before Friday so I can get one application off in the mail. Hopefully, I will get my other transcripts that I ordered in the mail this week so I can send off two applications for pretty much the same job, just at different pay grades. Anything to increase my chances of getting the heck up out of my current job.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008