Time for a blogging break.
I need it too. I'm a procrastinator. I need to work on this. There's no reason why I shouldn't already be done with my paper. My problem is when I'm on my computer I just want to play. I end up spending most of my time surfing the Internet.
If the Internet is down, I end up fiddling around with iTunes or iPhoto, everything but doing what I'm suppose to do which is write my paper!
I spend entirely too much time on the computer. I have a dual monitor computer at work so surfing the net when I get a chance and checking my email or doing other stuff is so much easier with two monitors. I still have a hard time navigating when I have more than two windows open on a Windows computer because I have to constantly minimize/maximize windows.
I still haven't decided on what I will get in August/September for a new computer. I definitely want another Mac but I don't know if I want an iMac or a Mac mini. I was thinking of getting a Mac mini and buying a 30 inch monitor from a third party like Dell. LOL. I don't see myself watching much television in the future because most shows I like to watch are on the Internet now. I don't like reality television though America's Next Top Model is my guilty pleasure, I can definitely live without it.
I will finally be able to get my taxes done in the next couple of weeks. I've been putting it off because I want to start a Roth IRA and I want to contribute money for 2007. I hate paying taxes. I will probably owe taxes next year and I'm fine with that. I'm used to bending over and taking it up the pooper for Uncle Sam. If only I were irresponsible and had a couple of illegitimate children and no job. I wouldn't have to worry about taxes.
I have a habit of buying books and not reading them. I bought a book called the Art of Dramatic Writing by Lajos Egri four years ago and I have yet to read it. This book is recommended reading for that writing fellowship I mentioned a few days ago. I will try to read it whenever I have time. I will probably have to make time. I get every other Friday off so maybe I will devote 3 to 4 hours on those days to my creative writing.
I discovered a few of the people selected for that writing fellowship with ABC and Disney had locked hair. That is a good thing especially if I decide to lock my hair. I want to do it before I go on my trip to China that way I won't have to worry about my hair while I'm there.
I think I just wrote 350 words. Danggit! I've been blogging when I could have just finished that last little bit of my paper! Nope I just wrote over 500 words, so not only have I not finished my paper but I've gone over my post maximum word count of 500 words.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Day 60
Posted by Shavonne at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Day 59
There's a lot of stuff going on that I just can't talk about. Oh well, I will just b!tch about it at work tomorrow. LOL.
I should go donate a dollar or two to the lottery. I'm feeling quite lucky. I plan to get my part of the team assignment done by tomorrow night so that I will have the weekend free do watch movies. There are a couple of Oscar movies I want to see and this weekend is the perfect time because next weekend I have a large paper due. I will work on that paper while I'm watching my movies.I really should be watching episodes of Grey's Anatomy on the Internet since I will be attempting to write a spec script. I want to have many writing samples to chose from for the writing fellowship I plan to apply for.
I noticed a habit I've been doing for a while now. I'm not sure what the root of it is but I tend to write things twice. If you are reading this from shavonne.org, in the previous day's post (Day 58) I did a really bad copy and paste resulting in duplicate paragraphs. I was able to spot it and correct it in my blogger blog but it went unnoticed by my strained eyes on shavonne.org. Dang. I hate that.Posted by Shavonne at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Day 58
One of the concepts I'm learning in school is goal setting and goal commitment. I have set some goals that I hope to accomplish in the next two years. I'm 58 days into my second goal but my first goal is to finish grad school. I'm less than a year out from accomplishing both.
My 366-2008 Project serves two purposes: 1) a daily, much needed short break from school and 2) to get me writing. There is a writing fellowship I would like to apply for next year in hopes I'll be selected for year 2010. So this means, not only do I have to continue with my blogging and school, but I have to learn to write spec scripts for television.
The writing fellowship is run by ABC and The Walt Disney Company. So, if I write a spec script, it must be based on one of the shows produced by ABC or Disney. Which show should I write a spec script for? Hmmm....
I started writing a movie script when I was in college and never finished it. I don't think I have an electronic copy of it either. That's okay though because if I recall, the script was terrible. LOL. I'd tell you what it was about I don't remember.
I must get some sleep. I must get some sleep so I can write a paper and a script.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Day 57
Do you think it's a good idea or a good goal to spend $100,000 on an education just to be a social worker?
I don't. I don't see anything wrong with being a social worker; however, I think it's just more economical to go to a junior college or state college to become a social worker.
My goal for when I finish grad school is to get as far away from government service as I possibly can. I just don't want to be bothered.
I can't remember what I was going to write about but I think it's because I'm tired. I had a long, hot day at work and I'm mentally exhausted. Sorry to make this post so short.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:08 PM 1 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Day 56
I finished my paper and turned it in. I'm feel so relieved. Now on the the team paper for next week.
For the past couple of years, I have been fascinated by stories involving robots. I've been meaning to read books by Isaac Asimov. I've watched a few movies based on his books like i Robot
, Bicentennial Man
, and A.I.
and I've been hooked. I just can't seem to remember to get a few of Asimov's books. I will have to put a few of his books on my must read list for when I finish school.
I just finished watching Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. I love this show. The season finale is next week. It seems a little soon since the show just started in January.
If I was the type of person who liked to talk on the phone, I would have an iPhone right now. I just hate phones. I don't like the fact they make noise and I have to hold them to my ear. I know they have ear pieces but I don't really like talking on phones enough to get an ear piece. LOL.
I need to get some sleep. I have to get up early in the morning to put a load of laundry in the dryer.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Day 55
I'm taking a break. I still have to write the intro and conclusion for my paper but for the most part, it's finished. I will do that sometime tomorrow.
Someone besides Dear Carey noticed I've been blogging everyday. I'm so happy to see someone noticed. I consider daily bloggin a huge accomplishment that will help me with my future goals once I'm done with school.
When I look at how much I've blogged in the last two months compared to how much I blogged in previous years, I feel ashamed. You must understand blogging is addictive but it can also be exhausting, especially when you don't seem to have much to write about. That's the reason why I've decided I must blog everyday even if when I blog, all I blog about is how I don't have anything to blog about. How many times did I just write 'blog' in the previous sentence?
I don't really have anything to blog about by the way. Have I mentioned how tired I am of school? So I did mention that. Did I mention how tired I am of school?
You know, I don't know how people can put off school when they don't have to. I mean, if I didn't have to go to Afghanistan, I would have stayed home and finished school. I was hoping to get out of that deployment at least until I finished school and then there would have been no point in calling me back in the military because my contract would have just about expired. But they wanted me back in so I could waste my time.
About my hair, I'm so wanting to get my hair locked already but I must wait because I don't have the time to look for a consultant and because I'm not done with school. Plus, waiting a year will be good for me.
I came across a Sisterlocked blogger who seems to have the blogging bug. I'm going to have to make sure I comment on her blog to encourage her to keep blogging. I love getting comments on my blog but I realize I don't blog for the interaction, I blog because it's cheaper than paying therapist. I need to get myself a life.
Did you know dogs can get hemorrhoids? I don't understand how a dog can get hemorrhoids when all they really eat is dry dog food.
I've noticed in my blog posts, the thoughts don't generally tie in together. It's like I'm scatter brained.
I think I need to go to bed.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Day 54
I went to that food party and had a good time. The food was great, though some of the dips messed with my stomach a bit, especially the Asiago dip. I could tell almost instantly it had a cheese in it that wouldn't agree with me.
I didn't work on my paper at all so I will be spending all day tomorrow working on it. I'm usually done with my papers by Sunday so that I can relax a little and do laundry. Tomorrow, I will write out my paper by hand because I seem to compose my papers faster that way. I'm addicted to the backspace button. In fact, I deleted the previous sentence twice before I was satisfied with it on moved on to the sentence you're reading now. Ha!
I have 48 more weeks of this school thing. I can't wait to finish.
I was listening to the radio when the DJ wrongly ID'd a song. She said it was Pink Floyd but I'm almost certain it wasn't Pink Floyd. I wish I could remember the name of the song.
I watched a few episodes of Lost over the net today. That show is starting to get interesting again. There have been some flash forwards rather than the usual flashbacks and we learn what happens to some of the characters after they get off the island. Apparently only 6 of the 40 plus people made it off the island and there's some kind of secret the Oceanic 6 are keeping. I want to know what it is. What happened to everybody? Kate is passing baby Aaron off as her own. So what happened to Claire? Did Jack ever find out Claire is his half-sister? Sawyer? Locke? The Korean couple? The Korean husband is not the father to his wife's unborn child. The older couple? Walt? There are so many questions and I'm just going to have to squeeze in Lost now that I know I can watch it at anytime thanks to the net.
I bought Secret Platinum deodorant and the scent (Glacier Mist) is amazing. I can't stop smelling my arm pits. Amazing.
I need to go to bed now. I know I'm tired when I start writing about my deodorant.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:24 PM 3 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Day 53
I don't really know what the heck I was thinking. I had planned on doing my reading so I can get my paper at least outlined tonight but I spent my time surfing the internet. I did manage to go to class and post so I could fulfill part of my participation requirement.
I will have to get up early and start cranking out my paper. I have a party to go to and I don't want to miss it because it's a party without little ones. All adults. Childless parties are always great.
I went to the doctor yesterday because of this cough I've had since the beginning of last month. The doctor gave me antibiotics and an inhaler. The antibiotics make me sick.
I hate popping pills.
I went to work for a half day. I should have skipped it but I would actually be at work than working on a paper for school.
I changed the template for my blogger blog. It looks great. I also noticed I blogged rather sporadically over the last four years averaging three to five posts a month. Well no more to that! I'm on a roll. I have blogged more in the last 53 days than I have in 2004, 2005, and probably 2007. It's really hard to say for 2007 because I lost about six months worth of blogs (mostly from my time in Afghanistan). Why did I upgrade Wordpress? It's kind of ironic how details of my military life keeps disappearing. Oh well, I'm more prepared now. I've been using my blogger blog as a back up for shavonne.org.
I must get some sleep.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Day 52
I'm not a fan of Black History Month because it seems to bring more resentment than learning. Of course, there's only so much learning about slavery, Jim Crow, and Civil Rights Movement even I can take before I want to start tuning things out. I like to keep things positive and most of Black History isn't positive at all. In fact, I refer to Black History Month as my 28 days of depression and 29 days on a leap year.
I'm sure people are aware there's a Hispanic American Heritage Month, and Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, American Indian Heritage Month, and Women's History Month, all of these months used to observe the contributions AMERICANS (of non-European heritage/culture) have made to U.S. society. But I don't seem to hear complains during those months.
I remember taking an Asian Studies class in college. My discussion class consisted of myself (the only full black female), 2 half black/half Asian females, 1 half white/half Asian female, 6 asian females, 1 white male, 2 white females, and 0 Asian males/black males.
We got into a discussion over how we (the "ethnic" members) always have to navigate between two worlds: ours and the more paler facet. I have been, on more occasions I can even count, the only black female and sometimes the only black person in a store, or at school, or at work, etc. My Asian and mixed classmates shared the same experience (Duh).
Well, the white male got a taste of what I've and the other members of the class had to deal with all our lives and he literally broke down crying. I couldn't believe it. We actually had to comfort him and tell him that although we never really get used to it, we just learn to mask our discomfort (by not breaking down crying in front of everybody). Makes me wonder how this guy will react in 40 years when Hispanics are the majority in this country.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Day 51
Female genital mutilation. I cannot describe to you how that makes me feel.
When I was in college, I took a class on human sexuality. In this class we had to watch a video of a young girl in Egypt go through this process.
Two men walked this little girl into a room. One of the men sat the girl his lap. Then he grabbed her ankles and spread her legs open. The other guy came over with a scalpel and cut her clitoris of. All I know is when the 2nd gut her clitoris off, her feet fluttered and she let out a high pitch scream.
They bandaged her up and tied her clitoris to her wrist. (The clitoris was all wrapped up.) Talk about adding insult to injury.
TV is so worthless. I watched Girlicious. None of the girls can sing. NONE! They all pretty hair though.
Lil' Kim has had so much work done on her face. I think she's had cheek implants. She looks terrible. Those contacts, hair weave, cheeks... Is she trying to be Barbie?
Posted by Shavonne at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Day 50
I'm tired of work. When will I ever win the lottery so I can retire someplace tropical?
The more research I do, the more convinced I want Sisterlocks. I still have a year before I will go through with it, so there's plenty of time to change my mind (though I don't see that happening).
I'm torn between wanting big hair like Brunsli or perfectly sized locks like Renea. Oh, dear. I know, I know. My hair will look different because my hair isn't like Brunsli's or Renea's. Darn!!!! I have a feeling my hair will look more like Leighann's. The individual strands of my hair are super skinny, so skinny that at times they feel like spider webs. My scalp will also probably show even after years of being locked.
I have one month to get my Roth IRA in order. I've got money in various places I'm just not sure what to do with it. I can't afford to buy a house. I could if I were married but I don't want to do that (get married).
I really need to get some sleep. My fatigue is starting to affect my job.
I've decided to go through menopause. I don't care what anyone says, I think it's possible to convince my body to go through with it. The mind is very powerful and if I believe it then it will happen. It's kind of like how I'm 22. I believe it, so it must be true.
I really need to get some sleep. My fatigue is starting to affect my job and I'm becoming delusional.
Can I handle two more years in this desert? I think I can. It's not that bad. There just aren't many men out here which is why I want to go through menopause. I don't think I'll every get to use the equipment so it might as well go dormant, for like, ever.
I have another paper due this weekend. 52 papers to go! I think I can make it. I know I can make it. I'm not paying for it.
I really need to get some sleep. My fatigue is starting to affect my job, I'm delusional, and there are probably spelling and grammar mistakes in this post. I'm going to bed now.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:28 PM
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Monday, February 18, 2008
Day 49
I need to work out. I've got like 20 inches of extra skin on my waist. I would consider this somewhat normal for a woman of child-bearing age, but I don't plan on having children so having all this extra skin is unnecessary.
I have to get my taxes done. I'm don't like getting my taxes done because I usually owe money.
When I finish with school, I plan on joining a cycling club of some sort. That means I will need to get a bike with a nice seat.
My President's Day was boring. I finished my paper early in the day so I had the rest of the day to myself which was great. I can't believe I have 52 more of this! How do people go to school for years? I like learning but I like my "me time" more.
I'm watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and there's a flashback to where Derek Reese is sitting next to his brother Kyle Reese (the father of Sarah's son) and he pulls out a picture of Sarah standing in front of a horse or something. That's not the picture I remember from the movie. Sarah was sitting in a Jeep with a red band around her head. Why is that so hard to recreate? I mean, they've recreated everything else about the movies. Why not the picture. That's irks me.
Ah the little details.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Day 48
48 Days! OMG! I cannot believe it. I've blogged for 48 days straight.
And to think I wouldn't be able to go two weeks. Ha!
I'm busy trying to write a paper. I'm having the hardest time because I wasn't able to find two companies that went through conflict management. I want to be done with this paper my at least 3 p.m. tomorrow so that means I will need to get up and write the last few pages. I wanted to be done tonight but I'm tired and I want to go to bed.
This is my last big paper for this class. Next week I will have a very short paper and hopefully I can have that done by Friday night. I have a dinner party to go to on Saturday and I'm looking forward to it because there won't be any children. Yes!
I should make an effort to use my phone next weekend. I have few people I need to call and touch base with. I've only kept in touch by email over the last 4 or 5 months.
Well, let me get back to my paper.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Day 47
My mom needs to deal with the fact that her dog is getting old. You know how old people tend to get nasty when they're old, well he's getting that kind of old.
For some reason, her dog messed himself something awful. I was watching him do his business today and I noticed he would attempted to do a No. 2 and then he would sit down in the middle of it . I don't know if his legs are tired or what but he does have arthritis in his hips and I can imagine his hips have been bothering him a lot this winter.
The problem with me is I don't do well with sh!t and the dog has a dog patty on his @ss. Dog patties are similar to cow patties. If you don't know what a cow patty looks like then just picture a large hot flatten pile of fecal matter. It's very gross and just looking at it makes me want to hurl. This is a perfect reason why I should never have children. I don't like sh!t. I just don't.
I thought about hosing the dog down but I remembered he has a tendency to hate being sprayed with cold water, and though the weather is nice, it not nice enough to be sprayed with cold water.
I can't wait for my mom to get back. She's more attached to the dog and will be willing to put on some latex gloves to rid the dog's @ss of doggy poo. I just can't do it.
This reminds me of why I will never get another animal again. I've had cats and a dog and I don't like the maintenance involved with either species. I like plants. Plants only require water and sunlight. That's my kind of species.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Day 46
I felt icky all day at work. I don't think I got enough sleep or something I ate didn't agree with me. I don't know but I just didn't feel right.
I'm still feeling tired. If I hadn't already had my monthly I'd say it was about to start.I was planning on going to the doctor on Tuesday to see about this cough that won't go away but I have a meeting early that morning I will have to wait until Wednesday or Thursday.
School is rather boring. After this weekend I will only have 3 more weeks left of this class before I move on to something else. I have to pay my tuition next week. The bills never seem to stop.About that movie The Invasion. The original movie (Invasion of the Body Snatchers [1956]) was much better. You will have to rent it yourself.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Day 45 SAD and HVD!
I've been wanting to write about something but I've been putting it off because it's about work. I don't like to write about work because I don't want people asking me questions about what I do for a living. It's really none of their business and my policy is to refrain from mentioning things if those things would solicit questions I can't answer.
Good policy, right?
The situation at work reminds me a lot of when I was the military. It's one of the reasons why I got out of the military in the first place. I don't like people that don't have a good work ethic. These people usually cause problems at work and good workers are the people that pay for it in the long run. I think I've said enough about this.
Happy Single Awareness Day (SAD)! Happy Valentine's Day! Which ever you chose to celebrate, it is by far the most lamest day of the year (besides Christmas).
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Day 44
I guess the good thing about being called from my job for over a year is when I got back, the job felt new again.
One more year and two weeks. I can't wait.
I had to fee my mom's dogs tonight. One of them is getting really old. He doesn't have much of an appetite. I think this year might be one of last years. The poor dog.
He's lived a long time.
Wow, I really don't have much to blog about.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Day 43
I just finished watching I Now Pronounce You Larry and Chuck. It was funny in the beginning but turned out plain stupid at the end.
I can't believe I'm almost halfway done with the class I'm currently taking. I can't wait to move on to the next subject.
I'm about to start watching the Invasion. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow.
I don't have much to talk about. So I'm going to retire early, and hopefully I will have something to worth reading. This blogging everyday is rather difficult. This is only my 43rd day and I feel like I've reached burnout.
I need to do something this weekend.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Day 42
I'm exhausted. The final team paper was awful but can't dwell over that. Time to move on.
I have a 3,000 to 4,000 word paper due next Monday so I will definitely get to cranking on the assignment.
There was something I wanted to write about but I can't remember what it is.
I hate that Monster.com commercial where everyone is rushing outside in their PJs and trying to fight the sunrise.
One of my friend's sent me an email with the video about A Black Woman's Smile. This video is totally depressing. My mom sent it to me and ever since then I've had her emails routed to my trash can.
Gosh there was something I wanted to write about. I just can't put my finger on it.
I scheduled a doctor's appointment because I've been having trouble breathing after my coughing spells. I don't know what it's all about but the last time this happened, the only thing that cured me was Advair.
Work today was so boring and HOT. The heater was on full blast and it was 70 degrees F outside.
Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles is an awsome show by the way. I'm so glad I turned on my tv tonight because there was a new episode! Fox on demand is great.
I'll probably have to put off my trip to China. Some crackhead was selling secrets to the Chinese. I hope the give him the electric chair.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Day 41
I almost for got to post something to my blog. I was up late working on my team assignment. I will post more tomorrow evening. I'm so tired. I can't believe I almost forgot to blog. Shame on me.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Day 40
Four more weeks and I'll be on to a new class and instructor. I cannot tell you how happy I will be.
I've completely exhausted my reading on Brunsli's blog. I've read every post on her blog and now I have nothing to read. Reading her blog was like reading a good book.
I don't feel like blogging and I need to get some sleep. I got up really early this morning after going to bed really early in the morning. I had to get up to wish my dad a Happy Birthday. Friday was his birthday but I think I fell asleep when I got home from the dentist because of how numb the left side of my face was. I definitely know how people feel after experiencing a stroke and partial facial paralysis. It sucks. I had no control over half my face!
I should have taken some pictures of myself trying to smile. That would have been funny.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Day 39
I went to the dentist today to get some fillings. The dentist was really great. He shot me up three times before starting the drilling. By the time I got home, the entire left side of my face was numb.
I was watching The Millionaire Matchmaker on Bravo. I don't get it. Rich men should be able to find a woman.
According to Patti Stanger, the matchmaker, rich men don't like curly hair. They want hair they can run their fingers through. In fact, there was this gorgeous black female with natural hair (curly) and Patti told her to get a flat iron. Patti told all the women with curly or wavy hair to get a flatiron or extensions (if their hair was short).
I'm getting nowhere with my team project. Two members of the team still haven't posted their ideas for their portion of the assignment. Oh well, I posted that I would have my part of the assignment in on Saturday.
I can't wait to be done with this class.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Day 38
I finally feel like I've accomplished something with my team project.
I also turned in my homework for the week.
So, I was watching an episode of Lost on tv tonight and I was somewhat enjoying the show (there's nothing else to watch) when I was reminded why I stopped liking the show in the first place. What is the fascination with guns? And why do they want to get off the island so bad?
I think I've said this before, but if I was on a deserted island, I'd be happy as a hog in sh!t. Who wants to have to go to work in an office all day? I would rather only have to work in order to eat. By living on a deserted island, I would only have to exert enough energy to hunt and gather some food. The rest of my day would be devoted to-wait a minute. I couldn't imagine a life without my computer.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Day 37
I just shaved my legs. I haven't shaved my legs since Thanksgiving.
I just felt the need to shave them since I'll be getting my paps smear tomorrow. I didn't do a good job at shaving my legs either because when I got out of the shower my knees were still hairy. After taking an even closer look at my legs, I noticed patches of hair here and there.
I wonder if my gynecologist will notice. I can just hear him or her thinking Wow, she's got patches of really long hair on her legs. She must have just shaved them for this appointment.
I mean, I'm sure lots of women shave their legs (and their bushes) just before an exam.
Anyways, I'm hating the class I'm in. I'm not feeling the instructor. I miss Louis (my finance and accounting instructor). He was great because he was challenging.
I still haven't done my reading and I have homework due tomorrow. Crap!
I wonder what my grade is for my paper I turned in. I can usually judge the instructors grading standards by my first paper.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Day 36
Voting is kind of a waste of time if you're Independent. I don't mind though. It's not like there was a candidate I was excited to vote for.
It will be interesting to see who wins the primaries. My prediction-Obama and McCain.
I thought is was interesting that Cynthia McKinney and Jesse Jackson were on the ballot for the Green Party. I didn't even know they were trying to run for president.
I was going to stay up and do some reading but I'm going to save that for tomorrow night. I'm beat and really need to get some sleep. I've been running on empty the past five days.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Day 35
Apparently I missed the game of all games this weekend. I'm not a sports fan at all, but if the Superbowl was a great as everyone says it is, then I feel totally bummed because I didn't witness it myself. Darn school.
The last time I got excited about sports was when the Clippers were playing against the Phoenix (?) or whatever team it was. I'm not a Clippers fan, but for them to make it to the playoffs(?) well that was something. It would have been ever better had the Clippers won. I would have become a basketball fan.
For some reason, I like rooting for the underdog.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Day 34
I have no idea what to write about today. I did manage to get my homework 98% complete and do my laundry and wash my hair so I guess this is one of the most productive Sundays ever.
There really isn't anything else I need to do (today). I know I have to go shopping for a birthday gift tomorrow but other than that I have nothing else going on.
I really don't feel like blogging tonight. I'm going to go to sleep now.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Day 33
I just realized I never know what I'll miss until I don't have time for it anymore.
I really like having ample time. I spent the good part of my day surfing the blogosphere instead of doing my homework that's due on Monday. I still haven't done all the reading required for this week mainly because it's very, very boring. I'm such a procrastinator. This makes me wonder how people with children do it.
I mean, some of my classmates are married with children, and there are even some single mothers *cringe* and I can't fathom how they manage their time.
I'm thinking of blowing the whole study thing off until tomorrow. But then I think I should just do it today so I can have all of tomorrow for goofing off. What will probably happen is I will blow the rest of tonight and part of tomorrow goofing off and then working my homework until I go to bed.
I'll at least finish my reading tonight. I'm not really liking my instructor. I'm going to voice my concerns in my weekly summary. At the moment, we should have already been assigned to teams so we can hammer out the plan for tackling next week's team assignment. I so hate working on teams.
Meanwhile, I'm getting a case of marriage/baby envy. This usually never happens but a coworker just had a baby and I was reading her blog today. I'm certainly not envious of my friends' unweddedness with children. I'm even less envious of the motherhood part, too. It has something to do with struggling.
I've noticed people automatically assume that because I'm black (and not very religious) that I'm down with the unwedded motherhood. Not so.
I was going to add some more backgrounds to my blog but decided against it because I needed to do some school reading. Instead, I set up snapshots on my blog. It's a nifty widgets that opens up a preview of website without leaving my blog. I think it's cool. I set it up on my blogger blog as well.
I just finished one chapter and I'm working on another. After this chapter I will have one more to go.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Day 32
I had a long day. I went to open a checking account at one of my banks and it took forever. While I was at the bank, I discovered my interim driver's license had expired so I had to go to the DMV to get it renewed and report my driver's license lost since I hadn't got it in the mail yet. The DMV tried to charge me $22 to get another driver's license in the mail. She looked it up in the computer and she said the post office hadn't returned it. I insisted I never got, which is true. I got a new interim license.
I'm tired of school. Transformation Leadership is the topic of my new class. I already hate the topic too. I miss Finance and Accounting already.I've been going through the archives of a Sisterlocked blogger, Brunsli. I love reading her blog. I like reading blogs period. It gives me a reason to be at my computer (like I need a reason, I'm in school!) and on the net.
This is the first day of February and 32nd post. I'm proud of myself. I haven't stopped blogging yet. I dread they day I won't be able to get on the net because I fear I won't be able to get back into it. It's like working out. I went everyday for a week and then I got sick and couldn't bring myself to go anymore. Well, sickness wasn't the only excuse. I hate dealing with my hair.I notice the more posts my blog has, the more spam I get. Before I lost my blog last year, I was getting a couple hundred spams a day on my blog. If it weren't for Akismet, I probably would have turned off comments because I wouldn't feel like deleting the spam.
I got a fortune cookie with my Korean meal today. It said I would be singled out for promotion. At first I thought it said I would be single permanently. At least I got some lotto numbers. I think I will play tomorrow.Posted by Shavonne at 8:09 PM
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks