I know today is Sunday but I can’t help but comment on some stories I read about over the net about a Wal-mart employee being trampled to death during a Black Friday stampede. And apparently there was a shooting in a Toys R’ Us in Palm Desert, California. Now, I was out in the early morning hours of Black Friday helping the economy out and all, but I never witnessed any of the lunacy that apparently took place that day. Shopping on Black Friday was easy and very pleasant. I thought for sure it would be overly crowded and loud with long lines, but it wasn’t. I totally intend on doing some shopping next year.
I continued with my procrastination ritual by surfing the net and decided to pay a visit to blog (Black Female Interracial Marriage Ezine) I used to read almost religiously three years ago. During my visit, I discovered the blogger (Eve Moore) published a book and is hosting several Web sites with the soul purpose of uplifting black women.
I’m really excited about the changes at her blog and new book. I can’t wait until she publishes the hard copy of the book. The e-copy is available now but because of school and having to stare at a computer screen practically all day long, I’d rather have a hard copy.
This isn’t related to Eve’s blog but did you know there is a Web site devoted to all things Michelle Obama?
I wish I had the energy to blog more about stuff that I come across but it will have to wait. I just needed to get my blog quota for the day. Plus, I still have to write the intro and conclusion for my paper.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Day 335
Posted by Shavonne at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Day 334
I’m half-way done with my paper and I still have more to go. I think I will stop writing at 9 p.m. and finish up the last of what I have to do tomorrow because I usually have more energy and write better during the daylight hours. I somewhat depressed as I think I’ll be getting another A- which means I will need to get a A in my next class if I hope to make “honor grad” which the school doesn’t give to grad students.
I need to get some laundry done and I have at least four loads to do. That’s what I’ll be done after 9. I am also going to try to watch Indian Jones. I tried to watch it last night but I couldn’t stay awake. I had a feeling I was going to fall asleep because I watched This Christmas and the last twenty minutes totally put me to sleep.
I really need to stop biting my fingernails. I think I broke my permanent retainer. My tooth is a little loose and when it eat it feels like I have something stuck between my teeth but when I floss there’s nothing there. I just know fixing my retainer is going to cost quite a bit of money. I’m thinking about $300 dollars.
I need to marry a dentist.
Did I mention I wore my hair down Thanksgiving day but the humidity in L.A. frizzed my hair and it ended up looking like crap. There really is no good time of the year to wear my hair down. The summers are too hot and just about every other day is too dang windy. Oh well. I wish I had snapped a picture but I didn’t even think to take one as I thought for sure my hair would still be cute and knew my cousin would be snapping pictures of me as we kind of have this war thing going on where we snap pics of each other when we least expect it. She’s got some really ugly pictures of me.
I had to donate some money to NaNoWriMo. It seems the non-profit organization didn’t raise enough dough to pay for expenses this year and keep things going for next year. It would be just my luck for it not to be around just when I actually have the time to participate. I will definitely be participating in Script Frenzy. I have a couple of script ideas I want to develop. Oh, how I can’t wait to be done with school. I don’t know how people can spend decades in school.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Day 333
Now that Thanksgiving is over, I have to divert attention to Christmas shopping.
I think this time next year I’m going to go somewhere for a vacation in South America or something. Tour the Amazon. I just don’t want to be here in the U.S. November/December are my least favorite times of the year.
Ever heard of Bacon and Eggs Ice Cream? It sounds really good. I don’t know what it is about bacon. And eggs. I love both so much.
I don’t think I will ever like raw food. It doesn’t even look appealing watching folks eat it. I don’t even think I could eat it and make it look appealing to people watching me eat it and I’ve been told I make food look really good when I eat.
It shouldn’t take me long to finish up my resume. I have it pretty much done and ready for my mom to look over as I’m sure she can come up with some interesting terminology.
I got up a the butt fricken crack of dawn to have save the economy did some shopping. I heard my mom say she wanted to buy a Garmin GPS thingee so I went this morning stood in the cold waiting for Pep Boys to open so I could buy this thing. I didn’t know she wanted one for herself. But anyway, that’s what she wanted.
I really did some damage. I took advantage of the sales and bought some nice business casual clothes as I don’t much to wear for work but then again engineers aren’t known for the their fashion sense so I fit right in. Ha!
Not only did I circulate some of my cash, but I’ve decided to make Black Friday a tradition. Oh, I’m also never going to go to Thumb Twiddle on the Friday after Thanksgiving as I was 1 of 3 people in the whole compound at Thumb Twiddle today. Stupid me for thinking I would be able to accomplish anything.
I discovered I’m back down to a size 2/small, which probably explains why when I buy a size 4 or 6, the clothes fall off of me.
I rented Iron Man. That’s one good movie! I wish I had gone to see it in the movies. Nothing like the big screen to make to make a good movie better.
Posted by Shavonne at 5:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Day 332
Happy Thanksgiving. I won’t be blogging today as I will be spending the day with my family and giving thanks for being alive and looking forward to the future.
So, fill your bellies with whatever your family likes to prepare for the big Thanksgiving feast.
Posted by Shavonne at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Day 331
I hate applying for Federal jobs as the application process is absolutely long. There’s a couple of forms I have to fill out and 3 questions I have to answer about my experience in three areas. One of the job qualifications is creative writing. Can you believe that? I think that’s why they want applicants to answer the three questions. It will help them determine my writing skills. I’ll be selling my qualifications to the whoever will be judging my qualifications before they even bother interviewing me.
Thank goodness I blog daily and write papers every weekend. I also have to send in copies of my college transcripts but I only have one copy from my undergrad years! I just ordered five more copies of my transcripts from UCSB because I know I will need them. I’ll probably order more after the new year.
Anyway, I just found out today another cousin of mine will be getting married. I thought he was married for sure but it turns out he’s just engaged. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
This all sucks because I have to get up early tomorrow and do my hair and call my dad and then I have to find time this weekend to purchase gifts and write another monster paper. Why couldn’t my easy classes be my last two. It seems they saved the most stressful for last. Only 4 more weeks of this class and 3 more weeks before I start my last class. I can’t wait to exhale. I’m so tired of all this school. I want my weekends back to have fun. I need that.
I wonder if there’s a man in my future? One that cooks. And likes to travel. With a great smile and nice legs.
Well, let me get to finish tailoring my resume for this job I’m applying for.
Good night.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Day 330
36 more days until the new year! Yeah baby! I can?t wait. The end is near. The end is near.
Now I didn?t do any blogging last night about Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, but it seems Blondie (Riley) is actually from the future and she?s in the present to divert John?s attention away from his fembot (Cameron). I suspect John and Cameron somehow develop a romantic relationship. I mean, she wouldn?t be valuable if she couldn?t feel, right?
Which got me thinking about my manbot (if it was ever possible to have one). He would be silent type, good with his hands, and have great man nipples, and strong arms. He?d look like Matthew McConaughey or Gerry Butler in 300. Totally hot!
I went to Panda Express today, what you see above is what was in my fortune cookie. What the heck does that crap mean? Couldn?t the dang cookie just give me some winning lottery numbers?
I have no idea of what else to blog about. I have to get up early and run to the post office and then I have to work on my resume packet for that job I?m applying for. I have until the 15 of December to get it done but I think I want to get it in the mail this weekend. The quicker I can get away from my current employer the better as I?m just miserable.
Why couldn?t that dang fortune cookie give me some winning lottery numbers?
Posted by Shavonne at 12:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Day 329
I was watching a show on Discovery Health called I am My Own Twin. I can’t remember the details involving why the women needed to have DNA test done on her children, but the tests showed she was not the biological mother of her children. Her children’s DNA showed her partner (a man) to be the father but the woman was not the biological mother.
Apparently it is possible for one person to have two different sets of DNA. This woman is Chimera. Anyway I thought it was interesting that the cells in the woman’s reproductive organs contained different DNA from cells in the rest of her body. Chimerism probably happens a lot. Most Chimera people have physical characteristics like being intersexed (having both male and female sex organs).
Anyway it got me all thinking about homosexuality and how I suspect it is the result of something that can be found in DNA.
Anyway. I was going to blog about Obama’s stimulus package but decided to change my mind as I will have the next 4 years to blog about his presidency. I should spend the rest of the year blogging about other stuff.
I wanted to blog about something else but I can’t remember.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Day 328
Braiding and banding is already a part of my hair washing routine. I started doing this in college as I found it easier to comb out my hair after washing, which saved lots of time for studying.
From what I’ve read, Sisterlocks require braiding and banding before washing to prevent the locks from slipping (unraveling) during the washing process. I’m already starting with good habits.
Did I mention I sleep with my hair wrapped?
I don’t know how much longer it will be if I decide to get Sisterlocks as I still haven’t found any information on consultants in California. My number 1 choice is still Phyllis Johnson despite her living in Delaware and not being listed on the Sisterlocks Web site.
Can you imagine putting up to 16 inches of hair in the Sisterlock pattern? How long do you think that would take? 4 days?
I didn’t get much of a good night’s sleep last night. I had a dream about a war. It was a bad one, one that actually made it to American shores. My dream was nothing like Pearl Harbor or 9-11. Much, much worse and last night’s wasn’t the first time.
I also dreamed someone I know got back together with her ex-boyfriend. For some odd reason, I don’t think this conversation was a dream. I could be wrong. I will ask on Tuesday.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Day 327
So, today hasn’t been any different from the previous Saturdays this past year. I have 10 weeks left in school. I’ve probably already mentioned this but I don’t think anyone, including I, can get tired of hearing that.
I’m watching one of my favorite shows 17 Kids and Counting. I love watching the Duggars. I think they have something. I’m not sure what it is but I watching this family despite some people reading more into Duggar lifestyle than there really is. I don’t see anything racist about them having so many children. I think the Duggar children all have different personalities.
I took a weird body quiz and one of the questions was
What would happen if you never brushed your hair?
- It would fall out.
- It would stop growing.
- It would grow faster.
- It would form dreadlocks.
I got 7 out of 10 right, which I supposed is about right for me when it comes to multiple-choice questions.
I went about looking for jobs to apply for. There’s a job I have my eye on. I have to have my application packet in my December 15. So, I guess I will take Wednesday off so I can work on my resume packet that way I can get in the mail by next Saturday.
I have this thing for watching Man vs Wild and Survivorman. Great shows. However, whatever Bear Grylls and Les Stroud call protein, I call worms. I think the things they are willing to put in their mouths are interesting.
Well, I need to wash my hair. My scalp is flaking really bad and it feels greasy. I need to make an appointment to see a doctor about this issue.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Day 326
I was listening to the news and the job market is taking a serious nose dive. Unemployment is on the rise in many industries. The good news about all this is jobs in the entertainment industry aren’t being affected as the studios have recovered from the writer’s strike and are vamping up production. That means good news for me. I need to start submitting my resume asap if I plan to leave my current employer next year.
I’ve been thinking about my blogging for next year. I think I’m going to create a new category to document the Obama years. I’m going to call the category Obama Years. I’d just like to warn folks that I will not spend all my time blogging about the soon-to-be president; however, I will occasionally blog about any of his policies I think are complete poppycock. So I guestimate I will be writing a few posts every month.
Oh, I just cannot wait until I’m done with school. I have 10 weeks left. 10 weeks!
I had an interesting conversation with Mom.
Mom: Guess who’s pregnant?
Me: I don’t care.
Mom: Well, guess who got married?
Me: I don’t care.
Mom: Well, N is married and his wife is four weeks pregnant.
Me: Didn’t they get married in October?
Mom: Well, they snuck off and secretly got married in September.
Me: Well, R must be happy she’s going to be a grandma.
Well, I have to get to cracking on my paper for this week. 10 more papers to go. My gosh I can’t wait to be done with this mess.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Day 325
I just saw on the news how the stock prices of the major banks dropped by more than 20 percent! Holly smokes. Citi stock dropped to under $5. Wow. If you have the money to invest....just be careful. You could be buying stock that will not be worth anything in the future.
I went to Panda Express with some folks I used to work with. I don’t feel like blogging about that. However, my Panda Express fortune says real estate is the way to go.
All honesty, I don’t see anything with the economy getting better anytime soon. It’s getting pretty scary. Is the world coming to an end? Is this really the beginning of something more devastating than the Great Depression? How long will it last?
I desperately need a vacation. Someplace like outer space.
That is it about the new movie Twilight? People are sleeping outside just to see the movie. Is this going to be a real blockbuster? I guess I’ll be taking a trip to the movies this weekend. I also want to see the new Will Smith movie. I think it will be good. I didn’t care much for I am Legend. I don’t really understand what his movie is about.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Day 324
I’ve been reading on the Internet how the gay community is blaming and sometimes attacking the Mormon Church and the black population for the passage of Prop 8.
I never had any doubt how many in the black community feel about homosexuality. A lot of blacks find it offensive to compare the Civil Rights Movement to the right for gay marriage. Being black isn’t a choice while being gay is. (Or is it?)
Of course, it’s really not fair to say that 70% of blacks oppose gay marriage despite the stats. It’s probably really much lower than that as the 70% only accounts for only those of voting age who actually voted.
It’s nice and yet awkward to see 70% used to describe the black population for something other than out-of-wedlock births.
Back to black homophobia. I’m not sure where it stems from. I know growing up, my relatives would say some pretty nasty things about those with too much sugar in their tanks or mannish women. Gay for black folks is a huge no-no. Like a double whammy. Children are taught gay is bad. I’m not sure why in my family as none of my relatives are particularly religious. I think it has something to do with not wanting the kids to have to deal with discrimination on two fronts - black and gay.
Double whammy! I’ve read the blogs of black gay bloggers and picture they paint of the gay community isn’t always one of acceptance from other non-black gays. Believe it or not, there are racist gay people! Duh!
I wrote about how I wasn’t sure how I was going to vote on Prop 8 and that I thought I was going to sit that round out. I didn’t. I ended up voting against Prop 8. I voted that way because I knew it would pass and I’m a sucker for the underdog.
You can’t expect millions of people to put aside their religious convictions (if that’s why they voted for Prop 8). I also don’t see why blacks are being verbally attacked and racial slurs hurled against them. This is isn’t happening in black communities, BTW. I’d like to see that. Ha!
I’ll probably write about this again when I’m not so tired and in need of doing my homework.
The California Supreme court will eventually overturn Prop 8 like it did back in 2000 when voters voted for a ban on gay marriage.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Day 323
I’m watching the documentary on Discovery Health about the pregnant man. Totally weird. This is my opinion about this event: You can modify the body but you can’t change the chromosomes. Thomas is still a woman! That can’t be changed.
I do think a lot about this kind of stuff. Like, what if there’s a third sex? What if somehow the feelings Tracey/Thomas have are the result of some kind of mutation that can be found on her/his DNA?
I think I’m going to have to blog about this in detail some other time. I need to get some sleep. You know, I really can’t wait until my carpool is healthy. She was the only person who bothers to read my blog.
I finally enjoyed an episode of the new 90120. I know. How can I watch that crap? Well, I was using the show as a what not to do in screenwriting. I mean, I haven’t see a show this bad. However, tonight the show was much better.
I’ve been training myself to see the conflict in every scene and I’ve been seeing plenty of it in every show I’ve been watching. 90210 had conflict in every scene and it was good conflict. Entertaining conflict that can lead to some interesting story lines. I still don’t like the show. I think my dislike started when I witnessed a teenage boy getting his wood waxed in the first five minutes of the show.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Day 322
I was going to blog about something serious, like about Obama’s BS bailout for the GM or this article I read about the Duggar family. I have the energy to make a coherent thought. I’m tired and a little worn out.
I had the worst day at work. Someone wore too much cologne and it gave me a headache. I was in a nasty mood all day. I just really feel like smacking somebody. Like really, really hard. Maybe I should call that 1-800 number the Army gave me when I got out.
Here’s to finishing week 1 of class #2 and week 6 of class #3.
“I have sensation. I can feel. I wouldn’t be worth much if I couldn’t.” - Cameron, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
I have no doubt in my mind John Connor sent his younger self a fembot for a companion. Unreal. I could be just reading more into it but it was the look in young John Connor’s face that made me think maybe he did send her back to be his companion. It’s not like he’ll be able to keep a relationship with Blondie.
I still really like Terminator. I think it’s much more entertaining than Heroes.
I don’t have anything to write about. And I’m totally bored with Comic Life Magic. I think I’ve reached burnout for my blog graphics. I’m tired of recycling.
Let me get to bed. I have to drive myself to work because my carpool is sick. I hope she feels better.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Day 321
I just finished paper #2. I’m glad that’s over with. Now it’s time to relax and unwind a bit. I still have to turn the papers in but I will wait until tomorrow when the papers are actually due. I want to give myself a break before looking at my academic masterpieces one last time and turning the suckers in.
Week 1 of class #2 went rather well. Five more weeks to go.
I was going to write about something interesting but I think I will save it for when I finish school. I totally feel just shutting my computer down and calling it a day.
I’ve been hungry all day but I haven’t been able to put my finger on what I want to eat. Lately, I’ve been having a craving for eggs. Actually, I’ve been having a craving for any breakfast food. Pancakes, bacon, hashbrowns, french toast, cereal, grits, anything. I think I’m going to hit Crazy Otto’s tomorrow morning. But for now, I’m going to eat some Cheerios.
I need to date a chef. I would date Emeril Lagasse.
Yes, the best way to my heart is through my stomach.
I have a taste for something sweet. I think I’m going to get some ice cream.
OMG! I just fell down the stairs. It’s not good to run down the stairs without my glasses, in the dark, wearing cheap flip flops.
I’m almost certain Cheerios would be great dog food. They have very little flavor, they’re bite sized, and they are kind of gritty, like dry dog food. (I don’t really know what dry dog food tastes like.)
My gosh, I thought the fire season was over. We need more rain. I think I need to rethink my mission statement. It might not be specific enough.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Day 320
I managed to finish one paper today. Now I have another paper to finish tomorrow. The good thing is, the paper tomorrow is much smaller. I have a feeling it will only take me a few hours to complete. I just wanted to get this big paper out of the way because I want it to be good enough to be able to get a perfect score. If I can pull it off, I will still be able to get an A in the course instead of an A-.
I did come across an interesting article today when I took a break from my writing. Is GM worth saving? Well, I think the executives at GM dug the company into a grave by producing gas guzzlers instead of smaller more gas efficient vehicles. Why should tax payers bailout this company? I’m almost certain the CEO is going to walk away from the company with millions in his pockets.
I’m tired and I plan to get up early so I can work on this paper I still have to do tomorrow.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Day 319
Okay, so I’m going to try to finish my paper tonight. My only hurdle is procrastination and laziness. I just don’t want to do this anymore.
Shavonne, you only have 11 more papers to go.
Thumb twiddle was boring as heck but I was able to get more done without people walking into my shared cubicle wanting to talk to cube mate. Really annoying when I’m trying to read.
Enough that boring stuff.
There’s this guy at work with a Scottish accent. His accent is so dang hot. Anyway, he was telling me about his business he just started. He gave me his business card. When I read his card, I thought of dental work. Crown Executive Services. See what I mean? The concept of a monarchy goes completely over my head, and I’m very shocked to learn other countries besides the U.K. still has a monarchy.
I prefer having a president for 4 to 8 years and then getting rid of him/her. I just can’t imagine someone holding the position simply because of a birthright. I mean, how is that a qualification?
Sorry for the lame graphic. I don’t feel like searching for a better picture. I need to get cracking on my papers.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Day 318
I’m so tired of school I could vomit. How is it that people spend over a decade just going to school? Is it worth all the debt and time? I get to the point with school where I just get lazy and stop caring. At this point, being an honor grad doesn’t thrill me because I’m just plain tired of school despite being almost done. I should be saying to myself “Keep going. Keep putting 100% effort in your school work. You are only 11 weeks away from the finish line. You can do it.”
I think I need to get over myself. My doubt just now stemmed from almost having a nervous breakdown because I thought I didn’t do the assignment the way it was supposed to be done. I’ve been having issues with this lately as I do follow the assignments but my instructors grade me otherwise. I’ve had to have them reevaluate their reasons for marking me down. It turns out I was right, and they were wrong.
I know how to read and follow instructions.
I’m in the middle of working on the bigger paper for the class I finish on Monday so I will have some time this weekend to work on the smaller paper for the class I started this week. I just love overlapping my courses. I wish I had done this sooner as I would be finished December 23rd instead of February 9th.
People keep asking me if I’m going to go to graduation. I’m not very sentimental about stuff like that. I figure the only vindication I need is that piece of paper. I’d probably be more tempted to go to graduation if I actually knew my classmates but they are just virtual entities that I work with only when I have to. It’s hard to develop relationships with people you only meet in the online environment though it is possible. I managed to develop a friendship with someone from my first class. We lost touch after I went to Afghanistan. I wasn’t able to log on to MSN Messenger. I’ve tried to contact her but the email addresses I have for her are no longer good. The good thing is, she knows I blog. So, hopefully she will come across it and shoot me an email.
It seems everyone is catching illnesses. Two people I know have missed a week of work. I hope I don’t get it. I hate being sick. It makes school and work just that much worse. I never get sick when I want to though. When I was in the Army, I would get really sick but never sick enough to get put on quarters until that one time I got rushed to the hospital because I passed out in the hallway due to fatigue. I wasn’t able to each much and was low on energy. I would have been fine but I had to go to PT formation and it was snowing outside and it all my energy to drive through the snow. I didn’t think I would make it back to the barracks.
I think when I’m done with school, I’m going to try digging for gold for a couple of days. I just saw a news teaser about gold digging. On top of that, I’m going to try digging for diamonds in Arkansas. I’m hoping to find about $200,000 so I can quit my job and write full time until the market improves. Actually, I think I might need more than $200,000 because I’m sure the government will take like 75%.
I had a very small hair growing on the tip of my nose. It was small but the fact that it took up residence on the tip of my nose was the tip of the iceberg. Who grows hair on the tip of their nose? I understand hair on the inside. But on the tip!!!
I’m done ranting. I need to get back to writing my paper.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Day 317
I just used my Smartdisk Titanium Floppy disc drive and I was able to retrieve my creative writing assignments from 2002. Here is a sneak peek of an introduction I wrote. The assignment was to have a character I created introduce me to the class. Hope you enjoy.
"My name is Maxine and I’m going to tell you about my Shavonne. She’s been a part of my life since the summer of 2002. She hasn’t done much with me except pair me up with some white guy. Not that I don’t like him and all because I’m crazy about him, it’s just that my parents wouldn’t approve of him.Do you think it’s possible to be wrong about yourself? I don’t think I’m a feminist. I’m more traditional in mind but living in a contemporary world. Plus, I’ve never had a satisfying relationship, which is why I have no real desire to be in one. I’m not against commitment, I’m against infidelity, betrayal, and disappointment. I’ve never experienced infidelity and betrayal but I sure have plenty of stories of disappointment.
Based on my predicament, I gather Shavonne likes complicated subjects. That’s probably why I’m a black female living with a white guy my senior year of college. We’re not going to get into the boyfriend I had during high school and my first two years of college. He turned out to be gay. My parents were devastated to hear the news.
Have I told you about her feminist side? She swears up and down she’s not, but she has many feminist tendencies. She firmly believes in maintaining her independent woman status. She refuses to believe she needs a man to make her life complete, although she does want a man. Her mother raised her to think that way. That’s probably (and I say it’s a wild guess) why she’s never been in a relationship with a guy that’s gone past two weeks. “Love them hard and leave them fast” is her motto. Thank Shavonne I don’t have that problem.
The one wish I have for my girl Shavonne would be for her to get back to writing the rest of my story. Let me tell you the last thing she had me doing. I was sitting on the toilet doing the number one while my boyfriend stood in the doorway of the bathroom watching. Just because her life is uncertain, doesn’t mean mine has to be. Can I wipe anytime soon?" - Maxine
What a boring subject.
Now about the bailout. The U.S. backs away from plan to buy bad assets. I cannot tell you how relieved I am. However, in light of all this talk about making it easier for people to obtain credit, I call a big. fat. HELL NO! That’s exactly what got us into this mess to begin with. You know what, if people have the money to buy because of personal debt, then they don’t need more credit.
And as far as the auto industry, I wouldn’t give the big 3 a bailout either. I mean if the oil embargo of the 1970s didn’t teach them about the dangers of producing oversized, gas-guzzling vehicles, then they should learn it this time. Producing vehicles people will stop buy once gas prices skyrocket is just plain stupid.
On the plus side for people who are responsible with their money and live well below their means, there rare investment opportunities galore. GM and Ford’s stock prices are $2.92 and $1.80, respectively. Now, I’m going to keep an eye on GM and Ford as I don’t want to invest money in stocks with the companies only for the two automakers to close shop. That’s money down the drain. However, if things pick up, and I don’t see this happening soon, the stock purchase will be worth it.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Day 316
I almost forgot about Veterans Day. I can't believe I forgot. As a former soldier, I just can't believe I almost forgot.
I’ve been trying to figure out why my blog is getting so many views because of my posts about Sisterlocks. It turns out, I’ve been linked by discoveringhair.com. I don’t know why. Bloggers like Brunsli and others actually have Sisterlocks and do quite a bit of blogging about their hair.
I haven’t even been able to decide who I would like to do my hair! It’s slim pickings in California and my number 1 pick for a consultant lives in Delaware (I think).
I still have a while before I even start the process of locating a consultant.
Enough about hair.
I procrastinated like crazy today. The only thing I managed to do is get my homework done for the week. I still have two papers I have to write and I didn’t even make a dent in either one. I could have done some research for one paper and filled in the tables for the other paper so that this weekend all I have to do is write the paper. But I didn’t.
I can’t blame my tv because I didn’t even bother to turn it on.
I blame the Internet. Let me explain why.
I discovered not too long ago that I could watch my favorite shows over the Internet. Who cares if I miss my shows during the week. I can play catch up on the weekends. I don’t usually play catch up on the weekends because I watch my shows during the week when they originally air.
Maybe I should blame my computer instead. Yeah, that’s it. I have to be on my computer in order to do my assignments, which means I eventually venture onto the Internet to do other things not related to school. Like blogging and reading blogs and sometimes commenting on blogs. Or shopping. Or like today, watching Samantha Who? because I didn’t see it last night because I was busy watching Heroes.
I discovered why I like the show Privileged. The main character, Megan, is an aspiring writer. I like stories about writers with writer’s block or excuses galore to keep from writing.
Just heard another news tease about California possibly getting a bailout. Urgh!!! I can see an increase in crime. I think I’m going to invest in a couple of safes so that if someone does try to break in a take the things I work hard for. Even in your own home, you are not safe.
I need to get some shut eye.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Monday, November 10, 2008
Day 315
I feel so dang stupid right now. I totally thought White Gold was an actual band. I could have sworn I saw White Gold on iTunes. It’s an advertisement for California Milk. White Gold and the Calcium Twins.
Time for some Terminator. Interesting how Cameron (the fembot) uses her sex appeal to try to convince John to stop seeing Riley (the blondie John likes to hang with). I wasn’t expecting that. From what I can gather, maybe Cameron and John were lovers (?) in the future. According to Cameron, she and John converse a lot about what it’s like to be lonely.
Okay, so John and Riley go to Mexico and shack up in a roach infested honeymoon suite. Fun. I don’t think there was any hanky panky because I’m so tired of seeing people hop in the bed. John was spotted by some extortionist. I wonder what Sarah and John went through in Mexico. Authorities arrested Riley but John got away. Will he go back for her or will he run? I hear Mexican jails are hell for Americans.
Ellison saves the day! That’s all I’m going to say.
A new episode next week. It’s going to be so good. I’m liking Terminator much more than Heroes.
I keep thinking about warm days sitting on a beach somewhere. I hate cold weather. I would like to live somewhere warm and sunny and a little humid.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Day 314
It took forever to figure out how to get an image from the Nova Clip Art collection into Photoshop. I’m going to have to crop in Photoshop before saving the image as I don’t like the white background of many of the images. I’m disappointed at how small the images are. When you stretch them you can see every pixel in the picture and I don’t like it.
I don’t have much to report. Just another weekend in front of my computer writing for school and trying to figure out this clip art collection.
I saw something on National Geographic or Discovery Health about a pregnant man. My guess it, the man is really a woman. There’s no other explanation because men can’t have children. You can operate on a body to change the physical sex, but the chromosomes will never lie.
I only have 12 more weeks of school! 12. Two classes. I’ll be done in 3 months. All I have to do is get through this class with my sanity.
I need to go to bed. I have to work tomorrow. I hate my job. It sucks when I don’t have anything to blog about.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Day 313
I finally ordered the clip art collection from Nova Development. I was surprised I got the 5-DVD disc edition as Apple.com advertised the product as having 49 CD-roms.
I’m happy I got the 5 DVD Roms because it means I can bring my clip art collection with me when I travel.
I installed a plugin that allows me to see the number of visitors who visit my blog on a daily basis. For the most part, people venture to my blog in their search for Sisterlocks.
I don’t even have Sisterlocks but I’ve been blogging about them because I’m considering them. I still have to wait a while before I get them. I’m waiting on a change in my living circumstances and I’m still searching for someone I can trust to install them.
It’s a shame more certified Sisterlock consultants do not have blogs or websites. I’ve only found a few who advertise and have online photo albums of their work. My number choice is Phyllis Johnson a.k.a. Videolocktician. She posted video of one of her clients and I was very impressed with Phyllis’s parting on “Lisa’s” head. The only problem I have is Phyllis lives in Delaware or Connecticut (I can’t remember) so it would take careful planning for me to schedule a consultation/installation.
My second choice is Paulette Brown at Locks4Life. She lives in Michigan. I would have to see some more pictures of her work or the work of the other people in her salon. Having someone from Locks4Life would be more convenient for me because I have family in Michigan and I plan to make several trips to Michigan once I finish with school.
Money isn’t a factor for me because I consider this a lifetime commitment and I want it done right the first time.
I just bought Jon B.’s new cd Helpless Romantic. I like it but I have a tendency to like everything he does. I’m going to have to buy John Mayer’s cds soon because I really like his voice-it’s like his whispering in my ear. I shocked though when I saw what he looked like because his voice doesn’t match his look.
Well, I better get back to finishing my papers as I haven’t even started. I’m such a procrastinator.
I’m watching the Real Housewives of Atlanta. Oh my gosh. Talk about drama. It’s a much better show than the New York version. I think the women in the New York season didn’t really know each other like the women in Atlanta or Orange County.
Now, I really need to get my homework done. I want to have it turned it by midnight.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, November 07, 2008
Day 312
I can’t believe minors in California are allowed to have abortions without parental consent. I just can’t believe it. How much sense does that make? Allow underage girls to have abortions to protect her from abusive parents? It just doesn’t make sense. If the girls are abused, then
The proposition to ban abortion was defeated in South Dakota! The folks in Colorado defeated Amendment 48, which would have assigned legal personhood to embryos, with the attendant result of prohibiting abortion, popular forms of contraception, certain practices related to fertility treatments, and promising scientific research. I’ve always said that pro-life extremists want a birth control ban-period. Married couples (and even less responsible folks) have a right to decide on the number of children they have, though I think the less responsible should just keep their legs closed.
I’m a fan of the Duggar family, but not everyone wants a family as large as the Duggar’s.
But I guess it all depends on your perspective. I’ve heard the arguments against large families because of the impact on the environment and issues of population control (don’t want to end up like China). Yet, if you believe in a higher power, then trusting in G-d and allowing G-d to decide on the number of children you have, is just as compelling.
I don’t think abortion is the answer to population control and an unwanted unplanned child. (Every child is wanted, if not by the mother, then by couples looking to adopt.)
Posted by Shavonne at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Day 311
364 is the actual number won by Obama in the electoral votes.
It was a somber day at work yesterday. I work with McCain/Palin supporters and everyone just seemed to be resentful (if that’s the right word). Conversations would stop whenever I’d walk into a room. I suspect it was because the election was the topic of discussion and they didn’t want me to hear how much they hated the idea of Obama being president in front of me, a black person and someone who probably voted for Obama (but didn’t because he was in favor of the bailout).
Today, work was much better. People seemed to get over it rather quickly. The young bucks spoke about the election and what they expect for the future. Not as much doom and gloom but not exactly optimism.
I’m experiencing so many emotions right now. Fear. Trust. Sadness. Elation. I’m overwhelmed, in disbelief, hopeful, optimistic, pessimistic, and just unbelievably relieved the election is over. But when I think about the next 4 years, all those emotions come back. If I thought the Clinton and Bush Jr. years were riddled with scandal, OH MY GOSH, the next 4 years are going to be ugly. It’s already getting ugly. I’d link to some of the conservative Web sites but they are already ripping into Obama and he hasn’t even taken office! I hope Obama can keep his nose clean because folks are going to be looking for anything
Why are we expected to deal with the Russians? How many countries are there in Europe and why haven’t any of those countries put their foot down to the Russian bullies? Come on!
The Russians don’t seem to be phased by Obama’s election and I can see why. We can’t possibly get anything started with Russian until we finish with the Iraqi or Afghani situations and get our economy on track. Two wars were just too much and too expensive.
I was going to write something interesting but I was in a good mood when I sat down to blog. For some reason, when I’m feeling depressed, all the good ideas come to mind. I’ll be doing more political blogging over the next 4 years.
When I was getting out my car today, the thugs who live across the street from me yelled some vulgar pick up lines at me. Classy. I pretended to not hear it. I hope this isn’t going to be a habit. I hate the thought of being sexually harassed every time I leave my house.
OMG! I just heard a news teaser about how the Governator is planning to raise state taxes up to 10%!! See, I told you, taxes are going to go up. Unbelievable! As if all those props that got passed don't already add to more money out of our pockets. I think it's time to leave California.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Day 310
Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States. I’m glad it’s over. The predictions he would win came true.
It was a swift victory. Can it be classified as a landslide? At this point does it even matter? I just wish the last five states would finish tallying their votes so I can go to bed. (I totally intend on changing the graphic to represent the true numbers of the electoral vote won by Obama.)
I don’t know how I feel about this. I think for me, after hearing some of the comments of some of the black folks interviewed on tv, I was disappointed that they didn’t think they’d ever see a black person become president. I’ve always known it was possible.
In the long run, I think things will be good. Life is what you make of it. Obama has given people hope.
History was made last night. I only hope Obama can continue to make history (in a good way).
Wow. I think I will definitely get my Sisterlocks.
I’ll be blogging more about this tomorrow.
Posted by Shavonne at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Day 309
Today is the day the rest of America casts its vote for the next president of the United States. Normally, this would be an exciting day, but the past 8 years have given voters slim pickings.
Everyone seems to think Obama will win. I don’t know. At this point, I think both candidates have a clear shot. I do think the election would be very different if people stopped voting strictly Democrat or Republican. In all the complaints about both candidates, no one I’ve talked to seemed to see voting third party as an option. Why? The way I look at it, everyone who does not like McCain or Obama could vote third party and really send a strong message to the Democrats and Republicans that enough is enough. Make the jack@sses and the elephants work for your vote for a change instead of giving it blindly.
Voting for the lesser of two evils is not good enough! It’s not good at all! Change, true change, must start with a change in your voting habits.
But whatever you do, VOTE. Even if it is for the lesser of the two evils. :sad:
Posted by Shavonne at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Day 308
I just wanted to remind everyone of what they should already have in their possession. I mean, there’s a bottle for which ever political persuasion you happen to swing for.
They really should invent the ultimate screwed version but I guess you can get the same effect if you combine the two above. Ha!
Did you know these bottles glow in the dark? Amazing. If only the bottles came in 48 oz. That will really help when you spend the next 4 years applying it to - well, I think you get the point.
I thought I was going to suffer through a boring Monday night but it seems there is a new episode of Terminator and the special episode of Saturday Night Live. So, I'll have plenty to watch. I'll also be doing some research for school.
I can't believe I have only 14 weeks left. Oh my gosh! I can't believe it. I can't wait to be done. I'm so sick and tired of school.
I'm tired of the voting commercials. I can't wait for tomorrow to be over.Posted by Shavonne at 1:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Day 307
I’m bored. I finished my paper unusually early today. It went rather quick considering I didn’t even get half-way done yesterday.
Now I’m tired and I want to go to bed. I didn’t realize the time change was today until I logged into class to post my paper. I’ve lost an hour to do my work. I’m kind of disappointed because I still have two more classes to go before I’m done. Yes! Only two and I start the next one 9 days from now. I’m so excited.
Anyway, I completely forgot to post of picture of that demon I mentioned before.
Did you know Jeep is owned by Chrysler? Dang. I didn’t know that.
I watched a documentary on NGC called Five Years on Mars. It was interesting. I wonder when man will actually set foot on Mars. You’d think we’d have landed on Mars by now with all the technological advances in the last century but I guess we will have to wait a little longer.
I told my mom I wasn’t celebrating my birthday this year. I’m skipping it until next year. I can do that because my dad is from Mars, and my mother from Venus. Besides, I don’t age like everyone else.
I didn’t go to the movies this weekend. I don’t think I missed anything. All the movies I’ve wanted to see are pretty much duds.
Well, I think I will shutdown my computer and feed the dogs. Have a good night or day or whatever.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Day 306
Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo and I won’t be participating this year because of school. I will have to make it a goal to start and finish NaNoWriMo 2009. I won’t have any legitimate excuses then.
I’ve been thinking about what I’ll be able to do with my time once I’m done with school.
I have so much I want to accomplish for next year. New job, new home/city. My goals could prove difficult to accomplish if the job market is bad. But I have no fear.
I need to get finished with my homework so I can relax the rest of the weekend.
The History Channel and a really good documentary on the Presidents of the U.S. The program covered Washington to FDR. I learned about a couple of presidents most people tend to forget. I think I will order this DVD set.
Posted by Shavonne at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008