I forgot to write about this but yesterday (Day 16) someone admitted to having a crush on me. When he stammered to tell me I was hoping he was going to tell me anything but that as I don't feel the same way about him.
What is it about the opposite sex? Why is it that when you're not looking, people develop crushes on you? What is it about me that makes this guy like me? I'm generally a nice person. There are things that will piss me off in a heartbeat and cause me to write one off. I would consider myself somewhat ambitious, even more so when I finish school, and I don't why men who don't seem very ambitious tend to be attracted to me. I don't consider 98% of men worth my time. I'd rather be chasing money.Anyway he wrote me an email today telling me how nervous he was to tell me and that he hadn't had a crush on someone since grade school, which by the way, was quite a while for him as he has two grown kids. I didn't know how to respond to this email. I hope he wasn't wondering if I would return the feelings because I can't. I want to finish school and leave the desert more than I'll ever want to be tied to a man.
This is one of those instances where I'm grateful for women's liberation.Back to what I was blogging about yesterday. I came across an article on the net about YouTube. It pretty much discusses the growth of online video and how the amount of time spent watching online video.
“If you are CBS, the fact that people are watching a few hours of online video a month is of some concern,” Mr. Bernoff said. “But if there is some member of your audience who is there for one or two hours a day, you’ve lost them. They are never coming back.”I found it very interesting.
On the other hand, for those hoping to stock up on digital content for, let's say, the Apple TV, they could incur a hefty fee.
"Time Warner said on Wednesday that it was going to start testing a new rate plan in Beaumont that would limit the amount of bandwidth each customer can use each month before additional fees kick in."This is one thing that could hinder the popularity of Apple TV, if the product ever really takes off.
I'm going to make an appoint to talk to a financial advisor sometime in the future. My 401k has been losing money. In fact it's lost 8% percent of its value since January 1st. I am very cautious but I know now is the perfect time to start doing some investing.
(I'd just like to point out that in the last 17 days, I have surpassed year 2004 in number of blog posts.)