Shrimp and burritos. There are just some combinations of things that I would never expect someone to put together. I mean, I like shrimp and I love burritos but I definitely would not think to put the two together.
I had my first shrimp burrito yesterday. I thought it was okay. I don't think I will ever get another one. I prefer my burritos with chicken, pork, or beef-the good old fashioned meats for burritos.
I finished the paper I had planned to write over New Year's weekend but got sick and decided to wait until the last possible minute (today).
This blogging everyday thing isn't that bad. I almost went to sleep last night without blogging but I convinced myself to get up and type something even it if were me only typing how much I didn't feel like blogging. It worked, too.
Oh, I managed to clear my hard drive of 6GB of space! So now I have 22.5GB of space left on my computer. It helps that I moved many of the large files to my iPod. I'm thinking of purchasing an external hard drive so I can transfer all of my pictures and music to. But then I thought I can hold out for nine more months before I purchase my desktop. The desktop will be so that I won't have to edit pictures or video on such a small screen. I could always just purchase a monitor and keyboard and hook them up to my desktop but...I don't know what a good enough reason would be actually other than to save some bucks. Monitors and keyboards are cheap.
I was playing around on Facebook with this new application called Make a Baby. I haven't posted it to my profile but I did make a little girl. Her name is Imma Culate Conception. LOL. She looks just like me, too. (It's scary).
I went surfing through iTunes and came across the audiobook for Stephen Colbert's I am America (and So Can You!). Someone wrote a review saying "reading is for liberals and people who like to THINK." Okay? I work with someone who uses the word liberal a lot and he doesn't seem to be to interested in school. I'm very tempted to get the audiobook. It will be one way for me to get my "reading" in while doing my studies. Speaking of audiobooks, I've been trying to finish Lovely Bones for like five years. I just can't get used to listening to books.
One year from today and I'll be about to start my last class. The end is so sweet. I can't wait for the end. I plan on taking a trip to Arizona and purchasing a digital SLR camera. I've got my eye on the Nikon D300. I want to stick with Canon cameras but the Nikon has features that I don't think I can live without.
Welcome. Enjoy.
This is just a test to see if this looks good. My other blog is
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.