I hate it when people have music on their blogs. When I surf the web or do just about anything on my computer, I like to listen to my own music. When I came across a blog with music imbedded, the music clashed with the songs on my playlist.
I'm a little bummed because I'm still sick (sore throat) and my 401K lost almost $300 in just 8 days! I have to stay strong and realize that a $300 loss now, could turn into a $600 gain in the future. When it comes to investing, you have to ride out the markets.
I keep looking at what it will take to retire comfortably and even if I can turn $20K into $100K by the time I'm 69, $100K is not going to be enough to live off of in my old age when you consider inflation.
What to do. What to do.
Buy low, sell high. That's the advice I've been given. Take the opportunity to invest more money when the price is low. My goal is to have the equivalent of half my yearly pay in a savings account, and the rest of the money, I put into different investments. I'm going to have to consult my dad on this issue. He's been investing money for a while now. He got me started in mutual funds.
Classes started yesterday. I can't wait to get this class over with. I have three more weeks of this class before I start my next class. Can 2009 get here any sooner? I want to be done!
I need to pay off my credit card. If I charge something on my credit card, I pay it off the next day. That way I don't carry a balance and get charged any interest. Plus I earn thank you points. I need to get some reading done. I have discussion questions due tomorrow and I have a team paper I have to work on.
Welcome. Enjoy.
This is just a test to see if this looks good. My other blog is shavonne.org
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.