I'm almost done with this paper. I hope to finish it before I go to bed tonight so that tomorrow I can edit and revise if need be. I just want to turn it in already. The thing that sucks about this paper is I know absolutely nothing about business law so it's been difficult composing this master piece. In my previous classes I knew a little more about the concepts we had to write about so it was easier to bullsh!t my way through the papers. (OMG, TextEdit totally said BS!)
I discovered my next car, especially if I move to L.A. or at least somewhere more metropolitan. The Smart Car. It's just too dang cute. I can't figure out if I want the coup or the cabriolet. I like the cabriolet the best but I live in the desert where it gets really cold in the winter and very, very windy. Plus, I'd have issues with my hair since I still have to continue to straighten it to make it presentable. So, in the end, I would rarely drive around with the top off. Just know how cute I'd look though driving around in L.A. The prices are reasonable considering how expensive cars are. It isn't possible to get a car for under 20K so the fact that this cute little car starts at 11k up to 18k makes it affordable in my book. Plus the MPG on this car is impressive.
What I like most about this car is it says keep your kids at home unless you want to strap them to the bumper. It's a two-seater auto. It's so Shavonne. I miss my CRX. That was the best car.
Well, I best get back to my paper. All the writing I just did for me ole blog could have put me at the finish line with my paper. Dang me. Dang.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Day 152
Posted by Shavonne at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Day 151
It's 2:45 am and I just got back from watching Sex and the City. It was great. I laughed, I cried, and I was totally stoked that Carrie had a PowerBook just like mine. It was like watching my laptop on the big screen.
That's why I had to blog a little before hitting the sack. I just wanted to hear the sound of my fingers hitting the keys of my computer. I'll blog more about it but I don't want to spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it.
Now I'm off to get some sleep. I have another academic masterpiece to compose this weekend and I have to make it good since I totally bombed the quiz I took over the weekend.
What is it about multiple-choice tests?
a) they're totally fucking ridiculous
b) they give too many choices
c) anyone should be able to pass them, especially if the tests are open book
d) all of the above
Oh my gosh! TextEdit totally said 'fucking' and it sounded so cool!
More updates later...
I didn't have to take my mother down to Pasadena. It turns out her cyst burst on its own and there was nothing that needed to be removed.
I got an unwelcomed surprise today. Two Army retention officers stopped by my house to information me of some options I wasn't interested in. I hate the fact that they came to my door to tell me about the crap that they sent in emails. As if I can't read.
I will be paying more in tuition thanks to a tuition increase. That pisses me off too because this it the third tuition increase since I started school. I'm tempted to pay for the rest of all my classes now to take advantage of the price of tuition before it actually goes up. I will have to look at my finances. I'm not even considering having my job pay for anymore of my classes since I don't plan on staying with my current employer too much longer.
Posted by Shavonne at 2:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Day 150
This entry is going to be short because I have some reading to do and I want to take a nap before I go see the new Sex and the City movie.
I made a very bad shopping purchase a few weeks ago and I didn't realize it until this morning.
I bought two shirts - one beautiful teal blue and one hot pink and white striped. I thought they were really cute in the store. My biggest mistake was I didn't bother to try them on before I bought them. Had I done that, those shirts would have continued to look cute in the store.
Anyway, I decided to wear one of them. When I looked in the mirror after putting the shirt on, I was like "WTF was I thinking." Normal people would have just put on another shirt but not me. I wore the shirt to work anyway because I didn't feel like ironing or trying to find something else to wear. I figured if I covered it up, nobody would notice how ugly the shirt was. Everyone at work kept asking me why I was wearing a jacket and most of the time I lied and said it was because I was cold.
That's all I have to blog about. I need to get some shut eye before the movie.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Day 149
I will be going to see the Sex and the City movie tomorrow night. There's is a midnight show. Yes! I totally thought I was going to have to wait until Saturday.
I don't have much to write about. Usually when I write that, I have much more to say but I don't.
When is the best time of the year to submit resumes? If was submitting my resume several times a day instead of doing school work I would probably have a new job right now or at least some offers. I will have to be patient. There's only so much I can do in with the time I have. The hardest part about the job search is, I have to look locally because I'm still in school. I can't afford to move and go to school. If I was done with school, it would be all good. Instead of logging on and participating with discussions or reading chapters, I could look for a new job. I so wish summers off. But then graduating would be that much further away.
That's the sucky thing about going to school and looking for work at the same time. I wish I only had one thing to worry about but as usual, plans never work out exactly the way I hope. That's why it's important to have a plan B.
I absolutely hate Thumb Twiddle. I think about Thumb Twiddle in the same way I think about the Army.
Enough about me blogging about how much I hate Thumb Twiddle.
I need to start working out. I'm losing weight but I'm not doing anything to tone. I'm worried about my arms. For some reason, I can always tell someone's age by looking at their arms. Most people obsess about their @ss, or their thighs, or their stomach, but me, it's my arms that worry me.
I love the speech feature of TextEdit. It is the bomb diggity. It helps me catch my grammar mistakes and sometimes spelling. It helps to listen to what you write but I'd feel stupid reading my posts out loud so I let TextEdit do it for me. TextEdit has difficulty pronouncing words that start with an 'h' and anything in all caps gets spelled out. For example, DANG = D-A-N-G but sucky is sucky. Go figure.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Day 148
Today is the start of my last week in class number 7. Next Tuesday I start class number 6. I can't wait. I have a lot of reading to do for my next class. I think a total of 8 or 9 chapters to read for week 1. The class should be easy because it's statistics. And no BENCHMARKING!
I already feel better.
About Memorial Day.
As I mentioned yesterday, the fam came out ad we had a blast. I sang Michael Jackson's "Thriller" and Lionel Richie's "Hello," which are my standard routines for karaoke. I really have a much deeper appreciation for singers who get on a stage to sing and dance though I would rather they just sing. I was worn out by the second verse of "Thriller."
I've been reading up on apple cider vinegar. It's supposed to be an excellent hair rinse for conditioning and dry scalp. I'm going to try it out. I just hope my hair doesn't smell, though the Web site said the smell would go away as the cider dries. I don't plan on leaving it in my hair but ACV is supposed to be a good conditioner. I also bought some Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner because tea tree oil is supposed to be good for dry scalp, too. I don't know what tea tree oil smells like but I hope it doesn't smell mediciny. I don't want to smell like I've been dipped in rubbing alcohol. If I like the way the shampoo smells, then I will try Dr. Bonner's Tea Tree liquid soap.
Meetings. I hate them. I tend to leave meetings in a ticked-off mood. That's all I'm going to say about that.
Another goal I have for myself besides finishing school and writing a couple of spec scripts, is to submit my resume to at least 5 different companies a week.
I think I saw a women with Sisterlocks. I was tempted to run her down and ask some questions. In the end, I just sat in my car watching her get into hers. She was a security guard and though she didn't have a weapon of any sort, she was a big one and I didn't want to mess with her.
Since I'm on the subject of Sisterlocks, I've become obsessed with the parting. I've seen some pictures of the grids on some heads and was completely horrified. If Creyole eventually experienced the effects of having parts that aren't right, then I can only imagine what the other people are going to experience when they get a more courageous with their styling options.
My point is that when I do start interviewing locticians to install my locks, I want to see some picture, video, mannequin heads, etc of their parting technique. So far, I know for a fact that Phyllis Johnson (a.k.a., VideoLoctician) does a dang good job with the parting. Her parting is a vision of perfection and I would be so honored for her to bestow her magnificent gridlines on my head. But Phyllis lives in Delaware. Delaware!!
Posted by Shavonne at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Monday, May 26, 2008
Day 147
Happy Memorial Day!
Today was a good day. My cousins came up to visit. We sang some karaoke, played some pool, and made fun of each other. It was great.
I've been getting a lot of emails from some of my Army buddies. Very unusual. One of my buddies is serving a 15-month tour to Iraq. He's been there for 6 months and still has 9 more to go. This is someone I worked with when I was in Korea. He liked Korea had an opportunity to stay there for 2 to 3 years but wanted to try to get an assignment to Germany. Well, it didn't work out for him. He got sent to a unit in Colorado. I warned him to sign up for an extended tour in Korea since he really liked being in Korea, but he didn't listen to me. I would have signed up for 3 more years there had Korea been my first duty assignment. I don't think I would have thought twice about staying in Korea considering what my other options would have been.
I'm very tired. I need to get some sleep. I went to bed early this morning and got up early to help with the cooking.
I'm off to sleep. I will write more on this tomorrow.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Day 146
It's been a long day. I hate hosting holidays especially since I'm in school. I hope the fam doesn't expect Thanksgiving in the desert. I will be busy with school and won't have much time to help prepare meals.
I have to get up early and call my dad. I also need to do some shopping and get him a Father's Day gift.
I don't have much to blog about today because I spend the greater part of my day writing for school. I have to mop the floors before I do to bed. I have no desire to mop them in the morning. You know, I actually prefer sweeping and mopping to vacuuming. I hate loud noises, which means I hate vacuums. I wonder if I was one of those babies who cried whenever a vacuum was turned on.
There was something I had planned to write about today. I can't remember what. I hate it when I can't remember what I was going to blog about. I think I may need to add that to my list of ailments for when I go to the doctor in two weeks.
I can't wait until Friday.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Day 145
The Christian Coalition came by the house today. This time they brought a brigade of the Lord's Army - four in all. They were female and the only reason I can recognize they were from the Lancaster Baptist Church is because they were wearing khaki pants and long skirts and I think Polo shirts - the standard uniform.
They never give up. They have the persistence of a cult. That's they only way I can describe it.
I can only imagine they were in a group so that they could intimidate me. These chicks were big boned. And I from what I could gather from my peep hole, they had big muscles. Or at least they worked out.
I wasn't surprised at all to hear my door bell ring. They usually come on a Saturday. I never answer the door. I always tell people to call before they show up at my door. I might be in the middle of a blogging session and sometimes I blog wearing only my underwear. Not exactly something someone would want to see when they go do someone's house.
Anyways. They were at my door for quite sometime before they came to the conclusion I wasn't home.
I can't believe there were four of them.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Day 144
I didn't do much today except do research for a paper. I will have to get up early and write part of my paper.
I don't know what it is about today but I'm feeling unusually tired. I took a nap today despite needing to work on my paper. I was tired.
There was something I had been meaning to blog about. Actually there were two things I had been meaning to write about but I can't remember. They were good too. I should have written them down. Maybe I'll remember them tomorrow.
One week and two days until I start my next class.
Oh, now I remember what I wanted to write about. I asked Ehav Ever about mixing meat and dairy. Very interesting. Basically he said Jews don't mix meat and dairy because it's God's will. He did mention something about idolatry but the bottom line, it's God's will.
I tend to prefer an explanation of why one cannot do something other that God said so. Pet peeves.
I'm thinking about removing dairy from my diet altogether. I'm just having so many issues with my digestive system that it just doesn't seem worth it. The only thing about removing dairy from my diet is I won't be able to enjoy a juicy In N Out burger. I haven't felt this down since Matthew McConaughey knocked up that Brazilian bikini model his girlfriend his baby momma.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Day 143
Dear Carey almost kinda sorta practically had a fit because I didn't write about Brunsli's response to my questions in Day 137. Dear Carey, can't read Brunsli's blog because blogger blogs are blocked on work computers.
Well, Dear Carey, let me tell you about what Brunsli said about her hair. I asked Brunsli if her hair felt like yarn or fuzzy braids. Brunsli said her hair feels like yarn, not the cheap stuff but the good yarn like the soft yarn Sandra buys for many of her knitting projects. So, that means Brunsli's hair is really, really soft, like I thought.
I also got a soft and bouncy confirmation from Brunsli's husband.
Krystl, another Sisterlocked blogger, commented on my blog and she too, says her hair is soft.
Both women have soft hair and said that the feel of one's hair depends greatly on the texture and the care given to the hair.
So, I could either come out with soft and bouncy hair, or hair that isn't so soft. It all depends on how I take care of my hair.
Now that I have an idea of what locked hair feels like, I'm like 98.7% sure I want Sisterlocks.
Everyone with blogs chronicle their hair journeys usually start the few weeks before the locks are installed. There will be an 18-month period between my discovery of Sisterlocks and actually getting them installed. This is a permanent hair change and one that I want to ensure that I truly want.
Now for the reason, it will be so long before I actually get Sisterlocks. Well, at the moment I'm in school and I don't have 3 days to devote to my hair unless I take a break from school and I want to finish school more than I want to do anything with my hair.
(Betty don't do it!. [I'm watching Ugly Betty and her baby daddy boyfriend asked her to marry him.] Yuck! Betty, go to Italy with Gio, the man who also has deep feelings for you and doesn't have a baby mama who will make your life miserable! Plus. you have an all expense paid trip, first class plane tickets and five star hotels at risk here!)
Now for reason number two. I currently live with my mother because going to grad school and living in California is undoable otherwise. She specifically said that she will not let me stay with her if I lock my hair because she will not live with a Rasta chick.
I can't wait to finish school.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Day 142
Don't give her any pickle tickle!
I'm watching Buffy, and it's the episode where she loses her virginity to Angel. I don't understand why Angel felt the need to bring out his magic stick on a 17-year-old girl, especially since he is over 200 years old.
Oh, well.
I don't have much to write about other than school and blogging and hair. My hair sucks. Because of the wind, my hair is always in my face. What is the purpose of hair anyway?
Tomorrow is my Friday and I want to be totally staying up late to work on my team paper. I have to do some research and write some more crap. Love researching and writing about crap.
If I can finish the writing my Friday night, I will be able to spend the rest of the weekend working on more resumes. If I could find something within 10 miles of where I sleep I would be so happy. I hate commuting.
If only I had more to write about. I think I'm reaching blogger burnout.
My feet have been cramping a lot lately. I know I'm not dehydrated because I drink a lot of water.
You know what I don't understand, why would vampires what to end the world? Don't they realize they need people in order to eat? That's why I could never be evil because I couldn't imagine killing off my food supply. Evil things do stupid stuff.
Oh my gosh! Buffy fired an AT-4. I fired one of those twice when I was in the Army.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Day 141
Thumb Twiddle. Thumb Twiddle. That's is what I'm going to call that forbidden place for now on. Thumb Twiddle also stands for BORING.
I think I might take a trip to Chicago or New York when I finish school. I'm going to hold off my trip overseas due to Thumb Twiddle but once I rid myself of Thumb Twiddle, the world will be my playground.
The season finale of Dancing with the Stars is about to come on. I can't wait. My next big tv night is this Thursday. Grey's Anatomy is going to be so good.
I'm thinking of taking Friday off. I really don't want to go to work.
I can't remember what I was going to write about. I finally found the time to read New Yorker magazine I bought back in December
Some of the stories were awful. Then I read Jumpa Lahiri's short story and I completely loved it. It had all the things a short story should be made of. I love her writing.
Brunsli was kind enough to answer a few questions I had about the feel of Sisterlocks. I was really curious about the feel of Sisterlocks because most of them (especially Brunsli's Sisterlocks) look really soft.
Well, I have to cut this blog post short. I will continue it tomorrow.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Monday, May 19, 2008
Day 140
I don't think there's anything better than a solid routine. I can't wait to replace the time I spend doing school-related things with other more enjoyable stuff like looking for a better job (assuming I don't find one within the next 6 months) or writing.
I think the great thing about having all these dang papers to write every week is I will already have clocked in countless hours writing, so it won't be so hard to just sit and do it. Kind of like blogging, only better because something good will come of it, like doing something I want to do rather than doing something that pays the bills.
140 straight days of blogging! It's a lot easier than I thought it would be. I don't know why I didn't try this sooner. I thought 1 month was going to be difficult but it turned out to be very easy. I think a difficult task would be taking a picture of myself everyday for one year or even harder, video blogging.
Some people are satisfied with having a job that pays the bills rather than doing something they really want to do. I'm not like my mother. I want to like my job. I used to like the one I have but...thumb twiddle.
But is liking my job more important than having nice stuff? I like having nice stuff. I like being able to buy nice stuff. Nice stuff that I never really play with except my computer and my digital camera. These nice things make me happy. Oh and having a car so that I can get to work. How do people in California live without a car? I heard a joke on tv that a man without in car (in California) is a man without a job. Ha! ROFLMAO! (I think I might try writing a blog post using mostly texting abbreviations.)
I think I need to shut down my computer. My baby is on 24 hours a day. I think I will go on and purchase my desktop computer. I won't use it much until after summer is over. I plan to house it upstairs where I generally don't hang out in the summer for obvious reasons. TOO. DANG. HOT!
Speaking of hot summer, I hope we have a really mild summer. I hate heat. I hate the desert.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Day 139
I'm not looking forward to Memorial Day. That's all I'm going to say about that.
It's getting pretty hot outside. I don't like hot. Hot is bad for everything, like my hair.
I don't have much to write about. I did some cleaning, and some laundry but I haven't spent nearly as much time on my computer as I had hoped.
I'm going to relax right now. I just got finished washing my hair.
Well it's time for me to go to bed.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Day 138
I've been watching a lot of tv lately. I rented some movies but there seems to be a shortage of good movies. Is Hollywood not able to churn out good movies anymore?
I did rent Enchanted and I loved the movie. I still don't believe in fairy tales but this movie was really cute.
I watched the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer today. Some of the episodes I don't remember so it was like watching a new show. I tell you, that's one of the best shows of all time!
I need to lose some weight. I don't like my arms or my waist line.
I need to go shopping for some shoes. I might go down to the Glendale Galleria or the Northridge Mall to do some shopping. I really need some summer shoes.
Tomorrow is laundry and resume submission day. I will also finish writing my biography and start to work on a spec script.
I got an email from a friend yesterday. I don't know why I'm so antisolcial.
I don't have much to write about today.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Day 137
I've been thinking a lot about my hair again and specifically about Sisterlocks. (I'm watching my mom get her hair done [by the same lady who did my hair right before I went to Afghanistan]). My mom is having fake hair cornrolled into her hair so that there will be enough hair for her weave to be sown to. Also, I'm smelling burnt hair. They have the oven on and heating up the pressing comb. Lovely. Just plain lovely. I so wish by blog had a scratch and sniff feature.)
I asked Brunsli a few questions out of curiosity.
- What do Sisterlocks feel like?
- Do they feel like yarn or fuzzy braids?
- Are they soft and easy to twirl around your finger?
- When you sleep on them, do they feel itchy? Or is it like having a built-in soft pillow permanently attached to your head? (I didn't ask her this question but I should. I like the idea of having a pillow attached to my head. I could go to sleep anywhere.)
I've never felt locked hair before. To be honest, I've had opportunities but because of the reputation for locks being unclean, I never asked someone if I could feel their hair. Locks, especially traditional locks, look hard. Sisterlocks look hard when they've been dyed, which is why I don't like the look of dyed locks.
(I hate the smell of burnt hair. I think I'm going to puke. Okay so I'm guessing she's getting her scalp burned by the pressing comb because she's screaming out in pain. She had a hot flash and sweated out the pressed parts so the hairdresser is repressing those sections. It stinks in here. And it's smokey.)
I'm really paranoid that I won't like the way Sisterlocks feel when I twirl a lock around my fingers. I really like having my hands in my hair. I twirl my hair around my fingers when I'm not typing or biting my nails. (When I was little, I mastered the hair twirl and the thumb in my mouth.)
Posted by Shavonne at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Day 136
I'm going to see the new Chronicles of Narnia. I saw The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe when it first came out and enjoyed it. I actually thought it was one of the most political movies of that year, much more political than Syriana or Good Night, Good Luck.
I've been meaning to write about this for a long time but the moment never seemed right. Now that it's election year and Hilary is attempting to run for President, the time is right.
Narnia (before the children arrived)
Stuck in the rut of winter, no children, no Christmas, no attractive people or creatures. Just one plain, cold, and dreary world.
I don't know why the creatures weren't having sex. I mean, what better time for baby making. It's cold, you want to generate some body heat, so you cuddle, and snuggle, and then blood starts rushing to your nether regions.
The White Witch
I really don't wan to link Hilary to the white witch but I think C.S. Lewis may have predicted what the U.S. would look like with Hilary in charge. (Lewis was the Nostradamus of his time.) The witch hates children or so we assume since she doesn't encourage those under her rule to procreate. What we do know is, she's a drug dealer. She gave one of the sons of Adam some crack-laced food and he couldn't get enough. Okay it may not have been crack but it was addictive so it might as well been crack.
(NOTE TO SELF (and children): Do not take food from strangers.)
The lion represents Jesus. If you didn't know this already then you must have been born on another planet in another dimension. Here's a bad fact-Osama is Arabic or Pashto or Farsi or something for lion.
I wonder which of the male candidates represent Aslan. Could it be Obama? Substitute the 'b' in Obama for an 's' and you get Osama. Osama, like I said, means 'lion.' Nostradamus's predictions were sort of like this. Remember the prediction involving Hister? Or what some believe to be Hitler?
The Daughters of Eve and the Sons of Adam
Like I mentioned before, Narnia was stuck in winter. Then the children arrived and it stopped snowing, Christmas came back, and the trees and flowers started to bloom because spring generally represents the rebirth of new life and nature and children are the epitome of rebirthing (or whatever).
Good Army vs. Bad Army
I don't know if you noticed this about the Good Army, but the 'soldiers' were all very beautiful and you could tell the difference between the males and females, whether it was human or animal. If you looked at the Bad Army, the 'soldiers' looked very androgynous (and ugly).
I wish I could write a little more on this but I'm a little bummed. My mom was diagnosed with scoliosis. Scoliosis is hereditary. That means I have it. Everything my mom suffers from I suffer from. She got Valley Fever when we first moved out here, and now I have Valley Fever. Plus, my back is starting to hurt. I don't know if it's just my imagination. My back wasn't hurting before she told me.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Day 135
Chronologically Challenged
I don't know why I'm stuck on that phrase. I came across it in my reading for school and it just stuck in my head. It's just another way of saying 'over the hill' or 'old.'
I'm not old am I? I mean, I know I'm getting up in age now that I'm 22ish but when will chronologically challenged start to apply to me?
The reason I'm obsessing about my age is because if I start to look old, then men will think my eggs aren't fresh. (Save your laughter for another time, I'm being serious.) What man would want to marry and breed with a woman who's eggs aren't fresh?
Speaking of fresh eggs, I was watching the Real Housewives of New York and the topic of fresh eggs came up. I think her name is Bridgette (she's the single one with long dark hair) but she had this conversation with a friend of hers and her friend said it was better to marry while your eggs are still fresh.
WTF? Do our eggs have an expiration date or something? Is it the reason why men like younger women?
I shouldn't be stressing too much about the fresh eggs. My eggs. I don't plan to get married unless it becomes illegal for women to work. It's just nice to keep my options open.
About America's Next Top Model
GO Whitney! What's with Anya's accent? It's so ugly!
Posted by Shavonne at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Day 134
I think today was the most the most boring and uneventful day ever! I should be somewhat relieved after always having been busy. I should be using my time to work on some creative writing projects. I do have a few things I will need in order to apply for that writing fellowship:
- 500-word biography
- Current resume
- spec script
- register with the Writer's Guild of America
- notarized Fellowship Application
I could try to apply for the 2009 year but I won't be finished with school. If I did apply and I got selected, I would have to drop out of school. I don't want drop out though it would be an amazing opportunity. I would definitely be able to save up more money if I waited another year.
I jotted down some information about myself. I don't think I'm very interesting. I almost went comatose reading what I wrote about myself for by biography.
I'm thinking of purchasing my desktop computer earlier than expected. I'm tired of reading chapters on my itty, bitty 15-inch screen. If I had a 24 inch monitor, I could read my chapters at 500 percent! I could also save $100 in addition to my student discount. I was told I wouldn't be able to write off my computer purchase. I'm going to have to get a second option.
I have a few ideas for some podcasts/video blogs but I won't be able to produce them until around Christmas or after I finish school. I have every intention of producing a music video.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Day 133
What a day. It was boring and unusually uneventful. It was windy outside.
I think I might take ballroom dancing. I think it's so sexy.
I'm cutting chocolate completely out of my diet. And I'm going to cut out dairy except for when I eat an IN N Out burger.
I don't have a dang thing to blog about. I did notice that when I get excited about a performance on Dancing with the Stars, I clap my hand rapidly and then my butt wiggles. One of these days, I will get this phenomenon on video and post it to my blog.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Day 132
Happy Mother's Day to all those who are mothers.
I was a mommy once. I bought some sea monkeys in an attempt to prove I would make a terrible mother. I was right. My sea monkeys only lasted for two weeks before they all died. I was heartbroken that I was unable to keep them alive. I loved them, I fed them, and I made sure their water was the right temperature and they still died.
My first attempt at playing mommy was a failure and I haven't had much of a desire to try it again.
Well, I'm halfway done with school.
I wish I had more to blog about.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Day 131
I just got finished watching The Mist. It was a good movie. I don't want to go into details about the movie but I think it is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time. Great storytelling. It reminds me that I need to start reading Stephen King books. How does he come up with this stuff?
I took my mom out for a Mother's Day lunch. I actually enjoyed myself. For my amusement, (and I wish I had thought of this sooner) sat across from her predicting what she would do.
She made lots of funny faces which made me totally regret not bringing my camera with me. She did the whole rock back and forth thing. I don't know why she does that. Nervousness I guess, and it usually annoys me but today I thought it was funny.
She scarfed down her appetizer so fast I just knew she would not be hungry by the time our food finally arrived.
Other than that, the whole day was great. I just hope she doesn't want me to go to church with her tomorrow. Plus, I still haven't finished my paper for school.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Day 130
Don't have much to report of course. Another weekend studying and reading about business law which is absolutely boring.
I have the worst heartburn. I don't know why I have it because all I had to eat just before the heartburn was a bowl of cereal. My IBS has been really bothering me the last few days and my medication doesn't help.
I will have the longest day tomorrow. Think I will take my mom out for a nice lunch tomorrow. I still need to get her a card. I think I should have gone and got one when I got off work but I decided to wait. Maybe I'll go early in the morning.
I got her something I think she could use. I hope she likes it. Everyone deserves a little pampering.
I wonder what she will want to do tomorrow. I hate having homework and papers to write. I'm so glad I only have 39 weeks left.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Day 129
Oh, the days aren't going by fast enough. I want this year to be over all ready.
I'm watching Ugly Betty, and I can't figure out why she would want to be in a long distance relationship with a baby daddy. I mean, she's got this sort of cute sandwich shop owner after her and she's trying to stay with a dweeb that knocked up his ex-girlfriend.
The guy's ex is about to have her baby in Betty's living room. I hope realizes there are plenty of fish in the sea and that there's no reason to want one that's already spawned.
My feet have been cramping up like crazy. The only thing that stops the cramping is to stand on my toes. I don't even want to go into how much of an inconvenience that is since I have a big toe that doesn't bend very easily.
Wow! Okay so now I'm watching Grey's Anatomy and the soldier character in the show has a Second Infantry Division patch! You think they would have made up a patch to put on the uniform but they didn't have to use an actual patch from the Army!
I don't know what to write about. I'm tired and instead of blogging and watching tv, I should have done some reading for school and finished filling out that application for this job. But now that I think about it, the job I was attempting to apply for wouldn't be any different from the job I'm in now as far as location is concerned. Maybe I should just really focus on school and work on some writing specs.
I got an email from Plasq talking about their new product Comic Life Magic. I would get it but I wouldn't be able to use it unless I installed Leopard on my computer. I'm trying not to spend anymore money on my laptop because I plan on buying a new desktop computer in August/September. I should get it now because I'm certain the price will go up.
Okay, I'm really going to bed now.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Day 128
My cousin, the one who was more than fine with me chopping off my hair, keeps trying to suggests other ways I could style my hair other than the dreaded Sisterlocks.
She suggested two-strand twists. Not down with that. I haven't seen one woman that I thought looked nice with twists. Way too juvenile for my taste. Not at all sexy like Krystl or sophisticated like Brunsli. I might as well wear my hair in pony tails like I did when I was a small child.
She mentioned how my hair looked when it is curly. It's an okay look but combine it with some the Santa Ana winds and the dryness of the desert and my hair will look like a brillowy hot mess!!! I don't even want to go into the amount of hair product I had to use to help me maintain this curly look. When it came time to wash my hair again, my hair felt all slimy and gooey in the shower. I thought I was in one of those old Nickelodeon shows where the kids would always get green goo dumped on their heads, only I was in the shower attempting to wash the goo out.
I'm off to bed.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Day 127
I have to go to the doctor again. I got two phone calls from my doctor when I was away from one of my desks. It seems I have to schedule an appointment so they can probably do some chest x-rays and ask me a million questions about how I'm feeling.
I just spent the entire time online filling out a new resume and updating old ones.
(NOTE TO SELF: Always, always make it a habit to have a current resume ready for those just-in-case moments. You never know when an opportunity will present itself. Update your resume monthly. Weekly would be better.)
I'm tired and still stressing over the appointment I have to make tomorrow. Yes, I have Valley Fever but I haven't died had any serious symptoms and I feel much better than I did a month ago. My energy is totally picking up. I wonder what kind of medication they will put me on. I read online and it said they usually treat Valley Fever with anti-fungal medication which causes stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and schizophrenia. (Well, not schizophrenia but sh!t I might as well get some kind of mental side effect.).
New title for movie:
Must Love Heavily Medicated Chicks.
Must Love Fungal Infections of the Lungs.
I'm going to get this bump on my leg checked out. With my luck, I'll be that .02% of black folk who gets skin cancer.
Noticed how completely random my blog reads?
I wish I thought more about looking for a husband. Let me think.....nope. I'll get married when it's no longer legal for women to work.
I just don't get that show Samantha Who? How is it that Samantha's ex-boyfriend is living in her beautiful apartment with his new girlfriend? Who lets their ex live rent-free in their apartment? Who!??
Posted by Shavonne at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, May 05, 2008
Day 126
I'm watching Dancing with the Stars. I absolutely love this show. I wonder if I can I buy it on DVD?
I remember watching that movie Must Love Dogs, and I kept thinking, I could come up with a ton of movie titles like:
Must love ballroom dancing
Must love shaving legs
Must love to bake Oatmeal Craisin Cookies
Must love paying bills on time.
I went o Winco's yesterday and they had four different kinds of craisins. They had strawberry, orange, raspberry, and cherry-flavored craisins. I hate the cherry ones! Yuck! Cherry suck unless they are fresh off of a cherry tree. The strawberry is divine and the orange has a nice tangy flavor to it. Both are very delicious. I especially like the strawberry. I'm tempted to make some cookies using the strawberry-flavored craisins but I don't want to share my cookies.
I think I lost some weight because my thighs look smaller. {{measuring thighs}} No, they are still the same size. Just wishful thinking.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Day 125
What did I spend Sunday doing? Well, I spent Sunday, looking through job Web sites. So far, there are lots of jobs in Los Angeles, but none I want. Not yet anyway. I will think about making the move down below when I finish school. There were a couple of jobs that did catch my eye but I'd be a much better candidate if I finished school. But the job hunt will continue.
I will be working on my resume and sprucing it up a bit. And those writing samples. I want to have a least five to choose from. I won't be able to make the deadline for 2009 because the deadline is this July. Dang. I went to the ABC Writing Fellowship website and took a look at the people selected for 2008. Their 500-word bios are impressive. I should start writing mine now. :-?
I went to see The Other Boleyn Girl. Very interesting take on Anne Boleyn and King Henry VIII. Many historians believe Anne to be the younger of the Boleyn sisters but this movie depicts her as the elder. Who knows? Who cares? I liked how Anne was able to get the man she wanted by holding out. Men really do always want what they can't have.
My next class is statistics. They've already posted the curriculum for it. I have four more weeks before it starts and it looks like it will be a beast. I think I will order the book online if I can find it cheap enough.
I hate it when I have nothing to blog about.
I still hate school. Less than a year left. You can do it.
Strangely, it's not school that I want to be done with already.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Day 124
I just wanted to share with you what another opposer to locks wrote to me in an email. This is after directing her to Krystl's blog.
"It's pretty, but I don't think you should do dreads. It's just too permanent & you have to cut it to change it.
To me, long dreads make the most sense for people who when they cannot grow their hair long any other way. Or, people who have hair that is very difficult to manage when it's natural."
It wasn't that long ago that I posted how I was thinking of chopping off all my hair. This person certainly didn't see a problem with chopping off my hair in the name of change. Ironic, don't you think?
Here's my replay:
My hair is difficult to manage. It frizzes on rainy days because of the humidity and hot days because of sweating, it's dry and breaks off when I comb it in the winter, and when I wash it, I can barely get a comb through it. I've worn my hair in a ponytail for decades.
Besides, cutting my hair short is permanent.
One of these days, I will do a vlog just to show the world what I go through when I wash my hair. I will also take pictures of my hair on hot and humid days. I'm going to have to leave California for that.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Friday, May 02, 2008
Day 123
I got the brakes on my truck replaced. I sat at the place and did my homework while they worked on my truck. I got much more reading done than I though I would. I only wish they had wireless Internet. I would have been able to get even more done, like pay my credit card bill.
I plan to send an email to ABC inquiring about deadlines for submission. I have a lot to do this year so that I won't be rushing next year. I have to get some writing sample together and submit one sample to the Writer's Guild for registration.
I will also need to update my resume so that I can submit it to employment websites. I can never start too soon with a job search. An amazing opportunity or at least the opportunity to make more money. It would be nice to be able to pay for school out of pocket and continue to save for a house, or a big move, or foreign travel.
I need to get my mom something for Mother's Day. I just don't know what.
I've been listening to my Jimi Hendrix cds. It's literally been years since I've listened to them.
My website (shavonne.org) is down. Hopefully this posted in time to meet my daily deadline. As long as I am able to post to my blogger blog, I should be okay.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Day 122
I have a list of books I would like to read when I finish school.
Unaccustomed Earth by Jumpa Lahiri
I read Jumpa's book Interpreter of Maladies right before I went to Afghanistan. My cousin let me borrow it and I was immediately hooked. I read that book in two nights. It was just that good.
I got this at a forbidden place and I just had to share it.
5. 'They told me at the Blood Bank this might happen.'
4. 'This is just a 15 minute power nap they raved about in the time
management course I went to.'
3. 'Whew! Guess I left the top off the Whiteout. You probably got here just
in time.'
2. 'Did you ever notice sound coming out of these keyboards when you put
your ear down real close?'
1. Raise your head slowly and say, '...in Jesus' name, Amen. '
Posted by Shavonne at 10:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008