My first day back at Thumb Twiddle in some 10 days. That’s all I have to say about that.
About Halloween, I think I’m going to dress up this year. I don’t know what I’m going to dress up as. I should probably dress up to look like how I feel. Which brings up the question of PTS.
Today, I got an email from someone I used work with and it was about not spending too much time upset over stuff because it’s time I’ll never get back. I replied that the email should have given some helpful suggestions on how to keep from smacking people. Then I said something about how smacking people would make your hand hurt but in the end the pain would be worth it. Don’t cha think?
America’s Next Top Model. That show is getting so fricken tired. They pick up some of the ugliest chicks off the street and attempt to make them models. If they are going to pick some ugly chicks, why haven’t they picked me. I mean, the only reason I want to be on the show is to be close to Nigel Barker. That man is HOT! Have any of the girls that have won actually become supermodels? Me thinks not.
I hope I never look hungry again. I know I did in the past.
I would never date a guy who wears bell bottoms and heeled boots.
I think I’m mean.
Oh my gosh. They just had to keep Miss Stinky Attitude in the competition. I’m done. No more ANTM unless Nigel Barker is going to be on the show without his shirt on.
Anyways. I’ve got to get some reading done for school so I can answer my discussion questions that are due tomorrow and get started on finishing up the assignment that’s due on Monday.
But before I go to bed, I just saw the previews for Tyler Perry's The Family That Preys. I cannot describe just how much I hate Tyler Perry movies. I'm not even going go there tonight. I want to but it's not fair to judge the movie when I haven't even seen it; however, I know it won't surprise me.
Welcome. Enjoy.
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- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Day 247
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