I’ve been reading the sample ballot that came in the mail a few weeks ago. Very interesting. I’ve decided under no circumstances will I cast my vote for anyone who voted for the bailout. This leaves the two front runners, Obama and McCain out of luck for getting my vote.
I’m taking a serious look at the third party candidates. Tonight, I got to watch the Third Party Debate on C-Span 2. If it weren’t for me stumbling across the time and channel for it on Bob Barr’s blog, I would never have been able to check out two of the other candidates. Tonight, I got to check out Ralph Nadar and Chuck Baldwin.
On the California sample ballot, the candidates for president are:
Bob Barr, for President (Libertarian)
Wayne A. Root, for VP
John McCain, for President (Republican)
Sarah Palin, for VP
Cynthia McKinney, for President (Green)
Rosa Clemente, for VP
Alan Keyes, for President (American Independent)
Wiley S. Drake, Sr., for VP
Ralph Nader, for President (Peace and Freedom)
Matt Gonzalez, for VP
Barack Obama, for President (Democrat)
Joe Biden, for VP
Unfortunately, the only third party candidate that showed for the Third Party Debate on the California ballot was Ralph Nadar. Barr, McKinney, and Keyes were no shows for whatever reasons. As you can see, Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party) is not on the California ballot, which is tragic because I preferred his solutions over Nadar’s in the debate, though Nadar and Baldwin were similar in their solutions for some of the issues facing America.
Nadar seems to be very anti-Israel and pro-Islam, which to me is a huge NO GO. I’d rather live in a world dominated by Christians and Jews than one dominated my Muslims. I only live by American law, not sharia. Nadar also called for a withdrawal of troops from Iraq in six months. Holy smokes! Way too fast.
Chuck Baldwin believes in limiting government and governing the country under the instructions already provided by the Constitution. You can’t beat that. He is also against the bailout (a hugh plus) and a timely, reasonable, and safe withdrawal of troops from Iraq. That’s not going to happen soon. We’ll be there for many decades. He also believes we should hold the U.N. accountable for policing the world. Good luck with that. The U.S. is the U.N. That’s like policing ourselves. In the end, it doesn’t matter what Baldwin is for because he’s not even on the California ballot.
I will never again vote for the lessor of two evils because no matter what, evil is evil. Some people view voting for a third party as wasting a vote, but I don’t think so. The only vote that’s wasted, is the vote that is never cast. So, I’m embarking on new territory. I know the candidate I vote for won’t win; however, I have 4 more years to blog my heart out about third parties and how we need to break from the two-party system.