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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 288

Okay, so I called in and left a message that I wasn’t going in to work. That’s something very rare for me but it’s a free day and I love not going to work.

I got up entirely too early this morning. For a call in sick day, I should have stayed in bed until at least 8:30. I think I’m still a little bugged out that I can’t get to my blog.

I’ve been thinking about how much I spend on blogging. Hobbies can get really expensive. I wrote yesterday that I won’t be using Mobile Me for my blog. There’s just too many features iWeb and Mobile have that I really, really want. Like the ability to block trolls and trolletes, which I don’t get much of because I don’t spend much time reading other people’s blogs.

Speaking of reading. There are so many books I want to read. I can’t keep track of them. Oh, how I wish I was finished with school already.

Back to blogging. I found a template I really, really like. It gives me the ability to display my photography and it has a nice and polished look. More grown up. The only problem is, I have to pay $79 for the template, which is why I said blogging can get expensive. I also want to purchase some clip art so on days when I don’t have my own photography to use in a post, I can at least make an interesting comic like I’ve been doing. Come on February!

I’ve been blogging about voting and how much it’s going to hurt and how I’m going to ensure I have some lubricant available for when which ever candidate wins tries to give it to me up the pooper. I don’t think I’ll ever get to writing that post on what issues I think are important. Every time I think about it, I get a headache. At least my @ss doesn’t hurt. Yet.

Okay. I decided to give a brief synopsis of what I’m for and against.

  1. Bailout - Not for it at all.
  2. Iraq - never been for it.
  3. Afghanistan - we should be done by now but we’re not because we spend money on ‘liberating’ Iraq. Personally, I don’t think democracy, at least the democracy I know of as a citizen of the USA, is compatible with Islam.
  4. Immigration - I do not, nor will I ever support ILLEGAL immigration. In fact, not only should we send ILLEGAL immigrants back to where they came from, we should limit immigration of people from certain countries, like Islamic countries.
  5. Global Warming - I don’t believe it exists. I believe the Earth has periods where there is cooling or heating of the planet. I don’t believe “Global Warming” is man-made nor do I think we can stop it.
  6. Oil - We really need to end our dependence on foreign oil. I say we drill the heck out of Alaska and oil rich reserves in the U.S. I’d love to be a tree hugger, but I don’t want to be a tree hugger at the expense of taking it up the pooper from anti-American, oil-rich, Islamofascist-friendly countries.
  7. Iran - can we finish Iraq and Afghanistan before we start something with Iran?
  8. Pakistan - can we finish Iraq and Afghanistan before we start something with Pakistan?
  9. Gay marriage - So? Heterosexuals have done a damn good job at maintaining the sanctity of marriage.
  10. Abortion - Now, abortion is something I can live without. I believe the best way of preventing an unwanted pregnancy is to keep a nickel between your knees but that’s just me. Women cannot have sex like men, and women who do believe the poppycock are delusional.
  11. Taxes - I don’t want to pay more taxes. Despite both candidates’ tax cut proposals, there is no way we taxpayers can afford a $830 billion bailout and Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom on top of possibly ‘iberating’ Iran of their nuclear weapon capabilities or invading Islamofascist-friendly Pakistan.

I’ve been creating playlists like crazy using iTunes Genius. Before Genius, I pretty much listened to the same playlist over and over again. It was hard to come up with a playlist because I have eclectic tastes in music and I would sometimes put a song on a playlist that didn’t fit. I don’t have that problem anymore.

For some reason my the playcounts for the songs I listen to have increased dramatically. The most I’ve ever listened to a song is 24 times but according to iTunes, it’s more like 227. What’s up with the over exaggeration of how many times I listen to a song? I hope this glitch fixes itself.

Speaking of music. Jon B’s new album comes out this month! I can’t wait. I love me some Jon B. He is the man. I thought about getting Rafael Saadiq’s new album but it got mixed reviews. I love the Motown sound, but I’m not sure I want to buy his new album if Motown is what it’s going to sound like. I have most of the Motown music in my music library already.