I can’t really talk about my mentor picture because it’s something Thumb Twiddle related. All I can say is, if the man in the picture had to work with one person who absolutely loathed him, and another person who’s guidance was vague, he probably wouldn’t be good with his monkey wrench or ask you if he could adjust your pipes.
Now, another pit bull sets a bad example for the entire breed. I think people forget that dogs have to be respected. Certain breeds, especially pit bulls, chows, and akitas, and whole list of other large dogs, shouldn’t be left alone with children.
I wish, my mom’s chow Nicholas, still had his balls. However, he has lupus and his balls would often cause him pain because of the sores that would develop on his nut sack. I don’t think he misses his painfully gigantic balls.
I don’t have much to write about. I just wanted to get my daily blogging in. I’m going to bed now.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Day 274
Posted by Shavonne at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Day 273
Believe it or not, but I’m not a fan of sunny skies everyday. I absolutely enjoy the thundering and lightening and rain on those few days a year that we get them. Like today for example. The thundering was a welcome sound. It did get rather loud and shook the house but I still enjoyed it.
Now if only it would rain. Here comes the rain. Okay now that was disappointing. It wasn’t even enough rain to wet the grass.
I finally got my internet working the way it should. It turns out I needed filters on two of the phones in the house.
I went to Wal-mart and I was completely in awe that the store is starting to put out Christmas decorations! IT’S NOT EVEN OCTOBER!!! The shelves weren’t completely stocked but seeing christmas tree decorations this early is outright frightening. I was hoping to have at least another month before the madness of the shopping season starts.
I don’t get why I stress so much. I give everyone I know gift certificates. It only takes a couple of minutes to buy those.
I was going to blog about voting but it seems so irrelevant today. Maybe I should start it now so that when it comes to actually voting in November I can post it and be done.
I hate commercials when I’m watching a show I really like. I’m so happy to have descent tv again.
The Bailout was denied!!!
Wow. Okay, so the red head terminator has a daughter. So, somehow in the future, the robots decide to live like humans or something. Here’s the clue that made me come to this conclusion. The red head tells the FBI agent that the helicopter her and her husband had flown in the day the helicopter crashed was almost perfect. The FBI agents asks her why she said the helicopter was “almost” perfect and her response was “the helicopter needs a human to run it.”
What a wonderful show.
Now for Heroes.
How does Mama Petrelli expect crasy Sylar to work with Noah? Come on. I wouldn’t want to be within a solar system of that crackhead. Mama Petrelli is Sylar’s birth mother.
I’m going to have to blog about this tomorrow. I want to just enjoy the show. Later.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Day 272
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Posted by Shavonne at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Day 271
I attempted to drive over Musical Road (Ave K between 60th and 70th) today but it was paved over. I wish I had known about it sooner it seems like it would have been quite the sound.
I didn’t get any of my homework done today. I had to leave the house for 4 hours because we set of a couple of insect foggers. There was quite an ant invasion in the past couple of days. I’m hoping this will send the message to the ants to stay the heck out of the house.
I went to see a movie. Babylon A.D. It was terrible. It seems a good story line is hard to come by or necessary in movies today. I think I’m going to forbid myself from going to see movies for the next year unless it’s a classic.
I think the problem is, people aren’t studying the craft of story telling, which is why Babylon A.D. had extravagant fight scenes and special effects to make up for the bad storyline of the movie.
I just finished watching War of the Roses. I really like this movie. I don’t feel like going into what I liked about the movie but I liked it. I don’t see movies like that anymore.
In my exhile from home for 4 hours, I went to Panera Bread in Lancaster to do some reading (I left my laptop at home because I didn’t want to leave it in the car while I watched Babylon). Panera was really nice. I think Panera Bread learned something about it’s Palmdale location because the Lancaster Panera Bread has a much better layout. I’ll definitely be hanging out in Panera Bread more often.
I’ve bee having the hardest time getting into class the past month, but I haven’t been able to log in at all today and I have homework due. I’m going to have to post big time tomorrow to try to make up for my homework being late. I should have done my homework Thursday night and turned it in then. Urgh!!!!
Posted by Shavonne at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Day 270
I missed the first presidential debate. Dang, dang, dang.
I got my discharge certificate over a week ago and forgot to blog about it. I can’t believe I forgot. I had planned on taking a picture of myself holding my certificate but I’ll have to do it when
I forgot what I was going to write about already. I think I suffer from Alzheimer’s.
I really wish I had watched the presidential debate.
I think I want to lose 5 pounds. I’ve lost about 15 pounds since Afghanistan thanks to a bug I got from the food I ate over there. I was miserable because it would take a couple of days before I recovered. I still didn’t lose much of my gut. Most people can’t tell but it’s really noticeable when I’m sitting because I completely relax my abdominals and my gut pops out. I need to start running again.
My mom cut her hair really short but I can’t tell if I like it or not because I wasn’t wearing my glasses and it was dark when I was in her presence. I guess I will get to look at it in the morning or something. I wonder if she wants my Curlz shampoo.
I have to wash my hair tomorrow. I’d like to think of it as more of a self-inflicted wet torture as I hate washing my hair because of the mess I’ll have to deal with once I get out of the shower. It hasn’t been to bad for the last ten years because I discovered braiding and banding. I part my hair in four sections and then I braid and band. My hair isn’t so tangled but I still manage to pull out more than a handful of hair in the process.
My hair has grown a lot since I cut it last October. I think I’m going to make an appointment to get my hair done when it finally cools down some more.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Day 269
Season premier night on ABC. Looks like there’s a new show I can’t wait to see. I think this might be a potential show spec scripting. I can’t remember the name of it. (That’s typical.) I don’t remember what it’s about. (Typical as well.)
I wanted to blog about sex and why there’s so much of it on tv. I hate how when people are supposed to be in love, they just hop in bed. Yuck. Why can’t they just bake some oatmeal craisin cookies.
Republican rebellion. This bail out deal is getting really ugly. I think we should wait and let the economy correct itself. Maybe then people and banks will be a lot smarter about lending and loans and mortgages.
Speaking of mortgages. Last year around this time I had gone to see about qualifying for a mortgage to purchase a condo. I was approved, but there was no way I was going to be able to make ends meet, even if I had a roommate and got a second job and only ate Top Ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Back to tv. The season premier of Desperate Housewives is this Sunday. Apparently, this season takes us to 5 years into the future. That’s an interesting way of making the show more interesting. I can’t wait to watch it.
Rose is not pregnant. So what conflict is Meredith and Derek going to go through this year? I really wish Izzy would just get used to being single. I thought tonight’s season premier was boring. Totally random thought’s about Grey’s Anatomy.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Day 268
I had to make a couple of stops after work which bit into my homework/blogging time. I had to get a power of attorney to my aunt so she could sign the paperwork for when escrow closes on a house I bought.
Just a quick note about the latest episode of one of the most boring shows tv. Why would a girl who claims to know about sex want to use a condom that’s been stored in a wallet for five years? Condoms have expiration dates. She’s so not ready for sex.
I’ve been trying to find some clip art to use in the pictures on in my mobile me blog.
I feel so fat watching 90210. I can’t wait until my favorite shows return so I don’t have to watch garbage.
Well, I’m off to be for some much needed sleep to get me through tomorrow.
I wish I had the energy to blog about the government bail out plan. I think its totally BS but that’s just me. I hope all this crap doesn’t affect my tax return.
Bravo McCain. I don’t need to hear anything about what he thinks he can do. I want to see action. Less talk, more action.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Day 267
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Posted by Shavonne at 9:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Day 266
Only 100 days left of 2008. What a milestone. I’ve blogged everyday for the last 265 days and I will continue to do so until next year.
I wish I didn’t have school because if any year was going to be a year for non-stop blogging, it would be this one. The olympics in China, the presidential election, my rebirth and whatever else I exciting to blog about.
I’m hoping I will have more to blog about next year as I totally plan giving my entire life a make over. The first thing I’m going to really put 150% effort into is my employment. I plan on leaving my current employer by June the latest.
But enough about all that.
Tonight is the season premier of Heroes. I’m totally heartbroken as I now have to decide between Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Heroes. The choice would be easy if I had a dvr. I could record both and then watch when I have the time. This time last year I didn’t have this issue as I was able to watch my favorite shows online; however, my internet connection is slower than dial-up and I have the hardest time doing simple things like logging into school or checking my email.
I’ve lucked out. The season premier of Heroes is at 9 p.m. Yes! I can watch Terminator.
I just a preview of RockNRolla starring Gerry Butler! Yes. I’m going to see that movie just because he’s in it. So scrumptious.
John is going to have one hell of a time getting rid of Cameron if she turns into a stalker fembot. There’s something seriously wrong with a fembot when she starts saying she loves a guy. That’s all I’m saying.
I just realize the two shows that I don’t feel like I can live without (or at least are good enough to replace Buffy) are the two shows that aren’t on ABC.
Cameron and the blonde (Riley) are at a standoff. Will Riley tell Cameron where John is? Will Cameron get to John in time?
Oh shoot. Next week’s Terminator is going to be good.
Time for Heroes.
Oh dang. Dang, dang, dang. Oh. Dang.
Peter Petrelli is hot! There’s something about a guy with a facial scare and dressed in black.
Yeah, Mohinder is a hottie, too. However, what kind of name is Mohinder? Can you imagine screaming that name during mind-blowing sex?
Oh, Mohinder!
Ooo, Mohinder!
Oh, oh, oooooooh Mo-hin-der!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever. He’d have to change his name.
“Eat your brain? Claire, that’s disgusting.” - Sylar, Heroes
I think I’ve blogged enough about tonight’s shows. Oh, dang. I didn’t know we’d have two hours of Heroes. Another late night for me.
Oh. It seems one heroine will get to scream out Mohinder’s name. He, he, he.
“Oh. You are different.” -Maya, Heroes
Posted by Shavonne at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Day 265
I don’t have anything to report. It’s 8:30 p.m. and I’m still not done with my paper. I’m 300 words short and but I haven’t written my conclusion so there’s still hope. I hope this paper makes sense. I really hate writing about simulations.
I plan to hit the sack before 10 p.m. I need my rest. I’m going to have to leave work early so I can come home to finish my paper.
Well, let me have my desert so I can hit the sack.
I can’t believe I don’t have anything to blog about. This is worse that not remembering what I wanted to blog about.
New blog location: www.shavonnenatasha.com
Posted by Shavonne at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Day 264
I procrastinated big time today with my paper. I’m usually more than half-way done by now but I haven’t even made a dent. It’s a good thing I still have tomorrow. Motivation is really hard to come by.
I can do it. Only three more classes after this. I can do it. I can do. I know I can do it.
The little Shavonne who could.
For some reason, all I want to do is sleep. I usually only get this way when Flo comes to town but she came almost a week ago. I’m hoping it isn’t the Valley Fever acting up. Fatigue is one of the symptoms.
Escrow closes on that house I bought in Michigan. I’ll be a home owner on Monday. If things play out the way I hope they do, I will have many houses. I would like to buy nine more houses next year. I have to first worry about getting the house that closes escrow on Monday rented before the year is over.
I went to see Lakeview Terrace. It was a good movie. I would hate to live next door to someone like Abel. Anyway, there were moments where I liked Abel but he seemed to get too caught up in his own anger and unethical dealings. I still didn’t quite get what his issues were with his interracial couple neighbors. Other than what he said in the bar about his wife’s death, it was all speculation; however, I think there was a logical explanation as to why his wife was riding with her boss mid-day. Several actually and if Abel was such a prick with his wife as he seemed to be with his children, then I can understand why he suspected his wife was having an affair at the time of her death.
It sure is getting darker faster. I hate daylight savings time. In a few weeks, I will gain an hour of sleep but lose an hour for turning in my homework. Gotta love that.
Cash flow balances. I’m learning a great deal in this class on resource optimization. I’m pretty good at handling my own finances, which is why I’m usually never short on cash when there’s an emergency I need to take care of. I don’t have much business experience, so I have to rely on my instincts for handling my own finances to get through the course.
I need to get a some writing done on my paper. I want to shut down by midnight so I can get up early and continue with my paper. I plan to do some studying in Panera Bread tomorrow with a friend.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Day 263
Another long day at Thumb Twiddle. My job really sucks and it will probably start to suck for other people as well. Gotta spread the misery I suppose. Thumb Twiddle has gotten much better now that I have something to do.
Well, I went domain name shopping and picked up three more domains. One of them was rather expensive ($34) but I had my eye on it for a while and I even blogged about it once. Shavonne.org will always be my number one domain. I can’t decide on whether I want to use it with Wordpress or use that domain to host my mobile me blog. Decisions, decisions.
Now, I don’t think I’ll ever be a popular blogger. In fact, I know I’ll never be a popular blogger because most of what I blog about is pure cheese. Plus, just when it seems like I’ve gone and blogged seriously about a topic, I abruptly stop and wander off on some other thought, which is quite typical for me because I don’t think linearly. Probably why I it’s hard for me to remember the littlest things. I need to learn to stay focused. (Why couldn’t that Tyler Perry groupie give me that advice?)
Okay, I’m watching Dr. Phil tonight for the first time in ages only because of the topic of the show. The topic: the N-word. The guest:
Michael Graham, radio talk show host (Not familiar with him at all but I like him)
Paul Mooney, comedian (I can’t fricken stand this guy)
Sheryl Underwood, comedian (She gets on my damned nerves)
Hill Harper, actor and writer (I’m going to have to buy one of his books)
Al Sharpton, civil rights activists (don’t like him either)
Michael Graham and Hill Harper were the only two people on the show who had any sense. Basically, everyone in America has the right to call me the N-word. People want to call me that, they feel they have a right to, despite the fact that I (other’s besides myself) don’t feel comfortable with hearing that particular word.
There is in fact a double standard. A lot of black folks I know will argue until they are blue in the face about their right to use the word; however, if a white person says it all hell breaks loose. Why do you feel comfortable using the word, but become hostile and think someone a racist when they call you that word? I don’t get it. It’s offensive to me regardless of who utters it.
I noticed there is a relationship between the black folks who use it and their perceived ability (or inability) to get ahead in life. That’s all I’m going to say about that.
(See, I’m losing steam already.)
I’ve got to get my homework done.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Day 262
There’s only a little over 100 days left of 2008 and some big events are going to take place. I still don’t know who I’m going to vote for. Everyone else around me knows who they are going to vote for without any doubts. It must be great to be them.
I want to move to a state without income taxes or is it state taxes.
Okay, I don’t recall ever watching the Grey’s Anatomy season finale. It seems like it is good. Next week, I (we) get to see what happens with Meredith and Derek.
It’s going to have to watch a whole lot of tv and it won’t be easy considering I’m in school. I so want to be done right now. Between school and work, I’m becoming irritable, depressed, and tired and whatever other adjective I can’t seem to think of right now.
I think I need to go to bed. I have to start composing my next academic masterpiece tomorrow night. Only 21 more masterpieces to go. I’ve probably written around a million words for school. I wonder what my blogging word count is for the year so far.
Why are people obsessed with doing it? Oh great. The two tumor kids are going to do it. They did it and it was amazing (they said). I think I’m going to cry.
Let me get ready for bed.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Day 261
Okay, so apparently democrats want to raise taxes in California in order to get the California budget in control. How about instead of raising taxes, we stop paying for healthcare for illegal aliens.
I need to move to a state without state taxes.
Why can’t next year just hurry up and come already? I guess I’m the only one who wants the years to fly by. It gets like that when you don’t age.
I have things I want to do. I want to go to Colorado to visit some old friends and some new old friends and I want to go to China. Eat some peking duck.
I got to watch the makeovers on ANTM. Nothing special. Hair weaves here, big chops there, but I think my favorite is the red hair. I love red hair!
I think is my last time watching the show. It’s just getting to dang cheesy and I’m not very impressed with any of the girls they cast.
Someone called me today but I don’t recognize the phone number.
I’m so glad I ate dinner years ago. I’m watching Taboo on the National Geographic Channel. Tonight’s episode is about Outsiders. One group of people suffer from leprosy and other outcasts of society. A doctor was changing the badges on a woman’s foot and her toenail was missing and the are where the toenail would be was grossly infected.
Now I’m watching a couple who call themselves Freegons. They live as scavengers and live off of the food people throw out. Wow. I try not to throw away food. I try to eat every bit.
Well, I have got to get to bed. I’ve got another day of driving myself to work. I sure to miss my car pool.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Day 260
I stayed up a little too late last night. I kept trying to login to school but for some reason, the server was down or something.
That seems to be the case with a lot of websites. It took forever to post to my blogger blog. Shucks.
I’m going to try to get to bed early tonight. I was too tired and grouchy at work and need to get more sleep, especially since I have to drive myself to work this week.
Okay, I’m watching 90210. I don’t like the show but do like to count how many times Naomi’s nostrils flare. It’s hilarious. Oh, then her head shakes. I love the way anger looks on people. I wonder what it looks like on me.
I should hit the sack early. Let me get some homework done. If I finish before 90210 goes off. I will blog some more. I don’t what I’ll blog about...
I think I’m going to call it blogger quits. There’s always tomorrow.
Oh, she did it. Her nostrils flared open.
“You have to sing like your privates are on fire!” -Grandma, 90210
What the heck does that crap sound like!?! Now, if my privates on on fire, and I’m trying to sing, it probably won’t sound to pretty. Right? Right?
Why does everyone on 90210 look hungry? Are they shooting this in widescreen so that when you watch the show on regular tv everyone looks so skinny?
Posted by Shavonne at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Day 259
Okay, I’m not really into the whole cheesy into to Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
John cut his hair in the last episode. He looks all grown up now.
I just love this show. It ranks right up there with Buffy.
Okay, so who is the blonde? Will she be the one to drive fembot (Cameron) to a jealous rage? (I doubt this will ever happen because that’s more drama than sci-fi but it is nice to speculate.)
Brian Austin Green is so dang hot with his aged spread. I tell you, men look better when they gain weight and age. Too bad he’s a baby daddy.
I don’t feel like blogging today. I wish there was something worth reading on the Internet.
I swear the Terminator isn’t long enough. This show should be 2 hours long. I find myself a little puzzled by the events of the show. I now know how Sarah came to be with cancer as she apparently dies somewhere in the timeline (the robot says 2005).
I really don’t have anything to blog about. This totally sucks. I’m more than half-way through the year. Why am I reaching blogger burnout now?
Have you seen that Dominoes commercial with the rapping pasta? When I see that commercial, I think of it as more of a message that says death to hip-hop rather than buy Dominoes pasta. The parents freak out when they see the pasta and when junior starts talking slang, that’s when good ole dad (or is it mom?) takes out rapping pasta with a tennis racket.
I’m okay with that. Too bad the commercial didn’t show a black family with the dad reacting to protect his children from the vile that is rap.
On the news, it seems banks are failing left and right. I went to check on my retirement accounts and they’ve lost quite a bit of money. It’s scary but at the same time if you have the money to invest, now is the time to do it. You just have to make sure the institution you do your investing with is insured.
There was also a memorial for the people who died in the Metrolink crash. I would still consider riding the metro. If it’s my time to go, then it’s my time to go. Nothing can stop that. The thing is, I don’t want to commute. I would like to be able to walk to work or work from home. The ideal is to work from home.
I wonder if Hurricane Ike has anything to do with the slowness of the Internet. I can’t log into anything.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Day 258
Someone asked me what the difference is between Sisterlocks and Nappylocs. Well, I’m not an expert at either type of lock but I think the only difference between the two is the tool use to form the lock. Sisterlocks uses a crochet-like tool and the Nappyloc tool is hard to describe but it’s basically kind of like a big, dull needle with a very large loop.
Back to blogging.
I’ve decided I will no longer allow comments on my blog. It’s nice to get random comments here and there but I really don’t want to be bothered with Tyler Perry groupies and other people who feel like they know me well enough to tell me what I should be liking and how I should be living my life.
I’ve got some things I need to get done tomorrow, so off to bed I go.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Nappylocs, Sisterlocks
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Day 257
I’m relieved to know my uncle and his family are safe but their house was damaged by Hurricane Ike. The good thing is they have insurance so once the storm passes and they can return to their home, they will be able to pick up where they left off.
I watched the Coco Chanel movie on Lifetime. Very interesting story. Something about strong and determined women living out their lives without the companionship of the loves of their lives. Why is that? Are women not allow to have it all?
Coco almost lived with the love of her life but he died in a car accident on the way to see her. Dang. That totally sucked.
I wonder if the love of my life is already dead. Probably. Maybe he hasn’t been born yet? Yuck. I don’t want someone young enough to be my son.
I’ve decided I don’t like school anymore. I’m four classes away and I just want to stop. Stop and let it be. Just fukitol.
But then I remember February is just around the corner and I will be able to exhale once and for all. I’m just tired of sitting in front of a computer. I would like to not get on my computer for a month. That will be my goal. I won’t even blog. Everything I write will be in a paper journal. I will spend my time watching tv and taking some serious notes.
Not being on my computer for 1 month is going to prove challenging. It will be the equivalent of holding my breathe for an entire month. I can’t even hold my breathe for 30 seconds.
I need to go to bed and get some sleep. I have an early day tomorrow. I’ve got to finish the last of my paper and then do some job searching.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day 256
There was a nasty crash today involving the Metrolink and South Pacific Railways. I’m going to have to rethink my desire to get to work using the Metrolink. I know I’m being rather unreasonable considering more people die every year on California highways than they do riding the Metrolink but I guess there’s some comfort in knowing I’m in control of the vehicle that I’m using to get to work.
What is it about ants? The past few days I noticed ants in my bathroom. I can’t think of anything in my bathroom they’d be attracted to. When I got home today they were all over the bathroom sink. Now, just 5 hours later, they are nowhere to be found in my bathroom. Now, I’m noticing them all over my writing desk which is weird because I have nothing on my writing desk they could be attracted to.
Now the one common thing between the two places is tea tree oil. In my bathroom where the ants tended to congregate, is the area where I keep my tea tree oil. I don’t keep tea tree oil at my writing desk but I do have tea tree oil toothpicks on my desk. I like to nibble on them when I’m on my computer. I’m hoping they will find their search for food in my bedroom uneventful and move on. I wish they would go back to attacking the dog food.
I’ve been searching for the best deal on the textbook for my next class and I’m trying to figure out what the differences are between the 9th and 8th editions. My next class uses the 8th edition but that book is $20 more than the 9th edition. If I had to buy a book, I’d like to have the latest edition, especially if the latest edition is cheaper.
I was going to blog about Afghanistan, 9-11, my thoughts on Islam and why I’ve become more hostile towards the religion. In my mind, America could end up like Afghanistan if Islamic extremist ever got a foothold in this country. It will be a cold day in hell before I let that happen. I don’t want to live like Afghanis or any of the people in Muslim countries. They treat women like second class citizens.
It makes me wonder about Muslims in America. I always divide them into two types: Muslim immigrants/their descents and members of the Nation of Islam. Two different mentalities, neither appealing to me.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Day 255
Seven years ago on this day, I got up went to PT then went back to the barracks to eat and get ready for work. When I tried to start my truck, the cd that had been stuck in the cd player in the dashboard popped out. I was grateful because I hadn’t been able to get the cd out for about a month. But when I tried to start my truck, I discovered the battery was dead.
I went back to my room to call the office to let them know I would be a little late getting to work. That’s when I was informed that I needed to get to work ASAP because we had been attacked. I’m not sure who told me this, I think I was Richard, my civilian supervisor. I’m not even sure how I got to work. I think Richard picked me up.
I do remember what being in the office was like that day. I remember one person in particular walking around the office like a chicken with its head cut off. That wasn’t a pleasant sight. I remember watching the tv and seeing the World Trade Center in flames. It was surreal. I had never seen the World Trade Center before and my first time seeing the towers, they were in flames.
Some people in the world don’t like how we live in America. I don’t see why they feel the need to try to destroy this country, when they can take the simple route and mind their own business. I mean, if they were taking care of business in their countries, they wouldn’t be so obsessed with what we are doing in ours.
I’ve been to Afghanistan. I don’t want to live like Afghanis. Life sucks for women over there. They have no voice and barely even the right to breathe. I’ve worn a burqa. That’s no way to live.
God bless America.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Day 254
There two earthquakes, one in Japan and another in Indonesia and as a result of the earthquakes, tsunami warnings. And on top of all that, Hurricane Ike will hit Houston sometime soon if it already hasn’t.
My mom of course blames global warming. The reality is, global warming doesn’t exist, at least like we think. I’d like to think of it as global recycling.
Scientist spend all their time trying to convince the world Earth as gone through several stages of hot and cold where the ice caps completely melted or the Earth became one big ice ball. Either way, it seems these periods of extreme were unpreventable.
So, why do people think we can stop it now?
Why would a guy who doesn’t even have boobs wear a bra? I mean there’s nothing there to go south.
I can’t wait until the weekend.
I can’t wait until next year.
Yes, they got rid of Miss Stinky Attitude on ANTM.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Day 253
Another day, another dollar, another loose marble. I wish there was something good on tv tonight but there isn’t so I will be getting my studying done.
I had planned on participating in class today but my Internet is down for some reason. I’m going to have to look into a faster Internet service. This is ridiculous.
It seems unplugging the modem and wireless router did the trick. Internet is funning faster. Good grief. I wish I had done that sooner.
I don’t have anything to blog about.
Okay, I tried to give 90210 the benefit of the doubt, but this show is just awful. Was the original on a wholesome family kick?
I’m hoping to have a light day at Thumb Twiddle. I need to write a new resume and I want to use that time to devise the content for the resume I will include in my packet for that writing fellowship I plan to try for next year.
Exactly how am I supposed to fit my work experience on one page? I’m finding this quite difficult.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
Day 252
Tonight is the season premier of the Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles. I love this show. I’m not sure I like the red head. I think they picked the wrong actress to play whoever this red head is supposed to be.
Okay. I’m not going to do much blogging tonight because I have to get some sleep. I am going to watch this show and go to bed. Hopefully, I will have something to write about tomorrow. I doubt it but there’s no reason not to be hopeful.
How many car accidents are they going to get in? Does Sarah not know how to drive? The show is good. I know it is possible for John for fall for a robot. You know why? Because millions of women fall in love with battery operated buddies (B.O.B.). Only his B.O.B. is a whole woman. I’ve already blogged about how it isn’t fair that he gets a fembot while we women only get a dildo.
I’ve got a confession to make. If I could actually carry a tune, I’d be a country singer.
Back to the Terminator.
John needs his walking, plastic pootytang. I knew he wasn’t going to kill her. The one thing I’ve noticed about men, they are just as strung on love as women. Men get a whiff of that sh!t called love or really good, tight and wet pootytang, and get they stupid.
Just wait until this fembot gets pissed off. John is going to be sorry he let her live.
Dang. Now I know who the red head is. Fox must have allotted more money for this show. Sweet.
On a side note, I really thought I was going to hate typing on the keyboard that comes with the iMac. However, typing on it is a breeze. And I cannot describe to you how much easier the big screen is on my eyes. No more squinting. I do miss my laptop and so I will probably plan an excursion this weekend to an Internet cafe to work on my school work.
Good night.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Day 251
I managed to finished my reading for the week and complete my homework that’s due tomorrow. I had planned on researching for school next week but it seems the mycampus Web site is down. I can’t get ahead to save my life. Crap.
I finally managed to log in to my class. I just have to keep trying. I think I should submit my assignment early so that if I can’t get into class tomorrow, I will have already submitted my homework.
I did get my research done for the assignment due next Monday. Yippee!
I think when I’m done with school I’m going to read a couple of books by Nicholas Sparks. I absolutely loved The Notebook. I still cry whenever I watch it.
I don’t feel like blogging today. I had a coughing spell today and my chest hurts badly and my throat is very sore. I hope I’m not getting sick. I’m going to hit the sack early tonight.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Day 250
My menstrual is about to start. I’m so dang tired and I’m having a hard time staying awake; however the sleepiness is much better than cramps.
It’s still too dang hot outside. I just finished taking the dogs for a walk and it felt a little humid, which is unusual for the desert. I was hoping for a cool breeze since it is after 10 p.m.
Speaking of dogs. Yesterday I wrote I would write a little more on some of the dogs rescued from Vick’s property. He had all the teeth removed from one of his pit bulls so that it would be easier to breed her. Did you know they make a bench for strapping female dogs down so that male dogs can mount the female? That’s the equivalent of doggy rape! I think the program said the bench is called a rape bench or something. I can’t remember exactly.
I need to make a doctor’s appointment to have my eyes checked. They bother me so much.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, September 05, 2008
Day 249
I don’t know what I want to talk about. I’ve got my homework to complete tomorrow. I can definitely work on that. I also have reading to do for next week and my job search. I’ve got to keep looking. I’m thinking I should just bite the bullet and consider jobs locally as I think a change of scenery is what will rejuvenate me.
I’ve been holding off seriously looking for employment because of school and because I feel like I’m just not giving my new work location a chance. However, every day that goes by, I’m reminded of things I disliked about being in the Army. That is never a good thing.
I think the biggest issue is the leadership. Some people have leadership skills and some don’t. I got a really good glimpse of someone who wasn’t that great at being a leader and I’m seen these qualities in a certain individual.
That’s enough on that subject.
I got to watch Dogtown on NGC. This episode was of special interest to me because of the dogs rescued from Michael Vick’s dog fighting compound. Michael Vick is one sick f^cker who should never be allowed to own an animal.
I’ve got to stop blogging about that too. It really makes me angry just thinking about some of the things done to those dogs.
I will blog about this more tomorrow. I need to get some rest so I can get up early in the morning to mail off some paperwork.
I tried posting to my blog yesterday but it never posted. I did manage to post to my blogger blog that day so I can still claim my record of posting once a day for a year. I’m proud of myself, too. People are always saying how they don’t have the time to blog and their blogs are neglected. They just have to make the time. All it takes is about 5 minutes a day.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Day 248
I knew it would happen. The minute I mentioned how I hate Tyler Perry movies either the black police, the soul patrol, or the put-the-oppressed-black-man-on-a-pedastal club would show up and chastise me for not liking his movies. I don't like his plays either, BTW. Double negative.
I'm not the only one who probably doesn't like his movies. I just don't care who knows. And I don't like it when Holier than thou types take it upon themselves to act like God and judge me for it.
I lost the urge to go into detail about all the things I find wrong his movies. I blogged about what I didn't like about his play (The Marriage Counselor) back in January. You can read about that here and here.
I went out to lunch today and decided to get sushi. I got sushi because I didn't feel like sharing my lunch, nor did I feel like paying for anybody's lunch. I knew this person didn't eat sushi and wouldn't want to try it. I had a good meal all to myself. Mmm, mmm good. I had the spicy tuna roll with roe eggs. It was divine.
Holy smokes! I just saw a glimpse of the new season of Grey's Anatomy. It is going to be so good. Talk about SURPRISE! Something you'd never find in a Tyler Perry movie. Go Shonda Rhimes!
I'm going to bed now.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Day 247
My first day back at Thumb Twiddle in some 10 days. That’s all I have to say about that.
About Halloween, I think I’m going to dress up this year. I don’t know what I’m going to dress up as. I should probably dress up to look like how I feel. Which brings up the question of PTS.
Today, I got an email from someone I used work with and it was about not spending too much time upset over stuff because it’s time I’ll never get back. I replied that the email should have given some helpful suggestions on how to keep from smacking people. Then I said something about how smacking people would make your hand hurt but in the end the pain would be worth it. Don’t cha think?
America’s Next Top Model. That show is getting so fricken tired. They pick up some of the ugliest chicks off the street and attempt to make them models. If they are going to pick some ugly chicks, why haven’t they picked me. I mean, the only reason I want to be on the show is to be close to Nigel Barker. That man is HOT! Have any of the girls that have won actually become supermodels? Me thinks not.
I hope I never look hungry again. I know I did in the past.
I would never date a guy who wears bell bottoms and heeled boots.
I think I’m mean.
Oh my gosh. They just had to keep Miss Stinky Attitude in the competition. I’m done. No more ANTM unless Nigel Barker is going to be on the show without his shirt on.
Anyways. I’ve got to get some reading done for school so I can answer my discussion questions that are due tomorrow and get started on finishing up the assignment that’s due on Monday.
But before I go to bed, I just saw the previews for Tyler Perry's The Family That Preys. I cannot describe just how much I hate Tyler Perry movies. I'm not even going go there tonight. I want to but it's not fair to judge the movie when I haven't even seen it; however, I know it won't surprise me.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Day 246
1:30 a.m.
Another late night surfing the net and downloading my readings for school. I’m trying to start class off on the right foot. If I can get ahead and stay that way I won’t be so stressed later in the course.
I was surfing the net trying to find more information on Sarah Palin. So far, I know that she’s the governor of Alaska and she has a 17-year-old daughter who’s going to have a baby. For some reason the baby is big news. I’m almost certain teenagers get knocked up in Alaska. I mean, it is cold there and what better way for young, hormonal people to keep warm than some bump and grind. I wonder if McCain’s choosing of Palin had anything to do with Palin’s pregnant teenager. I mean, Obama was quoted as having saying he wouldn’t want to punish his daughters with a baby. I guess punishment means different things to different people.
I’m not picking sides by the way. But I have to admit I will focus on Palin and Obama race from here on out. It seems there is a female/male (black) race to the White House after all. I guess you can say McCain is a passing thought in my mind as he’s just too dang old. I mean, if being president has aged Dubya, then I can only imagine what being president would do to McCain. He’s already aged as he’s going to get!
11:45 a.m.
I went to Wal-mart for an oil change and while walking around the store, I noticed Halloween candy. It’s not even October!! At this rate we will be seeing Christmas decorations next month. Urgh!!!! I swear, I wish I had a job that traveled with me rather than me traveling to my job. I would totally move to another country for the next 4 months to get away from the madness.
I have to go back to Thumb Twiddle tomorrow. I really enjoyed my time away from work and school. I don’t want this day to end. I need to find a job where I can work from home at least 4 days a week.
It’s not even noon yet and I feeling there’s a war going on in my stomach. Time to pop a Levsin.
Has anyone else been having problems with their Internet? Mine is really slow and has been for quite a while. I thought if I purchased a faster wireless router everything would speed up but it hasn’t. I just cannot describe to you how dial-up this feels. I don’t recall dial-up ever being this slow. I was speaking with this older man at the Apple store the other day and he was asking me if I was having any problems with my Internet. He has cable Internet and I have DSL.
5:20 p.m.
It seems the server for my school is down. I can’t login to class. That’s a problem as I wanted to try and start a learning team as quickly as possible.
7:05 p.m.
The new 90210 premiers to night. Yay. We are going to be watching teenagers screw each other left and right and doing very adult things besides screwing left and right.
I meant to go to the movies today to catch either the Dark Knight or The Mummy. I wanted to see Journey to the Center of the Earth but they wanted $2 extra to watch that movie. I think the fee paid for the cost of the 3-D glasses.
8:05 p.m.
Five minutes into the show (90210) and someone is already getting his wood waxed. Told you. Screwing left and right. And they are teenagers.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
Day 245
I accomplished a lot today. I spruced up two resumes. I don’t understand how you are supposed to get all your work and education history on one page.
I finally installed Word 2008 for Mac. I love it. It’s much better than Word 2004. It looks a lot like iWork’s Pages. I still can’t get Microsoft Messenger to work. I haven’t been able to log into that since 2006. I don’t know what the issue is.
I start class number 4 tomorrow. I’m looking forward to that but I am looking forward to summer being over with. I’m sick of the heat and I want to be able to lock myself in my room to do my homework and work on some projects. It will be much easier to concentrate without a big screen tv blaring in the background.
Well, I have lots to do tomorrow. I have to get my oil checked, submit my resume to some jobs, and do a couple loads of laundry. I also have to read some more Pushing Daisies scripts and do some research on P.A.N. I don’t know what P.A.N. stands for but I watched to episodes of Mystery Diagnosis and P.A.N. was the culprit for making two patients sick. Each patient had different symptoms but the weird thing is, I’ve had all the symptoms. I think it (P.A.N.) similar irritable bowl syndrome. My stomach has calmed a great deal in the last few hours. I’ve been taking Levsin regularly since yesterday. I hate popping pills but I also hate feeling like I have a tornado in my gut.
I’m watching Samantha Who? and I just can’t get over how beautiful her apartment is. Why would she want to live with her mom and dad when she has a great apartment? If I had an apartment like that I and I had amnesia, I still wouldn’t want to live with my parents.
It seems there is another big hurricane - Gustav. I don’t want to get into global warming today. Maybe I’ll blog about that tomorrow. But I am curious as to why people would try to live on land that is well below sea level and was completely flooded by Katrina in 2005? Have they not learned anything? I don’t know. If I had to live in New Orleans, I would find some property outside of New Orleans to the north as that land will be the future beachfront property.
I’m dreading November because of the presidential candidates. I don’t know anything about either of the VP candidates. I thought for sure McCain and Obama would have picked people a little more recognizable. Or maybe I’m just in my own little world and VP candidates are big names.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008