I finished my paper around 4pm to day. I didn't think I would be able to make the word count but I did. I didn't get out the bed until almost 10.
I have a lot to do tomorrow. I have to do three loads of laundry, get some gas for my truck, buy some ingredients for some oatmeal cookies, and drive out to the poppy fields to try and take some pictures of the poppies.
I washed my hair today. My scalp was on fire last night. I almost couldn't go to sleep. For some reason, washing my hair didn't really help with the itchy scalp because my scalp still itches.
I still want to learn more about the patterns of Sisterlocks. I've discovered that the pattern instructions for the Nappylocs tool are the same as the Sisterlocks patterns. So, I will purchase the Nappylocs business in a box and learn the patterns. It will be cheaper than making an appointment with a Sisterlock consultant just to ask a few questions. Besides, consultants in California don't seem too interested in expanding their clientele.
I made the pork chops in a crockpot. They turned out good. I used a Pomegranate and chipotle sauce. The pork chops turned out really good.
Well, I'm off to about 12 hours of sleep.
Welcome. Enjoy.
About Me

- Shavonne
- What do you want to know? I will tell you anything. Feel free to browse my blog.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Day 91
Posted by Shavonne at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Day 90
I'm getting so tired of writing these fricken benchmarking problem solution paper. There should be a law against having to write these types of paper two classes in a row.
I'm a little ticked off with myself as I slept away most of the weekend. I'm usually completely finished with my paper by now but I didn't really work on it at all yesterday and I didn't really start my research until this afternoon.
I attempting to get rest is proving difficult. Do I sleep or do I work on my paper? At the moment I'm still 1,000 short of the require minimum word count. Did I mention that I'm usually done with my paper by now?
I have no motivation for finishing this paper. I have no motivation for school at all if the classes are going to be structured like these last two classes. I hate working on teams and I'm tired of school period. I just want my free time back.
The only thing that can make this a worse situation is if I got called back into the military. Another extended break from school will completely put me over the edge as I have no desire for school as it is and I don't think I will go back to school. My main focus will be getting the heck out of this desert because I hate it with all the fibre of my being.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Day 89
I've been considering getting Sisterlocks for a few months. The only thing is there isn't much information out there to help me understand what exactly is going to be done with my hair. For example, what do they mean by pattern, what does the pattern look like, and what is bunching?
I've seen lots of pictures on the internet and I've read dozens of blogs on the subject but I still have questions but I don't want to make an appointment with a consultant just to get the information. To me, making an appointment with a consultant just to get some questions answered is too much of a commitment and I don't want to spend any money just to ask some questions.
One blogger (Tina) has been blogging about her frustrations with finding a way to take care of her hair without having to rely on going to a consultant. I too, don't understand the reason behind the secrecy of the Sisterlock technique. Most people will continue to go to a consultant just because they'd rather have someone else to their hair. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time flat ironing the back of my hair so I can imagine how difficult it would be for me to try tightening a couple of hundreds of locks in the back of my head!
I have this paper to write but I've only gotten about halfway done. It isn't due until Monday. I meant to do much of my research last night but I went straight to bed as soon as I got home and I didn't get up until noon today.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Friday, March 28, 2008
Day 88
I decided I should take a couple of days off work next week to see if the time off will help me recuperate and rid myself of this fatigue I'm feeling.
It doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get, I still feel tired. Last night I went to bed at around 930/945ish and woke up this morning at 530 and I know I got some good sleep because of the position I was in when I woke up. It reminded me of how when I was a little girl and I would wake up with my head in the first floor of my barbie house. (The barbie house was right next to my bed. :smile: ) There is no way I could have possibly gotten myself in that position unless I was in a deepest of sleep.
But I still feel like I only got a couple of hours of sleep. I suspect I'm developing other symptoms of Valley Fever. I have a rash developing on my lower legs and these episodes of fatigue. If I don't feel any better by Monday, I'll be sure to go to the doctor and have it checked out.
I went to bed around 600pm today and woke up around 930pm. I still feel like I didn't get any sleep! I was going to work on my paper but I have Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for that.
I'm going to go back to sleep now.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Day 87
Okay, so I have another paper due this weekend. I'm really starting to get tired of writing papers all the time. I have less than a year left. I think I can do it.
I'm always hungry but nothing satisfies my hunger. I ate a ton of food last night but the food didn't satisfy me.
I wish I could sing. Or have hairless legs. They don't seem to relate do they? Either one would suffice.
I stayed up way past my bedtime watching Pushing Daisies. I so want an In N Out burger right now. Or some oatmeal craisin cookies.
I really don't have anything to write about, so instead of boring anyone, I'm going to go to bed.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Day 86
I went out to dinner last night to a Korean Restaurant. I had a blast. There was supposed to be about ten of us but only four of us made it out to eat. Everybody enjoyed the food. Even I enjoyed the food. I don't know if it is because it's been a while since I had some authentic Korean food, because the food there is far from authentic Korean, but I thought it was good, too. It was nice hanging out with people and having adult conversations. That's the one thing I missed out on with some of my friends. They started having children early and life for them became all about taking care of baby and complaining about how baby's daddy doesn't pay child support.
Work was awful. I got really annoyed because someone wanted to see a cubicle. I think all cubicles look the same, don't you? I, to this day, have yet to see a cubicle that was impressive simply because there's nothing to be impressive about a cubicle. Cubicles are cubicles.
There is this guy who is totally sexy. I mean totally. If only...
Posted by Shavonne at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Day 85
I'm trying to keep a clear head over the online learning. With the last two classes, there seems to be a lot more conflict over a particular assignment involving benchmarking.
I don't know what to do. I think I have a good grasp of what benchmarking is; however, I don't think everyone in the class is understanding it which is why there is so much conflict when the time comes to do the benchmarking assignment. What's even more frustrating is I asked the facilitator to clarify the assignment but she ignored my question. She still hasn't addressed the question and she's fully aware (now) that I'm not the only person with this concern because after a hiss a claw moment in the forum, several of the students expressed the same concern. Will the instructor clarify the instructions for the assignment? I want to say 'No' because she hasn't answered the question thus far.
I noticed people have a tendency to avoid answering a question when they don't know how to answer it. I hate that. I would rather someone respond with "Gee, I don't know, but I can get you in touch with someone who does."
Well, that's it for now. I'm so sleepy. I'm going to go to bed.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Day 84
What a long day in terms of school! I had some rather interesting discussions in class today. I don't feel like going into too much detail.
I hate Mondays. They are always the worst days of the week. I think the Mondays I come into work after a three-day weekend are the worst.
I did a little more reflection on that movie, The Things We Lost in the Fire. I still don't get why they named the movie after only a few lines in the movie. And I'm still buggin over the little boy's hair. It was just too long and it made him look so pretty. Boys aren't suppose to be pretty!
What I can say I liked about the movie is the fact that this movie showed a normal family that struggled to get through the loss of a loved one. It didn't dwell on the fact that the wife was black and her husband was white and the druggie family friend was Latino.
Posted by Shavonne at 11:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Day 83
I stayed up entirely too late tonight. I was hoping to be in bed before 9:30 but my computer was acting all slow and stuff. I actually had to shut my computer down and reboot.
I thing I'm going to buy I Am Legend. There's something about the dog in the movie. That was one awesome dog.
I don't get that show Dirt on FX. Is it supposed to be a comedy or drama? So, far the only category it fits in is boring. I thought it was going to be good but it seemed like those one liners they kept showing to advertise the show, like "That was some crotchtography" and "We never called you fat" were the highlights of the show. :???:
I seem to have a little too much time lately but if I'm going to write a spec script, I'll need to watch television and read more scripts. That's the only way to get good at script writing.
I need to get a second job.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Day 82
I keep causing trouble with my learning teams. How many more classes do I have left? Seven? Eight? I must look at my student schedule to find out.
I'm watching The Things We Lost in the Fire starring Halle Berry. My sons (if I ever have any) will hate me. I have serious issues with little boys with long hair. They look too pretty.
I'm bored with the movie. I wish they would show the little boy again so I can think of ways to chop off his hair. That's all I can think about. Scissors to hair.
Now I'm confused by the movie. I'm not confused anymore. When you see a man beating his wife, you get in your car, drive a few blocks, and then you call the cops. I'm not into getting into love spats, at least not up close.
I wonder if this movie is based on a book?
Is 'I need to sleep' code for 'I need to f^ck'? I guess not. Apparently, it means rub my ear until I fall asleep.
My eye hurts. I think I need to spend some time looking at something other than a computer screen.
Good news! I shaved my legs. Now all I have to do is learn to like wearing shorts.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Day 81
Well it seems the domain for sorryassbabydaddies.com is up for sale for a whopping $80,000! {{shock}}
Let me see, can I afford that? H3ll no! Would I purchase it if I could? I think not!
I'm trying to figure out who would pay that much money for that domain name. What would someone do with this website? Let's say for example, the Department of Social Services was looking to host a website to shame dead-beat dads, I doubt they would want to purchase that domain name! The domain name is not professional! I would be flipping mad if I found out my tax money purchased that domain name.
I just finished part of my paper for school. I hate writing these papers all the time. I can't believe I'm about to write this, but I really do wish we had a test of some sort instead of a paper.
My neck is killing me so I will finish up this post and dope myself up so that I will be prepared for whatever comes my way tomorrow. I've been thinking that I should reward myself with some more oatmeal craisin cookies. I just can't stop thinking about them.
BTW, I don't know who's responsible for chasing down dead-beat dads and I hope I'm never in the position to have to try to find out.
(NOTE TO SELF: Keep that nickel between your knees Shavonne, and you will never, ever need a domain like sorryassbabydaddies.com.)
Posted by Shavonne at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Day 80
I got off work today and went straight to bed. It was a welcomed nap because I was tired.
I had to get up though to do some homework. I got it all done in a couple of hours.
I had the most interesting dream and a possible spec script for that show Pushing Daisies. I could write it for next month's script frenzy. I will have to watch a few episodes of the show to get a feel for the characters. It would be great if the show lasted a few years because I'd be able to use the script if the script is good enough. I will have to get Dear Carey to read it for me and give me her input. Oh yeah, I'd also have to learn to write a script for television. I'm already ahead of the game because I have Final Draft on my computer.
Anyway, my dream involved death and someone coming back to life and stolen gold and a mystery as to why this person was killed. It had something to do with the gold of course. It was a great dream. I only wish I could have taken notes in my sleep. I will just have to type out as much detail as possible tonight before I go to bed. I meant to do it at work but got sidetracked. It's a good thing the dream is still fresh in my head.
six children
first love
Those are a few things I will have to incorporate into the script as the dead woman was married and her and her husband miscarried their first child. In her note to her husband, Babylost is the nickname of the child she miscarried. I'm not so sure how I'm going to handle a violent shooting in a church.
A woman's shady past comes back to...(I will need to think of the rest when I'm more rested).
Posted by Shavonne at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Day 79
Another long day bites the dust! I'm going to attempt to get to bed before 9:30 p.m. but I doubt this will be likely.
The year is almost a quarter of the way over. Some folks don't like me saying this but...it is what it is. The quicker this year goes the better. I'm tired of school. Seven more classes to go (technically I have eight because I haven't finished my current class).
2007 went by so fast I can barely remember it. If it weren't for the pictures I took, I wouldn't know where I was or what I was doing.
My IBS has been flaring up so I decided to take my medication (levsine) and it worked and then I ate some sugar free chocolate chip girl scout cookies and then it was all over with. It feels like WWIII is taking place in my stomach.
The thing about IBS is 65% of the time, it's more annoying than painful. There's just constant moving. My heart beats often but I don't feel that all the time so why can't I digest my food without feeling it.
I'm watching America's Next Top Model and Fatima apparently doesn't shave her armpits and took a photo with her armpit in the picture. Now, Tyra said it looked like Fatima hadn't saved in a month. Huh? I barely barely saw any hair. I looked at my armpits and, well, that's all I'm going to say.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Day 78
I have to do some research for school. I could wait until tomorrow night but I want to spend tomorrow night catching up on the reading I didn't get to do last night.
I don't have much to write about. I had some stomach problems today. My tummy was especially irritable this morning but calmed down a bit around lunch. Then started up again once I got home. Everything I eat makes me sick to my stomach-literally!
I got my bill for my truck. $401.05. I hate unexpected bills but at least it was only $401.05. It would have been more if I had gotten my brakes done but he said they could wait another 3000-5000 miles. So, I figure the next time I get an oil change, I will get my brakes done.
I still need to renew my domain name. I have a feeling someone is waiting to buy it. Shavonne.net is worth over $1000! So, I figure shavonne.org is worth just as much and considering when you do a search for 'Shavonne' one-third of the results are me, it's best that I keep my domain name for a while!
Domain real estate can be expensive. I remember when I first started searching for domain names I was going to purchase shavonne.net but waited and someone beat me to it so I had to settle for shavonne.org. Had I known what I know now, I would have scooped up shavonne.net, shavonne.tv, and shavonne.org while they were dirt cheap. You snooze, you lose!
I will try to get up early and renew my domain name. I would do it at work but my web host's website is blocked.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Day 77
What a long day. I will find out tomorrow if my truck's electrical system is shot. I'm hoping I just need a couple of new light bulbs.
I went to a McDonald's that wasn't in the best of neighborhoods. This McDonald's had the best food! Everything was fresh. I'm going to regret it though. I just can't resist the Chicken McNuggets. They are so good, and hot! Not like Burger King. I hate Burger King's Chicken Tenders. They're never hot when I get them.
Why does fat always go the the gut area not the breasts or @ss? Or legs. Always my gut. My veteran's gut is coming back. I've been chowing down on some carbs! They are so good. I made some oatmeal craisin cookies this weekend (Sorry Dear Carey, I don't want to punish you with my terrible cookies) and they weren't that great. They were okay but doggonit, my mom's boyfriend's oatmeal craisin cookies are the BOMB DIGGITY! I must make a trade with my mom's boyfriend-I would give him my mother if he would continue to bake me some oatmeal craisin cookies. Yes, I know, I know. How could I possible give up my mom for some cookies? The cookies are just that good.
I must eat my laxative girl scout cookies tomorrow. Maybe I'll be able to flush away this gut. My spare tire. My protruding, low self esteem of a gut and monstrous cause-a-fire thunderous thighs.
I must get my beauty rest so I can go to work refreshed.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Day 76
A few posts ago, I pondered why Jews don't attempt to 'recruit' like Christians and Muslims. I got my answer here.
It seems I've been unable to write that post I've been saying I'm going to write. I will eventually get to it. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to present the information.
I haven't done much this weekend. I had planned on going out and taking pictures of some poppies but could not make it due to some issues with my car's electrical system. Dang computers. I replaced all of the fuses but I'm still unable to get my brake lights to work. So, I will have to spend my lunchtime tomorrow calling auto mechanics to get some estimates. Oh, how I would love to be able to live without a car.
I need to get some sleep now. I have a long day tomorrow. I'm hoping I will be able to find someone who can fix my car.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Day 75
I haven't started writing that blog I've been talking about writing. I will have to write it tomorrow. I've been a little stressed trying to figure out what's wrong with my brakes lights. I won't be able to do much until Monday. I will have to take my telephone directory into work so I can make some phone calls and get estimates on the cost of fixing my electrical system. Oh gosh, please let this be the last of my car troubles. Though I would like a newer car, I don't want a monthly payment. I want my truck to last me another ten years.
Now, I did watch American Gangster last night. In the past, whenever I watched gangster movies involving black gangsters, I always thought their flashiness would be their downfall. Well, it turns out, the downfall of Frank Lucas was his chinchilla fir coat! LOL. Frank Lucas had the perfect cover, no one expected a black man to be head of the biggest heroine drug ring on the East Coast! But it was the incredibly tacky fir coat that put him on the narcotics patrol radar.
It wasn't that bad of a movie and it definitely wasn't as long as everyone claimed it was but I'm the type that will sit through any movie as long as it is good.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Day 74
I discovered ScriptFrenzy.org last year and signed up to participate in it but never wrote a darn thing.
This year is different. 30 days to write a tv script isn't that difficult. I could write a couple of pages a day. By the end of the 30 days, I will have a complete script.
I don't know what I'm going to write about but I'm going to give it a try. I won't try to write a spec script though because I don't have a whole lot of extra time to devote to watching tv. I will have to save that for when I finish school or during the Christmas break. (I actually can't wait until Christmas).
That's a shocker. Christmas is my least favorite time of the year.
I have to go get new brake lights for my truck. The lights don't work for some reason. It could be a case of bad plugs because when I actually turn my lights on the brake lights work. I hate having to have a car.
I went and rented American Gangster. I'm going to watch it and hopefully write about it tomorrow. I need a break from my computer.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:22 PM 2 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Day 73
Can you believe I almost got ready for bed without posting to my blog? I can't believe this would almost happen.
I was a little busy getting my participation on in class. I really like it so far. It's much better than the last class. Yes! I've already fulfilled my participation require for one day.
I wish I had a magic 8 ball that would tell me where my birth certificate is. I misplaced it. I don't know if it's packed away or if I put it somewhere. I think I took it with me when I reported to Fort Jackson. So, if I did do that, then my birth certificate is in the garage (a bad place). I will have to make time this weekend to find it. I can't loose the document that can prove my country of my birth.
I need to get a safe big enough to house my valuables. I've been meaning to buy one ever since our house was broken into.
I must get some shut eye. I promise I will write something more interesting this weekend (after I finish my schoolwork). Good night for now.
Posted by Shavonne at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Day 72
I got a call from Kaiser today. I have to go back to Kaiser at the end of April to have more blood drawn because it can take up to three months for a positive Valley Fever test to turn negative.
I just finished my last craisin oatmeal cookie. I'm totally devastated. I'm going to have to make some more cookies this weekend.
I'm so behind in my reading for school. I was going to write an interesting post for today but it will have to wait until the weekend. I have priorities and blogging isn't number 1 on my list. Blogging is second.
I'm going to bed. I have to get up early in the morning to get gas. I noticed when I get gas in the mornings, it lasts longer. I can't wait for the day where I won't have to drive to work.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Day 71
I've discovered the other seasons of Soul Food are now available on DVD. It took long enough. Five dang years. I wonder what took so long. Did they want us to wait so long we'd actually forget? Should I or shouldn't I? That's a hard question. I love the first season, I'm not so sure I'd enjoy the other seasons, especially after that thing with Bird. :-?
Another show I completely gave up on was Resurrection Blvd. I have the first season of that on DVD and I've been waiting for five long years for the other two and a half seasons. Someone told me I wouldn't like the show anymore since boxing wasn't involved but I never watched the show because of the boxing. I genuinely liked the characters.
The Cosby Show
Good Times
Party of Five
The Family Guy
I'm just throwing out names of shows just to see if amazon does the automatic linking thing it's been doing.
Candace Bushnell aka Carrie Bradshaw.
The linking won't work on my blogger blog for some reason. I think it has something to do with blogspot.com. Oh, how I love having my own domain name.
(NOTE TO SELF: Must renew web hosting before May.)
(ANOTHER NOTE TO SELF: Must look up word in Oxford English Dictionary.)
I'm pooped. I will write more on that word I plan to look up.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:11 PM 2 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Day 70
I've got ten minutes before my bedtime. I had planned on being in bed by 9 p.m. but got sidetracked by school.
A new class. Yes! I can't wait to get it over with. I'm somewhat saddened that a few people weren't going to be in this class, as I got used to seeing their names.
I've got so much to do tomorrow.
I heard on the radio this morning that George Clooney got the wrinkles on his balls removed. I can't believe men actually do that. I can understand why he did it. He's dating a woman half his age! I would say more but you know what I'm thinking.
I have got to stop biting my fingernails. They look so nasty. I haven't been able to kick the habit since returning home. Maybe I will once I'm finished with school.
I can't stop searching the internet on Sisterlocks. I've noticed there are a couple of consultants with their own websites but these consultants don't live in California.
What's up with that? Either the consultants in California are booked or they are not interested in growing their business. This will make it difficult for me if I decide to lock my hair. I want to do as much research as I can without calling in Southern California consultants and scheduling a consultation.
I must go to bed now. I will post something more interesting tomorrow.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Day 69
I almost went to bed without posting to my blog. I've been watching Ugly Betty. I don't think I have it in me to write a spec script for Grey's Anatomy because I don't have any knowledge about being a doctor. I could do some research. I don't know. I'll just have to start writing something to see how it goes. I still have over a year before I plan to apply for that writing fellowship.
Back to Ugly Betty. I'm really surprised she would date a baby daddy. Is this the new thing to do or something? Are there no men who are responsible with their sperm? Or am I just getting behind the times?
I'm not sure what to think. I dated baby daddies when I was 15 up until last year when I finally turned 22 and swore I would never go there again.
Tomorrow is my last day of class. Next year around this time I'll be preparing for a trip to China. I'll also be getting my digital SLR camera.
Well, I don't have much to write about. I'm going to bed now.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Day 68
I went back to Kaiser this morning to have some blood drawn. The lab was packed with people needing to have their blood drawn for one reason or another. I guess I will know in a couple of weeks if I definitely have Valley Fever. I feel fine by the way. I think this is one of those bugs that will creep up on you and zap you at the last minute.
My mother had Valley Fever when we first moved to California. She was bed ridden for a couple of months. I don't know much about it. I'll have to look it up on the Internet.
A soldier from the Lord's Army came by the house today. He was rather pleasant and very clean cut. There were several of them walking through the neighborhood, each dressed in khakis, light blue long-sleeve button up shirts and ties, with a Bible and information pamphlets about their church in their hands.
(NOTE TO SELF: Get a 'No Solicitors' sign.)
Anyway, soldier did manage to get me interested in seeing a performance by the church's orchestra; however, I doubt I will attend. I get the feeling attending one of these functions will have them expecting me to attend all their functions, like church and Bible study for which I have no interest in.
This got me thinking, why don't Jews go around trying to spread the Gospel according to the Torah? It would be nice to see some representation from their camp. I mean, Christians and Muslims seem to be building armies for Armageddon, do Jews not think about Armageddon at all?
I think I can understand why they don't openly recruit. Years of persecution will do that. However, how does someone become Jewish? Does one have to be born Jewish in order to be Jewish? Is becoming Jewish as difficult as depicted in Sex and the City? I think I know they perfect place to go with my questions. Hopefully, I won't insult him/her because that's not my intent.
Speaking of which, I dated a guy that had a small patch of hair on one side of his back. I didn't understand why it was only on one side. One small patch of hair seemed like a mistake on God's part but two small patches on both sides would have seemed more deliberate.
I must get back to my studies.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
Day 67
I just got a phone call from my primary physician (it's 8:30 p.m.). A few weeks ago, I went to the doctor because I had a really bad cough I couldn't get rid of. He put me on antibiotics and an inhaler and had some lab work done to see if I had Valley Fever (there has been an unusual number of cases this year).
They ran two tests and one test came out positive for Valley Fever and the other came out negative. My doc wanted me to come back to have some more lab work done to see if I'd test positive (again) for Valley Fever.
The antibiotics the doc gave me (doxycycline) is the same antibiotics I had to take when I was in Afghanistan. That crap made me sick as a dog. While taking the antibiotic, I was unusually tired, loopy, and on occasion I puked so I stopped popping those pink pills. I just couldn't handle being sick and having to deal with @ssholes all day long. I hope I didn't catch some kind of bug like malaria or something.
I'm not good at taking pills so when my doc gave me 14 days worth of the same antibiotic, I took it anyway because I was desperate to get rid of my cough. I have a feeling I'm going to regret not taking those pink pills when I was in Afghanistan.
There was a discussion at Brunsli's blog about the lack of black faces in Sex and the City. For some reason, it's unfathomable that Carrie Bradshaw didn't have black friends.
I personally never watch a show because of the number of black faces in it. Black folk are only 12% of the population in the U.S. So if there is a show with four characters, it's unrealistic to think that one of those characters would be black.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Day 66
I'm going to admit, I have very little interest in shows featuring black characters as the lead characters.
I used to watch Girlfriends until Toni decided she wanted her 'girlfriends' more than she wanted her husband. I didn't understand that. Not only did she choose her 'girlfriends' but she decided she didn't want to be a mother, too.
Then when her husband wanted custody of the baby, Toni decided she wanted the baby. WTF? That whole story line really ticked me off so I stopped watching the show.
I watched an episode of Soul Food where Bird decides she wanted to abort her unborn child because it dawned on her that she married a thug. This is the other thing that got me, her thug husband had turned his life around and was successfully running a grocery store, which was owned by Bird's family! So, I stopped watching that show, too. I have the first season on DVD, I doubt I will buy the others (if they ever make it to DVD).
I pretty much only watch science fiction shows now. I'm a huge fan of Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. I absolutely love Heroes. I can't wait for that show to come back. I think Monica Dawson, the black female character on the show with the power to imitate after watching it, won't last very long on the show. I wonder if Monica will be able to regenerate if she watches Claire or fly if she watches Peter. I suspect her power is limited to only those abilities that can be learned rather than genetic. I still like the implicit meaning behind her character-you can do anything if you put your mind to it. All you need is for someone to show you how.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Day 65
Ahh. I will get to go to bed before 11 pm. It feels great. I didn't go to class tonight. I will save that for tomorrow.
I've been thinking a lot about my hair and how I can't wait until next year to do something about it.
I had lunch with a friend today and he helped me calm my fears and doubts about school.
Virugo. What do you think this means?
I watched America's Next Top Model. I'm gunning for Allison. I don't like her. I hope she goes home tonight.
Time for elimination:
She's in the bottom two. Who will go home? Oh, oh, she's about to cry. Will she break down? I want to smack her. I think she's going to cry. Tyra calls..Dominique. Yes! And Allison breaks down crying. She's going home but what a great attitude! Yes, those pictures will come in handy. Take a hike.
Girlicious. You know why this group will be forgotten? The girls can't sing. And the group's name doesn't have 'p^ssy' in it. They should call themselves 'P^ssilicious' and maybe they will have a loyal heterosexual male following.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Day 64
I'm going to keep this post short because I really need to get to bed and get some sleep. The fatigue is really starting to get to me.
I had the most horribly busy day at work. My day will get just as busy tomorrow but enough about work.
School is going. It's not great it just exists. I got into it with my instructor over his grading policies. I haven't logged into class yet to see his response.
I don't know if I'll be able to go without a break in school. I think I may need to take a couple of weeks off, the only thing is my family will want me to spend that time with them and I really don't want to any air traveling unless it's out of the country. Sitting in someone else's house for two weeks doesn't appeal to me.
I was totally grossed out by Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Why are they trying to start a romance between John and Cameron? Sure Cameron isn't really John's sister, but that's how they are passing her off as on the show. Gross isn't it? Not only that, but to fall in love with a robot? I know that must be every man's fantasy. She's pretty, she'll never age or get fat, and she'll do whatever you want her to do.
You know what sucks about all this? Men get fembots, women get vibrators. Men get the imitation of a whole woman, while women just get the diques.
At least they have some eye candy on the show. Brian Austin Green. Yumm-ee. He's come a long way from his Beverly Hills 90210 days.
Posted by Shavonne at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Monday, March 03, 2008
Day 63
There's a reason why I'm a big advocate for home schooling. If you haven't heard the news about what's going in California over education budget cuts- Google it. I don't have time to post links to this story. There should be dozens of them on the Internet.
I was reading a cover story about the school budget cuts in the Antelope Valley press and a Antelope Valley High School student's journal was quoted. This student's grammar and punctuation was HORRIFIC and here the Governator is going to cut the school budget!
Off with his head!!!!
No child left behind?! Hmmm...Yeah. I get it now. If a third grader is having difficulty reading and writing, just pass him on to the next grade. It won't matter if he can't keep up with his peers. You can just keep passing him to the next grade and the next until he's a senior in high school and can barely read or write just like that student quoted in the Antelope Valley Press.
And the Governator wants to cut the school budget by hundreds of millions of dollars.
I'm pissed, I'm tired. Have a great dang day.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Day 62
We had a power outage today because the wind was so strong. I was in the middle of conducting research.
It's a good thing I have an extra battery for my computer. I was able to write the introduction to the team assignment. (I feel like slapping one of my teammates because she didn't bother to check in until Friday night and she had no clue what she wanted to write about either, which really pissed me off but I decided I wouldn't give her an @ss chewing like I did three weeks ago.) Did I just ramble?
I had the most uneventful Sunday EVER (so far). I'm sure I will have more. I did get to read a chapter of a book I bought years ago. It's turning out to be quite interesting. Character-conflict-conclusion, the elements of a good premise. I will have to remember this when I start my writing samples.
I discovered Safari has tabs, too! It's a relief. Tabs are a necessity when surfing the net.
Well, that's all I have to write about.
Posted by Shavonne at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: 366-2008
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Day 61
I've been doing some more searching on Sisterlocks. I'm almost 85% certain I want them. I think the only thing that will convince me 100% is to meet with a consultant. I don't want to meet with a consultant until I have the time to potentially get the locks installed.
I came across another great Sisterlock blog (Tina Goes Au Naturel). It's really hard to find blogs to read because people don't update their blogs. I can imagine how one can forget about a blog. I've been blogging for over 4 years and before this year, I was a sporadic blogger.
I used my inhaler for the first time. I was having trouble breathing while playing pool. I think I inhaled that blue chalk that goes on the tip of the pool cue because my trouble breathing started just after rubbing chalk on my cue.
I need to pay my tuition on Monday. I keep putting it off but I will need to pay it before my next class starts.
I don't have much to write about today.
Posted by Shavonne at 10:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: 366-2008, Sisterlocks